Friday, December 31, 2010
VCs say they'll go more global - San Francisco Business Times:
Despite sluggish investment, the annual survey conductedc by and the capturedsubstantial optimism. “While the recessionm has slowed the pace of venture investing in theshorrt term, it may very well have expedited the global evolution of the industry in the long run,” said Mark Deloitte LLP’s national managing partner of venture capitap services. “In recent many entrepreneurs who have been educated in the United Statesd have returned home to starrt companies in their home The playing field continues to level out in terms of new innovationhhot spots, broader access to capitalk and growing regional ecosystems that foster risk taking and capitap formation.
” And venture capitalists agrer that investments are more likely to increase outside of the Uniter States than domestically in the next threes years. Half of the venture capitalists surveyed said investmenty will increase inAsia (excluding India); 43 percentf named India; 36 percent selectedf South America; 25 percent said Europe and the United Kingdom. Just 17 percentt said investment would increase inNorth Fifty-two percent of all venture capitalistd surveyed said they already invest outside theirr home countries.
“As the survey results we will see more globalization in the next not only in terms of investmenta but also in fundraising and exits as saidMark Heesen, president of the NVCA. “Those countriez that can nurture entrepreneurs and investors as well as offefr attractive exit opportunities have the most to gain economicallyt in thenext decade,” he added. Survey respondents said China stood to benefig most from shifts in investment caused by the economic When it comesto fundraising, the majority of VCs predictex that more of their limited partnersx would come from outside their home and 38 percent said they expected the number of foreign limited partners to remain unchanged.
Among limited venture capitalists if any are likely to reduce their investmentes in venturecapital funds, those limited partnerds would come from the financial industry, especiallyt from commercial banks. Other findings from the survey includefd another vote of confidence for investment in thecleantech sector. The survey suggests most venturecapitalists aren’t changing which industries they are funding, and cleantechg is one of tho industriezs getting a lot of attention.
More than 60 percen t of the venture capitalistx surveyed said they expect to increase theire investments in cleantech in the next three Other industry sectors that investors expectf to give increase investment to include medical devices and and new media andsociakl networking.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Southern Durham Development sues county as Jordan Lake watershed war escalates - Triangle Business Journal:
has filed a lawsuit against Durham Count y to force the county to recognizse watershed boundaries that were on county maps between 2006and 2008. The which paid $18 million for the wants to develop the property located westof N.C. 751, near wherr it intersects withFayetteville Road. In the suit filef Wednesday in Durham the company asks a judge to declare the watershed boundaries approved in 2006 by formetDurham City-County Planning Director Frank Duke to be valid and for the countt to pay damages to Southern Durham Development in excesds of $10,000.
According to the the land’s previous owner, (Nasdaq: founder Neal Hunter, paid for a survey of the property that showes the property was outside the watershef boundaries toJordan Lake. As a result, Duke adjusted the county’ds maps. Based on that the lawsuit says, Southern Durham Developmen t purchased the property with the intention ofspending $500 millio to develop as many as 1,300 residential 600,000 square feet of retail and office plus an elementary school, a middle school, a sheriff’s substation and a fire station.
But some city and countt officials started questioning the validity of the survey and the watershedboundary lines, despites a review of the boundaries by the Nortb Carolina Division of Water Quality that backed Duke’ decision. Earlier this year, the Durha m County Board of the Commissionerw voted to invalidate the boundary change s approved in 2006 and to begin a formalrezoningf process. That process, according to the suit, has stallefd development and cost the company To download a PDF ofthe complaint, .
Sunday, December 26, 2010
bizjournals: Search Results
by on July 14, 2009 ...Beveragw Group, which has been funding operations at trouble Napa wine shipper inrecenyt weeks, said in a July 6 memo by on July 8, 2009 ...Inertiaz Beverage Group, which has been funding operationss at Napa wine shipper in recenrt weeks, said in a memo to New by on July 6, 2009 ... , a Napa-based wine-shippin and distribution companywhose saga...... by on June 11, 2009 ...ib principle with Silicon Valleyh Bank to acquire its debt positionin , IBG said late Fridau morning. Officials at the Napa-based...... by on June 5, 2009 ...800-Flowers.comj Inc. had a deal to acquire the remnantsof , a spokeswoma for the troubled Napa wine-shippingg and fulfillment......
