million in revenue during the next12 months, with the bulk of that comin g from a new product scheduled for an Apripl release. Chris Davis, president and CEO of , expectsw the software developer to boostits 24-person staffc by 15 people during that time as it unveilas its new baby, dubbed Semantra 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamicz CRM. The product strives to make it fast and easy for nontechiexs to find information containedin what's called "customer relationship software, or CRM. CRM manages a business' activities before and after it sells including sales, customer service and marketing.
"Therew is not sufficient access to users ofthe system," says Cody Semantra's vice president of "If you're a vice president of salees ... you can't go into the CRM system and go get the datayou You're reliant on (the information-technology department) to run reports." Aufrich says Semantra's software allows business people to use "natural language" to find, say, how many sales prospects a businessz has that are greater than $100,000 and are expectedc to close by a certain date.
"That will pop into your (Web) browser," he Early feedback from companies that havetested Semantra's technology has been "It's a wonderful It's an awesome tool," says Travisd Grubbs, vice president of information technologu at , an Irving technical-services concern. Grubbse says he hopes ePartner will become a customerof Semantra's. "It'a something I think we'd definitely be able to To help the businessgrow faster, Semantras ( ) plans to primarily use re-sellers to handle the sales and servicse side of its Among other things, ePartners does re-sellingb of technology products.
Grubbs says ePartners currently hasno re-sellinvg agreement with Semantra, but suggests one couldd be set up if both partie s are amenable. Semantra began generating revenue in May 2005 with the releas ofversion 1.0 of its The company hopes to get off the launchj pad with the second permutation, which Davia says should pull in $1.5 milliom to $2 million over the next year. He says the company'sa total revenue may be closerto $2 million to $2.5 milliob because it may release another product duringv that time.
Like virtually all startups, Semantrw is currently losing money as it seeks to Davis expects the business tobecomwe cash-flow positive -- meaning generatingt more cash than it is consuming -- by the firs quarter of 2010. The company has receiverd a total ofnearly $6 million in financing, most of whichj has come from Dallas' Cardinal Capital, a private-equituy shop led by Edward "Rusty" Rose, whosee credits include a stint at co-owner of the in the '80s and Davis expects to close another worth probably $3 million to $5 at the end of the secone quarter of this year.
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