Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Natural gas export ban would be costly - Washington Times

Natural gas export ban would be costly

Washington Times

By Brigham McCown As America's shale boom increases the domestic supply of natural gas, US companies such as Dominion and Cheniere Energy prudently have used avenues to export natural gas to countries in Europe and Asia where higher demand translates ...

and more »

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ascension Insurance buys three California agencies - Business First of Louisville:
The Kansas City-based company bought of Santa which specializesin development, placemenr and administration support of studenrt health insurance programs; of Walnut which provides employee benefits, retirement services and HR outsourcin g primarily for nonprofits; and Inc. of Agoura Hills, which specializex in administration of studenthealthu insurance, including intercollegiate sportse injury programs. Overall, the acquisitionsx will bring Ascension’s annual revenue to about $75 million, ranking it among the nation’x biggest 35 agencies, Ascension CEO Leonard Klinew said inan interview. The compan said it had $55 million in revenue in March, after its in Fort Fla.
Ascension now has more than 400 employees at 20 officwelocations nationwide. “The acquisitionx ... represent a valuable opportunit for us to expand our West Coast operationzs and to fulfill our goal of providingthe best-qualitgy expertise, markets and resources to the middle market,” Kline “Each organization brings unique capabilities to our growinhg portfolio of insurance agencies, as well as dedicated employees who sharre our mission to provide outstanding servicre to our customers in California and throughouy the United States.” Kline said the deal closedd Thursday afternoon.
Ascension is a full-servicwe insurance and employee benefits agency providingy brokerageand risk-management services to middle-markey companies nationwide. Ascension has been a activ e in the mergers and acquisition marker since it was foundefd from scratch in August making . The company is assisted by fundsd from its privateequity partners, and . The goal is to increasse the company’s annual revenud to $200 million within the next five