by on June 4, 2009 ... , a Napa wine shippinbg and fulfillment company thatsent the...... by on June 1, 2009 ...merchandisingg and David Do, vice president of operations. Last Napa's , which also ships wine direct to announcedit was...... by on June 17, 2009 one of 360 Global's bankruptcy attorneys. Brilpl and Bryan said , a shipping and fulfillmenrt firm, and all of the winery...... by on Decembee 14, 2007 ... , a wine shipping and fulfillment company, has acquired Wrap-It...... by on March 9, 2007 ...smallee players include Napa-based Scion Advisors, Napa marketinbg and shipping specialist , and WineSpring, part of San Franciscol startup IVYWorldwide Inc...... by on February 9, 2007 ...
, a wine-shippinhg and logistics specialist, named Jordan Copland of...... by on Augusy 16, 2006 ... , which helps Bay Area wineriesw ship their waresdirectly to...... by on July 21, 2006
Friday, December 24, 2010
Laugh out loud - Baltimore Business Journal:
Not to be confused with a bizarre the tripto Poe's gravse was a part of a scavengeer hunt held by advertising agency as a way to buildx teamwork and knowledge abougt Baltimore. Outings and specialo events at Planit are common as part ofthe agency'xs theory of balance in the workplace. Members of the advertisinbg agency believe that with work comes and that even play can lead to greateer productivity among employees and enriched relationshipdwith clients.
"We don't discourage things like loud laughterd andbeing frivolous," said Matt Doud, presidenr and co-founder of Baltimore-based "I go in the elevator and theree are lots of suits, and that's But we foster fun and find peoplw who believe in it." Humor in the workplace is provejn to be a good asset of the officre dynamic, as well as for your health, according to a studyg from the . The studh indicated that people with heart disease were 40 percen less likely to laugh in a variety of situationa and events than those withouthearty disease. Dr.
Michael Miller, directodr of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the Universit of Maryland Medical Center and associate professor of medicinee atthe , reported, "We don't know yet why laughinv protects the heart, but we know that mentapl stress is associated with impairment of the the protective barrier lining in our blood vessels. This can cause a seriesd of inflammatory reactions that lead to fat andcholesteroll build-up in the coronarg arteries and ultimately to a heart attack.
" Several additional including those done by the College of Williajm & Mary and Stanford University Schoolk of Medicine, also show that humor stimulatezs the brain, especially the frontal lobe, whic affects decision-making skills, and the prefrontal which is involved in language processing and memory. Studiesz that happiness and feeling fulfilled in life equate to more productivityg in the workplace may be the reaso why more companies are using humofr in the workplace to motivate andretaimn employees. But can humor sometimes go too far? says Stephanie Kinder, an attorney in downtownb Baltimore whose practice focuses on workplace trainingand discrimination.
"Make sure clientsw have a policy in and they should train employees on what is and is not Kinder said. Bottom line: There are certai n things you know you have to but sometimes there are some gray and that's what causes the problem, she A chuckle among a few close employeee may be a stroke of embarrassmenty to a fellow worker. One of Kinder's clientss recently sent an e-mail to fellow employeezs that poked fun at acertainb race.
The e-mail fell into the handsw of someone outside ofthe client'sz circle of friends who was of that and the joke stopped being Kinder says it can be a fine line as to what is especially when co-workers are friendsz and develop a comfortable relationship. Kinder suggestss a standard policy that addresses behavioer in the workplace and the disciplinarhy action that ensues after offensive Employees shouldn't be waylaid by office entertainment and either. Doud agrees that the fun shouldn't overshado the work that needs to be done by the end ofthe day.
Jill marketing coordinator ofthe , said employees are free to gauge their own workloads and participatr in fun company events at theire own discretion. In addition to the basketball hoopd in the office and happy hours at leasy oncea month, a recruiting firm, also plansx office trips to Atlantic City and rope challenge Mike Oliver, with Towson law firm Bowie Jensen LLC, uses humor as a way to communicats with his co-workers aboutg high-stress situations. "The character they most identify with me is the crispyhorange M&M, the one who's usually worried abouy everything.
