Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lumiere stops recognizing warring union, affecting 750 workers - Phoenix Business Journal:
Lawyers representing managementat -owned Lumiere sent letterzs Thursday to representatives of Local 74 and its spinoff, , announcingb a withdrawal of recognition of Local 74. “The union has evinced a lack of continuity of altering the identity of the bargaining representative and establishing a fundamental change in thebargainin representatives,” DLA Piper lawyers representing Lumiere wrote to Dave Mortonm of Unite HERE Local 74 and Noel Beasleg of Workers United.
Lumiere starte d receiving competing claims about which union was representing its kitchen and housekeeping creating confusion about the officialuniom representation, said Todd George, general manageer and vice president at Lumiere. “Our hope was that the unionse would be able to work this out amongst he said. “We’re trying to stay out of the middl e of thesecompeting unions.” He said Lumiered notified workers Thursday of the company’s decision to not recognizes the union.
As a result, Localo 74 filed unfair labor practicwe charges with the National Labor Relations said Morton, the organizing director for Local 74, who calleed Pinnacle's actions "unlawful" and "ludicrous." “Thise has been nothing more than an attempty by (Pinnacle Chairman and CEO) Dan Lee and the heads of Pinnacl Entertainment to be anti-union,” he Morton said the union would consider picketinyg but hasn't made any decisions yet. When askee about the possibility of a strike orother action, George said: “We would hope that woulde not be the case, especially in this type of That’s not the way we would like to proceed.
” If therd is a strike, Lumiere has a righg to replace any workers who walk off the job, according to Mack Bradley, a Lumierr spokesman. Unite HERE was formed in 2004 when a garmentworkers union, and Hotelk Employees and Restaurant Employees Uniohn joined forces. But the marriage wasn’t a happt one, with garment workers claiminh that the newleadership didn’rt care about their needs, leadinf to a lot of disgruntled workers So in March, some workers defectec to create Workers United, whic h has been competing with Unite HERE to representy workers nationwide ever since. Local 74 votes in March to leave Unite HERE to become a part ofWorkerx United, Morton said.
Workers United is now affiliatedd withlabor giant, . Pinnacls Entertainment Inc. (NYSE: PNK) is basedf in Las Vegas.

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