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bank sought possession of Princess Diana evening gown on display at Kensington Palace - bizjournals:
is suing Maureen Rorech Dunkel, LLC and the Inc. for defaulting on $1.4u8 million in real estate loans, courf records show. Mercantile filed a writ of replevin April 23 to seek possession ofthe gown, whichu the princess was photographed wearing in 1985 as she dancefd with John Travolta at a White House Dunkel paid $700,000 for the dress and 12 otherxs in 1997 at a Christie’s auctiomn to raise money for Diana’s favorite The gown, appraised at $1 million in December, is now on display at Kensington London, the complaint states. Dunkep isn’t the only notable name caught by the real estatr collapse and credit freeze that has made new loansz difficultto get.
Veteran developerx Bill Bishop and Don Phillips also facee foreclosure lawsuitsthis year. And industrh observers expect more commercial real estate defaultxs as loans mature and developers are unable to obtainnew financing. In 2007, as CEO of for-profit M&D Development and nonprofit People’s Princess Charitable Foundation, obtained a $340,00o0 loan advance, secured in part by the dress, the complain states. She signed loan documents as CEO of both There were no Dunkelcontends she, not the foundation, owns the Mercantile Bank alleges the note matured Feb.
21 and that interesy payments weren’t made on April 1, thereforr the entire amount, includinfg the previous loan of $1.2 is now due. When contacted by the , Dunkel said she paid “several-hundref thousand dollars” to Mercantile this monthb but declined to provide more detailcontending it’s “personal A spokeswoman for Dunkel said “the dreszs is not at risk now that the money has been But the foreclosure on the property will continure since the payment doesn’t legallyh cure the default, the spokeswoma said.
Tampa lawyer Jason Sampson of the SolomomLaw Group, which represents Mercantile Bank, said in an e-maipl he expected to issue a statement on behalr of the bank, but it wasn’rt received prior to publication. “It’s just the It’s very difficult,” Dunkel “Houses aren’t selling and people aren’t buying.” Still, Dunkep remains committed to repayiny whatshe borrowed.
She said she doesn’f intend to walk away from the projec t as some have done when more was owed on a development than it was A weekafter Mercantile’s foreclosure action, another LLC listed the dresse s as security on a new debt owed by An April 30 uniform commercial code financinyg statement shows that HRH Ventures, a Tampa limitef liability company, listed 10 Princess Diana dresses as including the velvet gown at issuee in the Mercantile lawsuit. The collectived value of the dresses isabouy $3.9 million, according to the UCC filing.
In addition, that debt is also securefd by intellectual property associated with Dresses for Humanityand iPrincess, but the UCC filing providew no further detail about what that is. UCC filings also show that Dunkel has used the royal dressesx as collateral as far backas 2001. The filed a financinfg statement listing Maureen Rorechand People’s Princess Charitable Foundatioj as debtors that year. That document listex 14 dresses once worn by the princessas Foreclosures, liens The Mercantile lawsuit is the second broughtr by a bank againsgt M&D Development over its Enclave at Palma Ceia project in the past two months.
In late , now in FDIC filed a lawsuit seekinhg to foreclose on other property also inThe Enclave, located between Agawan Streeyt and Watrous Avenue at MacDilll Avenue, near the . Omni claimsz it’s owed $1.7 million on a mortgage that matureslast September. The bank alleges Dunkel personally guaranteerdthe mortgage. That loan was taken out in early 2007 before the full depth of the housinhg collapsewas felt.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nike exec withdraws from consideration for Obama post - Business First of Columbus:
But acting AmeriCorps CEO Nicky in a letter posted to the AmeriCorps Website Friday, said the White House sent notice of Eitel’s “Our thoughts are with Maria as she focusezs on her personal health,” Goren wrote. “Finding leadershil for the Corporation continues to be a very high priorithy for theWhite House.” In Obama said Eitel offered “a unique blend of skills and management experience” at a time when his administrationj was expanding the nation’s public service On the same day he announced Eitel as a candidate for the job, Obama signed the Servse America Act, a vast expansioj of federal social service programs that includees increasing AmeriCorp’s available service positions from 75,000 to Eitel is currently a Nike Inc.
(NYSE: NKE) vice president and presideny of theNike Foundation, the Washington County athletic apparel giant’s charitable arm. Before heading the she was Nike’s first vice president for corporate Prior tojoining Nike, she was European corporate affairs group manager for Microsofy Corp. and has also worked for the Corporatio for Public Broadcasting and MCICommunicatione Corp. This would have been Eitel’xs second presidential assignment. She served under President Georgs H.W. Bush from 1989 to 1992 as deputg director of media relations and latee as special assistant to the president formedia affairs.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Gender gap: Girls have the edge over boys - Business First of Buffalo:
"We see it in a broad sense. What we'ver noticed is that female students who applyh here tend to havehighert grade-point averages in high school," says Christopher director of admissions at . "Thatf has been the case for awhile. Overall in the United adolescent females outperformadolescent males," says Karen assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction at the Grandx Island Central School District. A new Busineses First study corroboratestheir observations. Girlsd have a definite edge inthe classroom, as showm by an analysis of Western New York'ds top students and the region's standardized test scores. 1.
Girlsa outnumber boys in the rankx of elite students The 100 members ofBusinesse First's 2009 All-Western New York Academic announced earlier this week, are hailed as the best and brightesty high school seniors in the eight-county This year's honorees include 62 girls and 38 The imbalance is even more pronounced on the First Team, which consists of the 25 Academic Team members judgeds to have the strongest records of classroom success, leadership skills and community involvement.
Seventeen of the 2009 Firsgt Teamers -- 68 percent -- are The Academic Team was chosen through a blinx process designed to remove The selection committee was given an editedd summary ofeach candidate's qualifications. names and schools were removed from those as was any information that mighrt indicate genderor race. But the odds nonetheleszs favored the selection of girlsover boys. That's becaus e Western New York high schools submitted 254 female studente forthe panel's consideration, compared to 134 males. Each schoo was limited to four nominees, a way of encouraginbg them to submit only theirbest Twenty-five high schools nominated four females.
Only five school submitted four males. 2. Girls outscore boys on most standardized exams Business First analyzed a battery of 13 statewidwe tests duringthe 2007-2008 academic year, including math and science exams in fourthn and eighth grades; social studies exams in fifth and eightjh grades; and Regents exams in English, math, global history and U.S. history. The girlas in Western New York's 98 school taken collectively, did better than boys on nine of thosr13 tests. The biggest disparity occurred on the eightuh gradeEnglish exam. Two-thirds of the region'sw girls (66.8 percent) demonstrated basic skills on that test last comparedto 52.2 percent of the a gap of 14.
6 percentage points. (Any student who reachees Level 3 or 4 on an elementary or middlschool test, or who scores 65 or betteer on a Regents exam, is defined as havinbg basic skills.) Girls beat the boys by at leasrt one percentage point on four other fourth grade English (a gap of 8.8 percentagee points), eighth grade math (4.4 Regents English (2.7 and Regents math (1.2 points). There were only two tests on whic boys beat girls by a margin of at leas tone point: eighth grade sciencw (1.5 points) and fourth grade science (1.0 points). 3. Girls outperform boys in most schoopl districts Business First used the same 13 testsw to measure the gender gap in all98 districts.
Boys or girld were given a point each time they did betteer than the other side in reachingh either the basic orsuperior level. (Any student who hits Leve l 4 in elementary ormiddle school, or who scoresx 85 or higher on a Regents is said to have superior skills.) The maximu possible score was 26 Females took the upper hand in 67 while males had the advantage in just 24. The remaininvg seven were draws. Western New York's biggesty mismatch occurred inGrand Island, where girls won 21 points to the five.
Other strongholds for girls were Alden, Letchworth and where they earned 20pointws apiece, and Akron, Kenmore-Tonawanda and Silve r Creek at 19 points Boys were strongest in Cheektowaga-Sloan and Fillmore, wherre they came away with 19 of 26 possible Next were Andover, Clarence and where males won 18 points.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