So when I'm high stressed about deals, I put a littlre version of him on the door outsidew my office so people know not tocome in." The self-effacingy humor helps ease what would otherwise be tensionj in Oliver's office. The upward trend in makinhg the workplace a little more humorous and fun may also be attributerd to what Doud callssthe dot-com era. "It was a little bit of an eye-openinhg time in business," he said. "Wre realized that we can have it both to be successful at being hard working andhaving fun. The dreses doesn't always correlate. Goofy doesn'tt always mean lazy, and a three-piece suit doesn'ty always mean success.
" Make humor accessible to everyone, and not at someone else's expense or by excluding certain employees. Encourage family-friendlyt humor, with a G-rating.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Unfinished business '07 - Washington Business Journal:
After a series of layoffs since it was bought by in AOL announced in the clinchef inSeptember -- it wouled move its headquarters from Dulles to New The Big Apple is where its parentt Time Warner reigns, and it's the epicentetr of the advertising world. At the time, the company insistes the only change forthe 4,000 employees on the Dulles campus would be the senior managemenr team trekking north in the spring. But a month the media giant said it wouldcut 2,000 including 750 employees in Northernn Virginia by the end of the year, as part of its shiftingb strategy.
The proof was in the earnings: AOL continuecd to lose subscribers through the year and its revenue continued to a trend that upset Time Warnere investors looking for All of the free CDs AOL sentto consumers' homezs over the years to get them to sign on didn't pay off: AOL was forcef to alter its focus to generates money through advertising. The strategt was also reflected through the four advertising companies AOL boughtfin 2007: Quigo, Third Screen Media, and AOL first set up its regionall operations with an office in Tysons Cornerf 20 years ago and expanded to the sprawlingv Dulles campus in 1996.
AOL was bought by Time Warnedr inJanuary 2001, which left AOL with sweepingg layoffs and the campuse with less vitality. Dimensions Healthcare Systej found itself in the same financial straitsx as it was at the dawn of with little cash to sparr and its hat extendedd to state legislators in the hopesx of somebudgetary generosity. The Prince George's County hospita chain must repeat its steps nearly a year after apotentialo state-county $329 million funding plan dissolved in wee-hourd divisiveness on April 9, the final day of the Marylandd General Assembly session.
Aftet debates and appeals lasting into the earl morning ofApril 10, the Princer George's County Council gave an ironcladd thumbs down to the seven-year plan becausde it felt the county shouldered more of the financia l burden with less long-term payoff. The as a result, took on Dimensions' totap financial burden alone, through June 2008 at But even that plan hit delays as the countyu called for a Dimensions board the system retaliated witha $14 million lawsuit and the countyh retaliated with various appeals. The system's annuakl fall elections ultimately forced the management changw that county leaderslong desired.
One droppeed lawsuit later, the county began routing money once againb in November to the troubled as state legislators once again hunkered down to arrivw ata long-term funding plan. The approacnh Mayor Adrian Fenty has taken to deals he inheritecd from the previous administrationb andits semi-private development corporations, the NCRC and AWC, is Get 'em done. Except for Poplar Point, that is. While Fenty put his back into deals-in-progresxs for a new convention center the Southwest Waterfront and the return of Radio One to the he did the opposite withPoplar Point, optingb to end negotiations with , ownera of soccer franchise , and open the projectg to bidding.
That may well resultr in a better deal for thecity -- it has bids from four developmeng teams to consider -- but there couldd be collateral damage. Shots from Marion D-Ward 8, angry that economic development seems to be moving forwarfd everywhere except east of theAnacostia River, has hurt Fenty's image And MacFarlane, if it can'y reach a deal to build on has threatened to move to Maryland. Stay used to be one of the fastest-growing companies in and now it's quickly fading. The Lanham-based broadcast company that focusedson African-American and urban listeners exited several marketse in 2007, including Florida, Georgia and Minnesota.
In August, Chief Financiapl Officer Scott Royster announced he wouldx stepdown Dec. 31 afterr 11 years with the company to pursuer othercareer opportunities. The company has not announced a Citing what it calledsa "challenging radio industry environment," Radio One struggled to generate revenue as its profit s dropped. In its third-quarter earnings, Radio One reported net incomeof $4.8 down 40 percent from $8 millionm in the same quarter a year ago. Revenued for that quarter was $90.4 million, down 1.7 percen t from a year ago. In October, Radiio One agreed to sell its Miami radio station tofor $12.2t million and its five Georgia radio stations to in August for $3.1 million.
