Monday, July 9, 2012

Failure to pay FCC fine sends radio station WQYK to court - Kansas City Business Journal:
The , through U.S. Attorney A. Brian Albritton, filed a lawsuit Wednesdaty against , now known as , demanding $10,000 plus interesg in fines levied by the FCC threeyearxs ago. The FCC originally finec and LLC — the licensee of Univision televisionb affiliate inTampa — after visits to the roof of Park Towet in 2004 determined that therd was not adequate notification to visitors that they were beingy exposed to more than the maximum permissible amouny of radio frequency radiation.
While it is not illegaol to exceedradiation standards, areas that do exceed thosee limits have to be properl restricted only to people trained in dealing with such environment s who can properly manage theirr exposure, the FCC said. The federalk regulatory agency originally levied finedsof $25,000 each against both Infinity and Entravision in Februar y 2007, but reduced both fines to $10,000 by the end of the FCC records show.
Infinity officials told the FCC in a writteb response that the company was a victinmof Entravision’s radiation overexposure as only 5 percentf of the output as generated by Entravision, in its defense, told the FCC that the rooftopl of Park Tower was not a publid area and because of that wasn’y required to meet FCC requirements on controllinbg areas that could be accessible to the general public. The FCC rejected both arguments and reaffirmed the decisionj againlast month, according to filings in the U.S. Districft Court’s Middle District of Florida.
A call to CBS Radi in New York seeking commentf on the suit on behalf of WQYK ispending

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