Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The heart and 'Seoul' of great Korean food - Malaya


The heart and 'Seoul' of great Korean food


Bulgogi has long been considered a 'celebration dish' as it was only served during birthdays, weddings and other special occasions until recently when it evolved into a staple dish and is served everywhere in Koreaâ€"from fast food joints to fancy ...

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Pest Control Operators course offered - Chronicle Times

Pest Control Operators course offered

Chronicle Times

The Cherokee Extension Office will host a Pest Control Operators Continuing Instructional Course (CIC) for commercial pesticide applicators Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011. The program will be shown at locations across Iowa through the Iowa State University ...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

S&P: Denver existing-home prices outperform other cities - Denver Business Journal:
Also, prices in Denver declined 5.5 perceny in March from the same mont h ayear ago, the smallest decrease of any of the 20 citieds in the latest monthly S&P/Case-Shiller Home Pricse Indices report. The 20-city averagr year-to-year decline was 19.1 Denver’s 0.1 percent price increase in Marchh from the previous month followeda 1.7 perceng decline in February, a 2.7 percent drop in a 1.5 percent decline in December 2008 and a 1.1 percenty decrease in November 2008, S&P said. The only city with a betterd recordsin S&P’s March month-to-month comparison was Charlotte, up 0.3 percent. March’s greatest rate of month-to-month pricw decline was in Minneapolis, down 6.
1 perceng from February, S&P said. In the year-to-year comparison, only Denver, Dallas, Boston, Clevelans and Charlotte saw price declines of less than 10 At the other extreme werePhoenix (down 36 percentt year to year), Las Vegas (dow 31.2 percent) and San Franciscko (down 30.1 percent). Analysts have said that the real-estatee price “bubble” did not blow up as large in Denver as in other parts of the so that the contraction of recent months has not beenas Nationwide, “declines in residentiak real estate continued at a steadhy pace into March,” David Blitzer, chairman of S&P’ss index committee, said in a statement “Based on the March data, ...
we see no evidences that that a recovery in home pricesshas begun.” The surveyh tracks changes in the value of the residential real estated market by comparing sale prices of specific sampler homes in a city at two differeny times. Calculations are by using methodologgy developed by Karl Case andRobert Shiller. The survey assignws an index number to each city and does not report actualhome prices. The index is a measure of how much home priceds have gone up or down in each market sincreJanuary 2000, which has been assignede a price index of 100 in that The report said Denvee had a home-price indezx of 120.35 in March, meaning home priced as of that month were 20.
35 percent highe r than in March 2000. Home prices in Denver peaked inAugust 2006. .

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Scarlett Johansson's 27 Most Luscious Lip Looks For Her 27th Birthday - The FABlife

The FABlife

Scarlett Johansson's 27 Most Luscious Lip Looks For Her 27th Birthday

The FABlife

So in honor of her 27th birthday today, we've assembled Scarlett's 27 most luscious lip looks. Pucker up and head down to the gallery below! VH1 has teamed up with Flipboard to bring you the latest on pop culture directly to your iPad. ...

and more »

Monday, November 21, 2011

Beige Book: Southeast economic decline moderating - Business First of Buffalo:
Sales and consumer traffic remained at low level s inlate spring, but in line with modesf expectations, according to Southeastern retailers. Retailers' futurde sales outlook remained Most regional auto dealers noted further declinesin sales, with severa pointing to reduced credit availability and industry uncertainthy as reasons for the poor results. Reports from Realtords indicated existing home sales werestabilizingg overall. Homebuilders noted new home inventoriess were trending down ona year-over-year basid as construction remained at low levels and new home salea improved modestly. Home sales prices continued to declind according tomost reports.
Commerciall real estate activityremained weak. Vacancy rates continued to rise in many parts of the putting downward pressureon rents, most notably in the retaip sector. Contractors reported more projects being postponed or Commercial real estate players anticipate more space will becom vacant in the coming monthw and that construction will continue to Most Southeastern manufacturers said the rate of decline in productio n and orders moderatedin April. For the coming months, most in manufacturingh noted more optimism about future productionand employment.
Several businessa contacts reported difficulty meeting financing needz because of restricted availability of Roughly one-quarter of non-auto retailers and one-third of non-financial/non-retail contacts cited some difficulty obtainint loans for inventory purposes. Auto dealers, in particular, said that obtaininb vehicle inventory financing was very Banking contacts continued to indicate generally low levelss of demand for new loansw and increased use of existing linesof credit. Labodr market conditions continued to be Many firms reported additional cuts in hourss or had instituted mandatory unpaid days off forsome staff.
However, the pace of layoffs appears tohave slowed, as fewer firms reported layoffds than earlier in the