The company also sold its Minneapolidsstation KTTB-FM to Northern Lights Broadcasting for $28 milliomn and 10 stations in Ohio, and Louisville, Ky., to for $76 In a twist and despite its unpromising financials, Radio One agreex to acquire WPRS-FM in Washingtojn from in April for $38 million. The deal is expectedr to close in the firstquarter 2008. In a group of investors agreed to buy studentlender $25 Analysts hailed the deal as a win both for Reston-based Sallie Mae and the buyout group, led by private equit firms by LLC and , along with financial servicexs giants and
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sloan resigns from BofA board - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Sloan offered his resignation to new board chairman Walter Masselast week, the bank said in a May 29 regulatorg filing. BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’s reason for resigning. As the lead independent Sloan has been under intense criticism in recent monthsw as the bank suffered through a sharlp stock price decline after acquiring MerrillLynch & Co. BofA also has receivexd $45 billion of taxpayer aid. , a Houston-based investment firm that holdz 1.1 million BofA shares, was amon g several groups that waged a proxy againstfthe country’s largest bank holdinyg company, including calling for Sloan’s ouster.
Sloan was narrowly re-electedd to the bank’s board at the annual meeting in Meanwhile, shareholders voted to strio BofA Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis ofthe bank’xs chairmanship, and Massey was electe to take over board leadership. Lewis remains the bank’s CEO and Sloan, 70, served as a BofA director for 13 Duringhis tenure, Sloan served as chairman of both the executivre committee and the compensation and benefitsx committee. He also was a membert of the corporategovernance committee. “Temple has been a truste adviser who has made an invaluablr contribution to the success of our Lewis said ina statement. “We will miss his counselk and his leadership.
” BofA (NYSE: BAC) is based in N.C.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Solutia completes sale of nylon business - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The sale includes the unit’s management and employees, as well as all five of its manufacturintg plantsin Alvin, Texas; Decatur, Ala.; S.C.; Pensacola, Fla.; and Foley, Ala. The nylojn business includes 2,000 of Solutia'se 5,100 employees. All 2,000, including 29 in St. became employees of the SK Capital SK Capital paidSolutia $50 million in cash for the nylon Solutia also received a 2 percent equity staker in the new company formed to hold the assets of the nylojn business. In addition, Solutia will receive $4 millionj in deferred cash payments to be paid inannual $1 million installments beginning in 2011.
SK Capitalp has secured replacementof $25 million of letters of crediyt associated with the nylon business, which has resulted in increased availability for Solutia under its credit agreements. The affiliats of SK Capital will assume substantially all of the liabilitiess of thenylon business, including employee and pensionm liabilities relating to the active employees of the business and environmental liabilities, said Solutia, which plans to use the proceedw of the sale to pay down debt undere its asset-based revolving credit facility. St. Louis-basex Solutia Inc. (NYSE: led by Chairman, President and CEO Jeffr y Quinn, develops specialty chemicals, fluids and other performance products.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Selectmen Approve FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan - Patch
Selectmen Approve FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Patch SWRPA utilized a grant from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection to develop a Predisaster Mitigation Plan for the eight municipalities ... Officials discuss Marshfield's hazard plan |
Saturday, December 11, 2010
AT&T, Panasonic enhance, expand partnership - Denver Business Journal:
The Panasonic Toughbook 30 notebook computer and Toughbooko 19 convertible table have been certified to run onthe third-generation AT&T BroadbandConnect data network. In Panasonic and AT&T (NYSE: T) are working to make it easied for customers to purchase Toughbook mobile computerssand AT&T services through an expanded marketing and sales relationship. The two companiees will market the Panasonic Toughbookm lineswith AT&T service to companiew in the utilities, transportation, manufacturin and public safety industries. Panasonic and AT&T have offeree built-in access to wide-area wireless data networks for more than a This new level of service buildw onthis relationship.
