Thursday, September 30, 2010

Byrd, Keller Williams team up - Triangle Business Journal:
Byrd is heading up Keller Williams’ Cary commerciao real estate office. He and Mike one of his colleagues atByrd Commercial, are the only employeeas in the new office, but Byrd says he is looking to hire “I am definitely in a recruit mode right he says. Byrd says he hopes to employy 12 to 15 brokeres at the office within the first yearor so. “I’vee already been overrun with commercial Byrd says.
“The residential market sucked us all into a black but there are still tons of opportunities if you know where to Byrd has been actively engaged with Kellef Williams for about a month and is currently in the processz of wrapping up the activity that he had whiled atByrd Commercial, which he founded in 1989. Byrd’s company employed five brokersin 2008. is one of the top five residential real estate agencies in the Triangle according to TriangleBusiness Journal, launchee its commercial division in 2008.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Drivers skirt rules on disabled parking - Washington Post

Drivers skirt rules on disabled parking

Washington Post

In commuter-clogged Washington, where 25 cents buys only eight minutes at a parking meter, handicapped placards are a prized commodity. ...

and more »

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cincinnati ranked
The report divided the 100 largest metrosinto 20-city segments, ranging from to “weakest.” San Antonio ranked at the top of the category, and Detroit placed last in the category. The Cincinnati metropolitan area rankefd 62 of 100metros overall, just behind Minneapolis, accordingy to the first-quarter MetroMonitor report, released That placed it at No. 2 in the cities category. MetroMonitor ranked cities accordinbg tofour indicators: the percentr change in employment from its peak to first-quartet 2009; the percentage changse in the unemployment rate from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009; the percengt change in gross metropolitan product from its peak to 1Q and the percent change in housingh prices from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009.
The grosas metropolitan product is the total value of good s and services produced within the metro Cincinnati ranked 50th of 100 for changesin employment, down 2.8 percenyt from its peak; 56th for year-over-year changre in unemployment, up 3.6 percent; 78th for GMP, down 4.4 and 37th for year-over-year housing priced change, up 0.1 percent. Two cities in the region fared better: Columbus was 40th, at the bottom of the category. Indianapolis was 42nd, ranking at No.2 in the category. Other area metros in the second-weakest category included Cleveland, 64th; Louisville, Akron, 74th; and Dayton, 79th. Youngstown (88th) and Toledo (91st) both fell into the category.
The MetroMonitor will be published quarterly, accordin to the Metropolitan Policy Program at To read thecomplete report, .

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Oakland-based ice cream maker is undertakingg an aggressive nationalfranchise expansion, growing its fleetr of 260 retail stores by 25 to 30 stores in each of the next threes to five years. It hopes to add up to three Bay Area storesa year, so this area will account for 10 perceng of its total store To sweeten the offer, Häagen-Dazs Shops, which is based in is offering seasoned restauranrt folk a $10,000 discount off of $30,000 franchise fee. Häagen-Dazs has 11 shopss in Northern California, including one opened in early June in Santa An East Bay franchisee will sign in the next few saidDan Ogiba, director of franchise development for Häagen-Daza Shops.
The economy in some ways is fuelingv this BayArea expansion. “The economica are becoming more affordable to where a quicok service restaurant may make sense inthoses spaces,” Ogiba said. “The spaces being offerex to us by landlords may not have been available to us Halfof Häagen-Dazs’ 260 shops are in enclosedf malls, and those remain The average store size is 800 squarwe feet. Häagen-Dazs is all-natural, which fits in with currentr food trends and is another reason that the Bay Area seems ripe for new The Shops division contributes about 2 percentto Dreyer’ s $2.
2 billion annual sales, said Rhondq Ramlo, executive vice president of marketing for Dreyer’s “looks at us as a gateway to the branrd for people,” said Dawn president of Häagen-Dazs Shops. “Whenm the consumer has a good experience inthe shop, the chancee of them buying Häagen-Dazs in a grocery store is much Indeed, 50 percent of consumers first taste Häagen-Dazs in a retai shop, Ramlo said, and they are also a testing ground for new flavors and On the grocery side, Häagen-Dazs will expand its single-servde cup offerings and its line of ice creams made with only five Dreyer’s other brands are innovating and too.
This month, the companuy is introducing Delicias, a line of frozen snacks and ice-creams targeting the Hispanic market. It has a nationapl advertising campaign on Univision and is sponsorinf major soccer teams to promote thenew product. It is also introducin g its slow-churned, lower-fat Dreyer’a and Edy’s ice creams in single serve there will be five flavors availableby July.

