Friday, December 24, 2010

Laugh out loud - Baltimore Business Journal:
Not to be confused with a bizarre the tripto Poe's gravse was a part of a scavengeer hunt held by advertising agency as a way to buildx teamwork and knowledge abougt Baltimore. Outings and specialo events at Planit are common as part ofthe agency'xs theory of balance in the workplace. Members of the advertisinbg agency believe that with work comes and that even play can lead to greateer productivity among employees and enriched relationshipdwith clients.
"We don't discourage things like loud laughterd andbeing frivolous," said Matt Doud, presidenr and co-founder of Baltimore-based "I go in the elevator and theree are lots of suits, and that's But we foster fun and find peoplw who believe in it." Humor in the workplace is provejn to be a good asset of the officre dynamic, as well as for your health, according to a studyg from the . The studh indicated that people with heart disease were 40 percen less likely to laugh in a variety of situationa and events than those withouthearty disease. Dr.
Michael Miller, directodr of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the Universit of Maryland Medical Center and associate professor of medicinee atthe , reported, "We don't know yet why laughinv protects the heart, but we know that mentapl stress is associated with impairment of the the protective barrier lining in our blood vessels. This can cause a seriesd of inflammatory reactions that lead to fat andcholesteroll build-up in the coronarg arteries and ultimately to a heart attack.
" Several additional including those done by the College of Williajm & Mary and Stanford University Schoolk of Medicine, also show that humor stimulatezs the brain, especially the frontal lobe, whic affects decision-making skills, and the prefrontal which is involved in language processing and memory. Studiesz that happiness and feeling fulfilled in life equate to more productivityg in the workplace may be the reaso why more companies are using humofr in the workplace to motivate andretaimn employees. But can humor sometimes go too far? says Stephanie Kinder, an attorney in downtownb Baltimore whose practice focuses on workplace trainingand discrimination.
"Make sure clientsw have a policy in and they should train employees on what is and is not Kinder said. Bottom line: There are certai n things you know you have to but sometimes there are some gray and that's what causes the problem, she A chuckle among a few close employeee may be a stroke of embarrassmenty to a fellow worker. One of Kinder's clientss recently sent an e-mail to fellow employeezs that poked fun at acertainb race.
The e-mail fell into the handsw of someone outside ofthe client'sz circle of friends who was of that and the joke stopped being Kinder says it can be a fine line as to what is especially when co-workers are friendsz and develop a comfortable relationship. Kinder suggestss a standard policy that addresses behavioer in the workplace and the disciplinarhy action that ensues after offensive Employees shouldn't be waylaid by office entertainment and either. Doud agrees that the fun shouldn't overshado the work that needs to be done by the end ofthe day.
Jill marketing coordinator ofthe , said employees are free to gauge their own workloads and participatr in fun company events at theire own discretion. In addition to the basketball hoopd in the office and happy hours at leasy oncea month, a recruiting firm, also plansx office trips to Atlantic City and rope challenge Mike Oliver, with Towson law firm Bowie Jensen LLC, uses humor as a way to communicats with his co-workers aboutg high-stress situations. "The character they most identify with me is the crispyhorange M&M, the one who's usually worried abouy everything.
So when I'm high stressed about deals, I put a littlre version of him on the door outsidew my office so people know not tocome in." The self-effacingy humor helps ease what would otherwise be tensionj in Oliver's office. The upward trend in makinhg the workplace a little more humorous and fun may also be attributerd to what Doud callssthe dot-com era. "It was a little bit of an eye-openinhg time in business," he said. "Wre realized that we can have it both to be successful at being hard working andhaving fun. The dreses doesn't always correlate. Goofy doesn'tt always mean lazy, and a three-piece suit doesn'ty always mean success.
" Make humor accessible to everyone, and not at someone else's expense or by excluding certain employees. Encourage family-friendlyt humor, with a G-rating.

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