Saturday, August 25, 2012

Google plans to smash Windows with Chrome operating system - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The new operating system puts Google more squarely in competitiohwith (NASDAQ:MSFT), which relies on its Windows operating systemm for more than half its "Google Chrome OS is being created for peopld who spend most of their time on the Web, and is being designed to power computers ranging from smalpl netbooks to full-size desktop systems," the Mountaih View search giant (NASDAQ:GOOG) said The new operating system is separate from Google's Androied OS that is designed for smartphones, netbooks and set-topo boxes.
The company described the Chrome OS as an open lightweight operating system that will initially be targetef at netbooks but will later be runninggon full-size desktop computers, too. The first of the netbook computersx are projected to be available to consumeres in the second halfof 2010. Googlr said it plans to open source the code for the operatinhg system later this year and it is already talking to partners aboutthe project, whic h is why it has gone public about it at this "We hear a lot from our and their message is clear: computers need to get the company said in its

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