Secaucus, N.J.-based Panasonic is a unit of Panasonif Corporation ofNorth America, which in turn is a subsidiaruy of Ltd. (NYSE: MC). San Antonio-basesd AT&T is a global communications holding company with operationsin IP-base d business communications services, wireless, high-speed Internet and voice
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Melvin dismissed as Diamondbacks manager; Hinch to take the reins - Phoenix Business Journal:
D-backs general manager Josh Byrnesz informed Melvin of his firing after the team arrived back from a road At 12-17, the Diamondbacks are in a virtual tie with the Colorado Rockies for last place in the Nationak League West. The new manager movesx over from his position as the vice president, player development. 34, who led the team'sz player development efforts for four has nomanagerial experience. The Diamondbacks also announcexd that Jack Howell is the new hitting coach and MelStottlemyrw Jr. is the new pitchingh coach. Rick Schu, hitting coach under Melvin, was also dismissed and that Bryan Price, Melvin's pitchint coach, resigned.
Melvin, who was nameds manager of the year when the team won the NL West crowj and advanced to the National Leagu Championship Seriesin 2007, had an overall recorr of 337 wins and 340 losses. Namer to the post following the Diamondbacks’ 111-loss season in Melvin has more wins than anyother D-backs Following the naming of the new the team opens a three-gams series against the Washington Nationals at Chase
Monday, December 6, 2010
Independent Appeal: Ben's mother couldn't save him. then Barnardo's stepped in... - Independent
Independent Appeal: Ben's mother couldn't save him. then Barnardo's stepped in... Independent How do you stop black boys from the Leeds district of Chapeltown graduating to a life of crime? Jonathan Brown finds out When Ben Wilson's behaviour started ... |
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Coastside Children Illuminate Night of Lights - Patch
High In The Air | Coastside Children Illuminate Night of Lights Patch Snowflakes on Main Street, roasted chestnuts on an open fire, strolling carolers, and lots of old-fashioned, sm » |
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Study: Few Birmingham firms to hire in 3Q - Nashville Business Journal:
Between July and September, 71 percent of locakl companies expect to maintain their curren t staff levels and another 15 perceny have plans to shed workers from their payrolld in the third quarterof 2009, the survey found. About 13 percenr of businesses in the regio are looking to expand their work which is about the same pace as thesecondx quarter. “The hiring activity is expected to be consistent to the previouds quarter when 13 percent of companies surveyed planned to increasw staff levels and 16 percent expectec tocut payrolls,” said Manpower spokesma Chad Brewer.
Nationally, out of more than 28,000p employers surveyed, 15 percent expect to increased their staff levels duringthe three-month while 13 percent expect to reduce their which results in a net employmentg outlook of 2 percent. For the cominbg quarter, job prospects in the Birmingham-Hoover metro area appea best inwholesale & retail financial activities, leisure, hospitalitu and government. Employers in construction, durable goods transportation & utilities, information, professional & business servicesw and education & health services plan to reducestaffinvg levels, while hiring in nondurable goods manufacturing and otherf services is expected to remain unchanged.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Pakistan caught off-guard by WikiLeaks expose - Sify
Globe and Mail | Pakistan caught off-guard by WikiLeaks expose Sify Islamabad, Nov 29 (IANS) The WikiLeaks expose of US classified documents has caught the Pakistan government in an awkward position as the political parties ... Wikileaks caught candid Photos of World leaders |
Friday, November 26, 2010
SIMLA'S efforts to regain the Division One title they lost to Gardeners' Arms ... -
SIMLA'S efforts to regain the Division One title they lost to Gardeners' Arms ... Four quick goals towards the end of the first half by Matt Newman, Ben Palmer, Chris Stoate and Jon Lord put the visitors in control, with Lee Dunmall's ... |
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Port of Miami tunnel deal stalled by recent FDOT announcement - Jacksonville Business Journal:
on April 2 announced a recommendation to kill the existint arrangement to buildthe “It’s a delay tactic more than said state Rep. Juan Zapata, R-Miami, who chaird Miami-Dade County’s state legislative delegation. In order to kick-stary the project, Zapata said Miami-Dade’sx state legislators may need to consider usingg their control of the budget to direc FDOT toget Or, they could put the money directly in the handsw of the county. But, sending the money righty to the county may be tricky especially duringthe recession, he “We’re left with some not-so-great options.
” In an Aprikl 7 letter to state officials, Miami-Dade Mayorr Carlos Alvarez called the rebidding idea “criticall flawed,” saying quicker action was needed to generate jobs. Alvarez’s lette r follows FDOT’s April 2 announcemenrt that it wanted to rebid the projec t in order to find a new private The state first signaled the tunnel project was in troublsein December, when it becames clear that the state’s private partner, the had serious financing problems.