Friday, September 24, 2010

National Grid plans $1B investment Upstate - Kansas City Business Journal:
National Grid said Wednesday it has signeda five-yeatr contract with to help provide part of its U.S. electricity transmission investment program. NorthEast Powerf Alliance, a joint venture betweehn AMEC, R.G. Vanderweil Engineers and Michelsx Corp., will work on transmission projects throughoutNational Grid’sx Upstate service territory. The contract is part of National Grid’s network investment program. The company has hundreds of thousands of electricx customersacross Upstate.
“The size of our investment in New York meantf we had to look at new ways to ensurde we implement our investment program safelyand efficiently,” said Masheed Saidi, National Grid’s executive vice president and chief operating officer, U.S. ”This contract will enable the backbone of our electricitty transmission network to deliver reliable service to our customeres for yearsto come.” The contract is one of two that will delivef a total of around $1.7 billion towarfd National Grid’s U.S. transmissionj investment program over the nextfive years.
The companyy owns more than 8,600 miles of electricitu transmission lines andapproximately 1,000 substations across Upstate New York and New A separate contract has been inked with another jointr venture — the New Energy Alliance — to work on Nationalo Grid’s network primarily in the New England region.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Swedish Lindab to reorganise ventilation production - Trading Markets (press release)

Swedish Lindab to reorganise ventilation production

Trading Markets (press release)

22 September 2010 - Swedish group Lindab AB (STO: LIAB) said today its ventilation unit will close a small plant in Texas, USA and will continue to ...

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Labor Department official analyzes June unemployment numbers - Denver Business Journal:
percent in June from 9.4 percent in May, the 's said last Here is testimony on the latest unemploymenft data by BLS Commissioner Keith Hall as preparedf for delivery last week to the Joinr Economic Committeeof Congress. Nonfarm payroll employmen continued to fall inJune (-467,000), and the unemploymentt rate was little changed at 9.5 percent. Since the recessionh began in December payroll employment has droppedby 6.5 and the unemployment rate has increased by 4.6 percentage Payroll employment declines continued to be widespread among the major industries. In June, there were largs decreases in manufacturing, construction, and professionap and business services.
Together, these threde sectors have accounted fornearly three-quarters of the jobs lost sincse the recession began. Manufacturing employment fell by 136,0000 in June, bringing job loss in this industryto 1.9 millionn since the start of the recession. Motor vehicle and parts employment declinedby 27,000 over the month; sinced the start of the recession, the industrg has lost 335,000 jobs, about one-third of its Construction employment decreased by 79,009 in June. Job losses in the industr havetotaled 1.3 million during this recession. Employment in professional and businesz services droppedby 118,000 in June.
Job losses occurred throughout the including temporary helpservices (-38,000), services to buildingss and dwellings (-17,000), and architectural and engineering services (-14,000). Since the start of the professional and business services haslost 1.5 milliomn jobs; temporary help services accountedc for over half of this decline. Federall government employment fellby 49,000 in largely reflecting the layoff of workers temporarily hired to prepare for Census 2010. Elsewhere in the service-providing sector, job losses continued in financialactivitiese (-27,000), information (-21,000), and wholesale tradre (-16,000).
Retail trade employment edgee down over themonth (-21,000); lossews continued among auto dealerships The health care industry added 21,00p jobs over the month, in line with its averag e monthly gain for the first 5 monthzs of this year, but beloe the average gain of 30,000 jobs per montnh in 2008. Average hourly earnings for production and nonsupervisorhy workers in the private sectodr were unchanged in June at Over the past12 months, average hourly earnings have risen by 2.7 From May 2008 to May 2009, the Consumetr Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers declined by 1.5 percent. Turning to measures from the househols survey, the unemployment rate was littlee changedat 9.
5 percent in June. The rate had increased by 0.4 or 0.5 percentager points in each of the prior 6 Since the onset of the recession inDecemberf 2007, the unemployment rate has risen by 4.6 percentags points. There were 14.7 million unemployed persons in little changed from theprior month. Sincse December 2007, unemployment has risemn by 7.2 million. The number of person s unemployed for 27 weeks or longer continued to increasein June. The 4.4 million long-term jobless individuals accounted for 3 in 10 unemployed The employment-population ratio edged down to 59.5 percent in June. The ratilo has fallen by 3.2 percentage points since the recessiom began. Among the employed, there were 9.
0 milliobn persons working part time in June who woulxd havepreferred full-time work. Afterr rising sharply last falland winter, this measure has been littl changed since March. In summary, nonfarm payroll employment continued to fall in June with job lossestotaling 6.5 million since the recession The unemployment rate, at 9.5 percent, was little changed over the

Monday, September 20, 2010

And here's to you, Miss Blankenship... - Entertainment Weekly

And here's to you, Miss Blankenship...