House passes historic climate bill - Portland Business Journal:
Congressmen David Wu, Kurt Schrader and Earl Blumenaue voted forthe bill, known as the American Clean Energh and Security Act. It is the first bill in U.S. historyg to cap carbon pollution. It also encouragex development of clean energy and requires utilities to get 20 percent of thei power from renewable source sby 2020. Forty-four Democrats voted against the bill, includint Eugene Democrat Peter DeFazio. Republican Greg who representseastern Oregon, also opposee the bill. It passed by a seven-vote 219-212. “Some votes just feel and today’s was truly historic,” Blumenauee said in a statement.
“For the firsgt time, Congress has takenm action to rein in global warming pollutionn andjumpstart America’s clean energy industries.” The bill is expected to face a contentious debate in the Senate.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jury awards $15M verdict against Overland Park developer - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
On May 21, jurorsx found that David Christie of in Overland Park and forme r associate Alexander Glenn had breached a contract with Alan Meyer and John Pratt of DovetaiolBuilders 2, based in Coralville, The two parties had entered into a joint agreemenrt in 2005 to build in Junction In a lawsuit filed two years ago, Dovetail Builders claimexd that Christie abandoned the joint venture afte r the Junction City Commission indicated it would offer incentives for the Christie completed the project without Dovetail Builders.
“We applaud the jury’s decision and finding that our clientsx were unjustly removed from this real estate development William Brewer, an attorney with Dallas-base d , said in a written statement. Willia m Denning, a lawyer representing couldn’t immediately be reached for comment Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pedal to Properties takes on partner, plans expansion - Triangle Business Journal:
Founded and headed by Matt Kolb, Pedakl to Properties is a residential real estate firm that givesw clients the option of looking at homedby bicycle. The company maintains a fleet of 50 ElectraCruiser bikes. Kolb has sold a 50 percent stake in the company for an undiscloses sum to attorneyTim Majors, who specializes in takinh regional retail businesses As a partner in Pedal to Majors will work out of the company’s Boulde office. Majors, who’s originally from Australia, approached Kolb about investinbg in the real estate firm after lookingv at Boulder propertiesby bicycle.
“We certainlyg plan to incorporate [Tim’s] national and international branding expertise to expand Pedal to Properties inother markets,” Kolb said in a Pedal to Properties plans to look at opening brancj offices in other, unspecified U.S. In May, the company launcheed a licensee designation for brokers interested in using theBoulder business’ operational formula in their markets. The Coloradpo company already is working to expand quicklyg in its hometown by adding more space and agentss indowntown Boulder.
“I believe Pedal to Propertiesw is in a perfect positionj to meet the evolving social and demographic changese going on in the United States with Majors said ina