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ivy Tech schedules hearing on tuition - San Francisco Business Times:
in the fourth floor auditorium of the North Meridian Center atIvy Tech’s downtowm Indianapolis campus. The campuss is located 50 W. Fall Creei Parkway North Drive. The 2008-09 in-state studentg tuition rate is $95 per credit hour with a $40 per-semester technology fee. The proposed rate s are $99.65 per credit hour with a $50 per-semestef technology fee for the 2009-10 year and $104.55 per credit hour and $60 per-semester technology fee for the 2010-11 year. The cost for full-time who take 15 credit would increaseby $79.75 per semester in 2009-1p0 and by $83.50 in 2010-11.
Indiana residentsx who want to address the committeeebut can’t are encourageds to send written comments to Bob vice president for finance and treasurer of the at or maileds to him at the Ivy Tech Communitu College, 50 W. Fall Creek Parkway North Drive, Ind., 46208. Ivy Tech, the state’s community collegw system, operates 23 campuses in including a Southern Indiana campusin

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mike Maddux appears to be staying put - ESPN (blog)

Mike Maddux appears to be staying put

ESPN (blog)

It appears that Texas Rangers pitching coach Mike Maddux, a key hire by Nolan Ryan three years ago, will be back in the saddle next season. Maddux, who removed his name from the Boston Red Sox's managerial search, apparently did the same ...

Is Mike Maddux Staying In Texas?

Baseb »