Entertainment Weekly

“It's a business of sadists and masochists, and you know which one you are.” â€" Miss Blankenship to Peggy. In a world gone mad â€" the turmoil of ...

and more »

Saturday, September 18, 2010

ASSE To Address Safety Dangers In Healthcare Industry - Safety Online (press release)

ASSE To Address Safety Dangers In Healthcare Industry

Safety Online (press release)

Des Plaines, IL - As reports of health care workers being attacked by patients continue to grow, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) will be ...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Economist: U.S. may see double-dip recession by late 2010 - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

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Those odds may seem low, but they’re actually high sinces double-dip recessions are rare and the U.S. economy grows 95 percent of the time, said the chamber’s Marty Regalia. He predictef that the current economic downturn will end around Septembert but that the unemployment rate will remain high througjh the first half of next Investment won’t snap back as quickly as it usually does aftef a recession, Regalia said. Inflation, however, loomsw as a potential problem becaus e of thefederal government’s huge budgetg deficits and the massive amount of dollars pumpedx into the economy by the , he said.
If this stimuluw is not unwound once the economty beginsto recover, higher interes t rates could choke off improvement in the housinhg market and business investment, he said. “The economhy has got to be runnint on its own by the middle of next Regalia said. Almost every major inflationary perioxin U.S. history was preceded by heavy debt levels, he noted. The chances of a double-dip recession will be lower if Ben Bernanke is reappointeds chairman of theFederall Reserve, Regalia said. If President Obama appoints hiseconomiv adviser, Larry Summers, to chair the Fed, that would signal the monetary spigort would remain open for a longere time, he said.
A coalesciny of the Fed and the Obama administrationbis “not something the markets want to Regalia said. Obama has declined to say whetherd he willreappoint Bernanke, whoser term ends in February. Meanwhile, more than half of small busineses owners expect the recession to last at leastf anothertwo years, accordint to a survey of Intuitf Payroll customers. But 61 percent expec t their own business to grow in the next12 “Small business owners are bullish on their own abilitiez but bearish on the factors they can’t said Cameron Schmidt, director of marketing for . “Eveh in the gloomiest economy, there are opportunitiesa to seize.
” A separate survey of smalkl business owners by found that 57 percent thoughty the economy was getting while 26 percent thought the economhywas improving. More than half planneds to decrease spending on business development in the next six onthe U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Web site.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Selective inhibition of BMK1 suppresses tumor growth - EurekAlert (press release)

Selective inhibition of BMK1 suppresses tumor growth

EurekAlert (press release)

Dr. Lee and colleagues discovered that promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML), which is a known tumor suppressor, is inhibited by BMK1. ...

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Celebrate National Grandparents Day 2010: Grandparents Quotes, Poems, eCard ... -

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Celebrate National Grandparents Day 2010: Grandparents Quotes, Poems, eCard ... This site has been in operation for twelve years and list the most popular quotes and saying by category. There are plenty of Grandparents ...

Grandparents Day 2010: Celebrate with Quotes Messages Sayings and Greetings

Keen Observers

Grandparents Day 2010: Quotes to show you care

Only Kent (blog)

Grandparents Day 2010, Quotes and History

TPI News (blog)

World Correspondents (blog) -One News Page -Fiint


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bauer Financial issues Q1 credit union ratings - Boston Business Journal:
The company uses federao regulatory data to rate creditt unions based oncapitao ratio, profit/loss trend, delinquent loans and othet factors. Bauer's rating ranks from a high of 5 stars to a low of 0 Of the 10 largest Soutjh Florida credit unionsby assets, six maintainedx a five-star (superior) rating: IBM Southeast Employeezs Credit Union and Brightstar Credit Uniojn held on to their four stars in the first quarter. They had been downgraded from five stars in the third Priority One Credit Unio in Sunrise fell from to threde stars from four starse in the first quarterwith 69.9 million in assets, 1.6 perceng of which were nonperforming.
, Souty Florida’s second-largest credit union with $738 millioj in assets, held on to its three stars in the first It was downgraded to three stars from four stars in the fourth ThePembroke Pines-based credit union counted 1.74 percent of its assets as nonperforming. First Choice in West Palm Beacbh also hadthree stars. , the largesy in South Florida with $1.61 billion in assets, remained the only credit union in the state rated zero stars by The Miramar-based credit union counted 8.6 percentr of its assets as nonperforming. It was placed into conservatorship by Florid regulators on April 24 aftefr heavy losses and the oustedits management.
Spacs Coast Credit Union has shown an in acquiring Eastern Financial.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Anheuser-Busch to launch Bud Light Golden Wheat - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The addition to the Bud Light family follows the on The marketing budget for Bud Light Golden Wheat will be abouf similar to the marketing budget for Bud Light according toKeith Levy, vice president of The ads will be online, outdoors, in printr and on TV, he said. Levy said he the brewefr hopes to attract not onlyestablishes A-B product drinkers but also "trendsetters" who want to try somethingf new. A-B wants to tap into the surg e in popularity of sweeter beer and wheat beers fromcraft brewers. But "we're not tryinhg to outcraft craft," Levy "We're trying to capitalize on an emergingf style.
" The beer will use unfiltered wheat so it will look cloudie than its Bud Light counterpart and will have oranges and coriander as ingredients to give it a sweeter taste, according to Levy. St. Louis-based Anheuser-Busch is owned by Belgium-based , the world’a largest brewer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bank of Sacramento founder takes chairmanships - Sacramento Business Journal:
The board also elected Frank Vellutinji as vice chairman and lead outside director to both The outside director is the liaison betweenthe bank’as executive management and the rest of the non-management directors. Vellutinio is president of , a commercialk electrical contractor. He has been on the boarrd sincethe bank’s formation. Martin takesd over the board chairmanship from founding chairmanKip Skidmore, a prominent Sacramenti developer who was a founding director of the bank in 1998. Skidmorde is president of engineeringv and contractingfirm , a position he’s held for threwe decades.
Over the past couple years, Skidmore has been wranglingt with other bank lenders over guarantees he made on loan for condominium construction projects that went upside down with thehousingg downturn. Those deals did not involve Bankof Sacramento.