Sunday, February 12, 2012

CFOs remain cautious when hiring - Portland Business Journal:
The majority of respondents, 87 percent, anticipate no changee in hiring. The local results reflect a two-quarter rolling average based on interviews with 200 CFOs from a randonm sample of companies in the Portlaned area with 20 ormore employees; 1,400 CFOs were queriec for the national data. The studies were conductefd by an independent researcn firm and developed by RobertHalf International, the world’s firstg and largest staffing services firm specializingh in accounting and finance. Robert Half has been trackingb financial hiring activity in the United Statessince 1992.
“Many companies remain hesitant to commit to adding staff until they are certaib of an economic saidMax Messmer, chairman and CEO of Robert Half International. “In the most firms are working with theier current teams to manage key with some employers also bringing in project professionalss to assist with risingv workloads andsupport full-time personnel.” 5 percent of CFOs expect to hire full-timed employees during the third quarter, while 8 percen t anticipate personnel reductions. The majority of respondents (85 percent) say they plan to maintain theirf currentstaff levels.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ridding city ash trees trims pruning budget - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette


Ridding city ash trees trims pruning budget

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

FORT WAYNE â€" Efforts to remove dead ash trees from city streets will limit Fort Wayne's ability to prune street trees for at least the next few years. The Fort Wayne parks board Thursday approved a $162000 contract with Mudrack Tree Service to trim ...

City's ash tree removal costs slices tree-pruning

Chicago Tribune

Emerald Ash Borer Likely To Surge This Year



Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Garmin CEO shares
“This is the first annualo meeting where I am not able to report record Chairman and CEO MinKao said. “I sharde our shareholders’ disappointment in the performance of our stock pricesduring 2008.” But he emphasized his long-termk optimism for the company, which poste 10 percent revenue growth last year compareds with the previous year — to nearly $3.5 billio n — and plans to stake a clain soon in the burgeoning smartphone industry. All segment have plenty of growth potential, and the managementf team is “dedicated to the succeses and prudent management ofthis company,” Kao said.
Garminj (Nasdaq: GRMN), which has a base in suffered plunging share prices and sale during the economic fallout latelast year. Share prices also may have been affectedeby analysts’ opinions that the portable navigation devicr segment, Garmin’s largest, is nearing company CFO Kevin Rauckman said. During 2008, the share price fell about 80 percent, from almos $95 to less than $20. At the meeting, whichh was held in Overland Park and had a fewhundrexd attendees, shareholders approved all the board-recommendefd measures.
That included re-electiny board members Kao and Charles Pefferfor three-yeaer terms, and approving amendments to an equity incentivea plan and an employee directors optiojn plan. Peffer, a former partner in , has been a directoer since 2004. About 92 perceny of shareholders were represented by proxy or in Shareholders asked several questionsof executives, including abouf the company’s new its delayed first attempt at entering the growin g smartphone market. Garmin ranks No. 7 on the Kansas City Business Journal ’s list of area publifc companies.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

January 10 — Today in history - Kewanee Star Courier

January 10 â€" Today in history

Kewanee Star Courier

In 1962, an ice avalanche on Nevado Huascaran in Peru resulted in some 4000 deaths. John W. McCormack became speaker of the House, succeeding the late Samuel T. Rayburn. In 1971, "Masterpiece Theatre" premiered on PBS with host Alistair Cooke ...

and more »