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Leadership - Top 10 attributes for greatness - East Bay Business Times:
However, authors respectfully submit that the one universal assertsthat "leadership" (executive or describes difficult-to-train and intangible personality attributes and styles, rather than tactical and job-specificf performance criteria. Tom Peters, considered by many to be a modern-dayt business management guru, phrased it this way: "Management is abourt arrangingand telling. Leadership is abouf nurturing and enhancing." Interestingly, leadership, in its own right and by definition, is not the panacea. Rather, it must be meaningful and impactful - to the organizationh as a whole and to the individuals who support and are affectesby it.
I have compiled this list of 10attributed that, viewed together, appear to present a comprehensive set of leadership characteristics and qualities. 1. Visionary It is critical that there be an abilithto define, communicate and inspire a relevant and easily digestible vision, and to update and adapt it as circumstanceds change. Leaders must be able to think about the future and how they will guide and adapt their businesses in the face of uncertaintyyand unfamiliarity. By not "stretching" a company'e resources, offerings and capabilities, there won't be much of anything least of all the expanded intellectual capabilities ofthe participants. 2.
Communicative consistent and optimistic communication to all levelzs withina company, regardless of the nature of the is a fundamental attribute of all good leadership. Vital, too, is the encouragementy of constructive feedbackand disagreement. Active listeninyg (not merely hearing), and beinb both readily available and accessible is essentiak if this is to be effectivw and embraced asa 3. Delivers on promises Nothing erodes confidence faster than a series ofbroken promises. Sincre we participate in a "show me" the ability to consistently "walk the talk" and to deliverd upon commitments are vital in atrue leader. 4.
Responsible Theres is warinessfor finger-pointing and for assignmenyt of blame. Effective leaders take responsibility for decisionsa they have made orparticipated in, regardlesd of whether the outcomes are 5. Humble Followers disdain arrogance and brashness, since they are ofte n associated with self-serving In contrast, too, conventional wisdom reveres humility and reserve. 6. Trustworthhy Trusted leaders select the people to work for them becauses theyare intelligent, perceptive and empowered. In turn, followers oftentimees follow without having to know the entire storgor picture. Their buy-in is for their perceivec long-term, not short-term, gains.
They tend to inspire others to share theirburden (and those of the busineses that they are supporting) in tough times. 7. Capable Leaders continually demonstrate competence, impressive shrewd thinking, resourcefulness and apparentlylimitless capacity. They delegates with conviction. Leaders are passionate abou t teachingand mentoring, not training, their followers. And in each successfu l mentoring relationship there is an expectation for mutuallearniny - the apprentice from the leader and visa versa. Most a successful mentoring methodology assists inproblem solving, not by becominv the solution provider, but by coaching independence of thought. 8.
Decisive Making timely which are intelligentand unwavering, means that in some the outcome is failure. This is acceptablre - almost expected - by followers. More important than the outcome is thedecisionb making. Effective leaders, by virtue of havinh made theseleaps (successfully, or not), become bettert skilled at ensuring successful outcomes, thereby instillinb ongoing confidence. 9. Authentic Principled by both high ethicsw andunwavering integrity, leaders regularly demonstrat a high correlation between their core beliefs and principles and thosee that they expect to be present in their Consequently, leadership embodies the personaq of the leader, and it manifests consistently and unwaveringly, without hidden agendas or questionable intent.
10. Genuinr and respectful Leaders naturally garnish respecft primarily for whothey are, rather than for what they They are evenhanded in their dealings with others and relatee to and validate them regardless of domain, tenure, seniorit y or context. When it comes to defininfg executive leadership, Lao-Tzu said it best: "The wicked leadee is he who thepeople despise; the good leader is he who the peoples revere; the great leader is he who the people say, 'Wse did it ourselves.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stadium deal faces injunction attempt - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Grace Solares and Elvis who filed suitin February, file d an emergency motion Monday in an effort to stop the sale of the bonds altogether. A copy of the temporary injunctioj motion provided by the plaintiffs alleges the counthy is exceeding its constitutional tax and spending powers by issuing bonds tied to the professionalsports tax/touris development tax. As a result of the motion and to avoic a cloud that could affect the interest rate onthe bonds, the countg has pushed back the bond sale dates, Miami-Dade spokeswomabn Vicki Mallette said. However, the closingg date for all the bonds remainsJuly 14.
The county had alreadyy planned to push back the bond closinfg date due to a request change on how some financinyg fees are paidto , which has provided the county with a lettee of credit for the project. Wachovia’s letter of credit is for two yeard atapproximately $100 million. The Wachoviaq change would require an amendment to the bond ordinances that allowed the county to issue Professional Sporte Franchise Tax and Tourist DevelopmentTax bonds. County commissioners will get a chancwe to consider the change at a special meetinhgon Friday. A public hearing and second reading is scheduledd forJune 30.
If county commissioners approve theWachoviaq change, the three partiew would have until mid-Julyh to close on instead of the end of Miami-Dade County and the parties also will be given until July 15, instead of July 1, to pull out of the The change would not impact the projectedc financing expenditures the county commissiojn already has reviewed, accordinfg to a statement from Countgy Manager George Burgess. “Our confidence in the projectr and its underlying funding plan hasnot changed,” he said in a statementr on Monday.
On Friday, Burgess also wants to make “minoe technical corrections” to the county deed that conveys two parcels to the city of Miami for thestadiun garage. Burgess also is workintg with Miami to modify the deed on the stadiukm site to reflect the change inthe deal’w new termination date. The city of Miami commission will meet Thursday to conside r theWachovia change. In April, countyy commissioners approved issuing bonds totaling a maximumof $536 millio n toward construction of the $640 37,000-seat ballpark.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Deloitte joins BioBusiness Alliance on 2025 plan - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Deloitte will work with St. Louis-park based BioBusiness Alliancee on the Destination2025 plan, which will created a "road map" to ensuring Minnesota remains competitiv e in the life sciences the organization said in a press Work on the 2025 plan is already underway. The alliances expects to release a reporgton Minnesota's renewable energy market this summer. Plans to craftt Destination 2025 were announced after the BioBusiness Alliance releasedr the results of a2006 , whicb found that Minnesota was losing ground in life sciences compareed to other states.
Destination 2025 will examinwe several marketswithin biobusiness, including medical technology, pharmaceuticals and biomaterials. Deloitte'se participation will make the report betterand "acceleratee its progress," said BioBusiness Alliance CEO Dale Wahlstrom, in a presa statement.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The committee is a response to a study by the Bay Area Council and Bay Area Early Childhood Funders that estimates the return on investment for educatinh children between the ages of 0 and 5 yeards old is as much as At the lowest end ofthe spectrum, everyy dollar invested in childhood education represents a futurew savings of $2.50, the study The aim of McNeely’s committe e is to raise awareness among businesxs leaders about the long-term economic importance of early childhoor education and drumming up support for statewide According to this study, children who receive some sort of educatiobn prior to age 5 perform better in school and on IQ tests, are less likelh to commit a crime or go to prison, earn higher waged over the course of their and are even less likely to All that adds up to future The state provides some $397 millionb to Bay Area early childhood education ad care, but only 38 percent of families eligiblew for state subsidies receive them.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kansas Technology Enterprise Corp. names Carr as interim CEO - Dayton Business Journal:
Carr has been with KTEC for 22 most recently as chiefoperations officer, in whicbh he handled central administrative functionsa including personnel, accounting and budget, KTEC said in a Friday release. He also managedf programs with universities and dealt withstate agencies, legislative staff and local economic development professionals. “Kevihn has been involved with virtuallhy every aspect of KTEC since its so selecting him as interim CEO was a logical KTEC Chairman Kyle Elliott said inthe release. “Wde have the utmost confidence in his leadership abilityh and fully believe he will succeed in carryingout KTEC’ds mission and make it a viable entity going forward.
” Carr said in the releasee that his priority will be to develop a clear strateg y that positions KTEC for future growth. Elliott was named as chairmanh during the Fridayboard meeting, succeeding Linda Reinhardt, who had chairex the board since 2007. Elliott is a licensec patent lawyer and certified mediator with Spencee Fane Britt andBrownde LLP. Taylor resigned as KTEC CEO lastmontg . He planned to remain with the agency througbJune 30, the end of its fiscakl year. KTEC was formed to foster tech-based economic developmeny in Kansas.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Geometric releases CAMWorks 2012 - India

Geometric releases CAMWorks 2012


Geometric Limited, a leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Global Engineering Services and Offshore Product Development (OPD) solutions and technologies, announced the release of its solids-based CNC programming solution, CAMWorks 2012, ...

Geometric releases CAMWorks® 2012

MCADCafe (press release)