Monday, September 6, 2010

QinetiQ signs lease in Reston - The Business Review (Albany):
As the incoming lead tenant inthe 196,000 square-footg Class A office building at 11091 Sunset Hills Road in Reston, its 11-year lease startsx later this year. McLean-based QinetiQ North America, a subsidiary of London-based QinetiQQ that offers technology-based defense and securityt products and services tothe government, said its 42-percenf revenue growth over its last fiscapl year has partly been due to its role in the intelligence and cyber security market s and new work with the Department of Homeland Securith and NASA. It will be the fifthy U.S. office for the company, which is also in Huntsville, Ala. and Waltham, Mass.
The tenanr was represented by Robb Johnson andDee MacDonald-Milledr of Jones Lang LaSalle. Vardell Realth Investments LLC was represented byMike Shuler, Rob Walters and Nate Krilll of Millennium Realty Advisors LLC. Initially, 400 program management-typde employees be relocating from various offices in Fairfaz County into theReston building. Down the road in 2011 or the number of employees at the site will doubleto 800. Out of the 400 movingy in, 75 will be part of QinetiQ’s technologt solutions group and the other 325 will be part of its missio nsolutions group.
“Like any company trying to attracy andretain high-quality people, we were lookingb for more than just a This building has environmentally-friendly features the new generation of employees is looking for,” said Matthew Warnock, director of publiv relations at QinetiQ. He said the buildinbg will also help cut down onoverhead “by a greaft deal,” with expected savings of 65 to 70 percent on powedr consumption through the use of virtualization softwarre and green technology to reduce heating and utilitgy costs.
He adds that the buildin g sits right off a bike traikl and was built onan east-to-west access, whicj means employees can take advantage of a full day of sunlighy and cut down on electricity.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

New center for Parramore teens - Orlando Business Journal:;start=10
The facility, which featuresz a photography lab, lap tops and video is aimed at addressing the need for oldedr youth in the area to have a safe space during the hours they are outof school. playerf Dwight Howard donated $25,000 to the projectt as part of winningthe $50,00 0 2007-2008 DeVos Community Enrichment Award. A team of 15 Parramorde Kidz Zone teens collaborated onthe design, features and ruless of conduct for the Teen Shack, a spacer that once served as the Orlandoi Magic’s training locker room. The resulting spacw will allow the youth todevelop photographs, use laptops, play videogamess or watch movies.
Other Parramore Kidz Zone community partnefr programs in the Orlando Downtown Recreation Complex includ ethe city’s open gym, the ’z midnight basketball, Page 15’s Homework Roomz after-school tutorinv and Workforce Central Florida’s youth employment services Modeled after the Harlem Children’s Parramore Kidz Zone was launched by Orland o Mayor Buddy Dyer in 2006 to offer Parramorse children to pre-kindergarten education, parenting education, healt care, mentoring, tutoring and other activities.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Memphis ranks low on fittest cities list - Memphis Business Journal:
The American Fitness Index is a snapshot look at the statr of health and fitnessin America’sz 50 most populous metros. The study was releasec during the annual ACSM convention in Seattlelast week. The rankinv is a composite of preventivehealtu behaviors, levels of chronix disease conditions, health care access, community resources and publif policies that support physical activity. Memphis scored an aggregatecd 38.5 in these categories. D.C., the top-ranking city, scores a 74.4.
Others in the top five were Paul, Denver, Boston and San Memphis ranked 41st on personal health indicatorsa related tohealth behaviors, chronic health problems and health The city ranked 34th on community/environmental indicators related to the environment, recreational facilities, park-related physical education requirements and primary health care Nashville ranked 26 overall. No citiesw in Arkansas or Mississippi madethe list.