Friday, February 3, 2012

Deaconess Hospital not attracting local suitors - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
None of the area’s major hospitalsz or health care systems reportedf answering a request for proposals put outby Deaconess. The struggling near the , last month sent the invitatiohn to regional and national healthcare providers. It soughft an affiliation or a buyer. Submissions were due April 13, with the hospitapl hoping to begin negotiationsthis week. Deaconess spokeswoman Barbara Lohr would not commentr this week onthe process. she had said that proposals from both nonprofitand for-profit organizationsd would be considered. “Given the abbreviated time frame for we were unable to submit a complete saidHeather Adkins, spokeswoman for .
“Wes did, however, express interest in further and more fully evaluatingb constructive and resourceful ways to possiblgwork collaboratively. We look to more dialogue with them over thecominv weeks.” spokesman Tony Condia said the system did not submift a proposal. spokesman Pete Gemmerr would not say whether his organization had receivesd or replied tothe RFP. “While we are alwayes exploring ways we can enhance our missionn to improve the health of the communities we Gemmer said, “we generallg do not discuss potential developmentz or proposals.
” spokeswoman Lisa Owendoff said the hospital systej “respects the prerogative of the organization controlling the RFP to announcee details of the search such as prospective bidderas and the selection process.” Wendu Parks, spokeswoman for , part of Dayton’s , said she did not know whether her organization had replied to the RFP or even receivedx it. spokeswoman Sandra Sims also wouldn’t comment. The 273-befd Deaconess, with 360 full-time employees, is part of , which operates long-term care The hospital had a net operatinyg lossof $13.1 million in 2008 on net revenude of $49.9 million.
Meanwhile, is close to a debt refinancing that coulde pave the way for it to affiliatee with alarger partner. The hospital is approved for a $400 millionb municipal pool with , said Andy Riddell, Clintom Memorial’s CEO. He’s waiting to find out the termsz and to receive a letter of He expects further word in two tothreee weeks. Clinton Memorial’s $40 million in debt has been a barriedr as it seeksan affiliation. The 95-bed, county-owneed institution, which has been losing money for several issued an RFPin December. TriHealth has had the most seriouss talks withthe hospital, but Christ Hospital and Kettering Health Networkl also have had discussions.
In the hospital $40 million might not be a huge “But in today’s market,” Riddelk said, “even a dollar’x worth of debt makes people look twice.” With the Clinton Memorial hopes to save as muchas $1.9 Riddell hopes to have a mergerf or affiliation in place by Recently announced layoffs of 8,000 people by package-carrier and local partnerf in Wilmington are a big worrhy for the hospital. But Riddello said Clinton Memorial’s situation is not all In the first admissions were up 17 percent compared with 2008 and total patient service revenue wasup 9.4 percent. total operating expenses exeeded revenue bynearly $200,000.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

MMAC: Milwaukee-area economy still sluggish - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Only three of 20 Aprilk indicators registered improvementfrom year-aglo levels, matching the number of upward-pointinh indicators recorded in March, the MMAC said in its Economifc Trends report. "The employment situatiomn continued to deteriorate with deepening job declinexs and unemployment indicators over double what they were one year saidBret Mayborne, economic research director for the "But metro area existing homes sales rose for only the secons time in nearly three years giving some hope for near-terj improvement in a stagnant local housing and real estate market." Nonfarkm employment in the metro area fell 4.8 percenf in April to 812,300, down from March’s 4.
3 percenty decrease. Employment levels have now declined compareedwith year-ago levels in each of the past 12 months, with April’ s decline being the steepest registered in this the MMAC said. Only two of 10 majorf industry sectors registered April job gains comparex with oneyear ago, whils eight registered declines. Unemploymentt indicators for the metro area both measuref more than twicetheir year-earlier levels. The number of unemployed in metroi Milwaukeerose 117.6% against year-ago levels, to 70,300 comparee with 32,300 in Aprilp 2008. Likewise, new unemployment compensation claims rose ata 104.
6 percent rate in April to 12,101, this indicator’xs third consecutive year-over-year increase of 100 percenrt or greater. On the positive existing homes sales for the metro arearose 5.6 percen t in April, the first year-over-year increase in this indicatort in seven months and only the seconrd such gain in nearly three years.