MAT’s 90 percent equityh holder, Australian consortium , was hovering near MAT has since been attemptinh to getanother partner, Meridiam Infrastructure, to take Babcocko & Brown’s stake. “The financial vetting of Meridiam was all but completsin December, when the state suspended the Alvarez wrote. “The financial vettinfg of Meridiam can be refreshed bythe state’s consultants and presentedx to [FDOT Secretary Stephanie Kopelousos’] stafg in less than a In the letter recommending the rebid, Kopelousos also said FDOT may hand over its role as the lead publidc agency in the deal to the county.
An earlier sellingg point to the public on the tunnel was the countyt would not take the lead role aftetr experiencing hundreds of millions of dollars in cost overrun s at the and projectsat . County leader have repeatedly said that the tunnek is critical forthe built-out port to accommodate the spikde in cargo that’s expected in about when the Panama Canal is renovated and super-sizse ships from Asia are Currently, trucks back up near the and Bayside Marketplace as they try to get in and out of the After Kopelousos’ letter, Bruce Jay Colan, chairman-elect of the , said Tallahassee politicalp circles have been saying the state is looking for a way to reroutes the cash it would have spent on the tunnelo to other projects.
“This [letter from is a big nothing,” Colan wrote in an “I fear that all it does is let the time run until [the project] dies.” Kopelousos is now calling for the the county and the city to keep presenting funding strategies and a new procuremen t schedule, with all presentations to be made by July 1.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Venture capital waning force in entrepreneurship, study finds - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Only 16 percent of the 900 companiees thatmade ’s list of the 500 fastest-growingy companies from 1997 to 2007 received venture capital, the studuy found. Less than 1 percent of the estimatedf 600,000 new businesses a year that hire employeess are backed by venturecapital firms. The study concludes the venture capitao industry needs to shrink because its returns are stagnating or decliningf while its assets under managemengare growing. Over a 10-year time frame, returnsw on venture investments were 10 percenyt below the Russell 2000 Indexof small-cap Kauffman found.
“To provide competitive returns, we expect venturse investing will be cut in half in coming saidRobert Litan, vice president of researcj and policy at the Kauffman Foundation. The studh notes that information technologyg andtelecommunications — the core industries that made venture capital firms successful — are mature and less capital-intensive now. Plus, the stock market and potentialp corporate buyers are less interestedr in young and unprofitable companies than they were inventure capital’sx heyday.
“Professionals in the venturs industry have gotten comfortable with the way theire industry is set up in termsof size, structure and compensation,” said Paul Kedrosky, a Kauffman senior fellow who authoree the study. “However, our studyh indicates venture participants now need to overcomw their resistanceto change, so they can most effectively fund entrepreneurz and offer investors competitive returns.” That change already is according to a separate study released June 10 by and the . More than half of the 700 venturse capital firms surveyed plan to invesf infewer companies. For more see or www.nvca.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Rebates should boost Energy Star sales - Portland Business Journal:
“This rebate program will help Floridians buy appliances atdiscount rates, lower utility costs and benefit Florida businesses by stimulating saleas of energy-efficient appliances,” Gov. Charlie Cristr said in a press releaseMay 18. Although the bill was signede last week, the projected time for the program to be administerec is probably sometimethis fall. Consumerzs will not be eligible for the rebates unti l then because some of the details of the program stilol need to beworked out, said Jerem Susac, the executive director of Crist’s Energy The specific amounts for the rebatesx must be approved by the legislativ budget committee, and Crist’sz office is still waitin g for guidance from the federal governmen t on how exactly the program will work, Susac said.
The FECC is expecting Floridqa toreceive $18 million in federal stimulus funds to providre the rebate program. In addition, the Florida legislature is giving $150,000 to the FECC to help them put the plan into All of this should help Floridians save 20 percent on the costof energy-efficien appliances. “This is what we are projecting,” Susac said. “Wre are looking at 20 percent all acrossthe board.” With the 20 percenyt rebate, consumers could save $290 on $200 on washing machines, freezers and $65 on room air conditioners and $40 on dehumidifiers. Only laundruy and kitchen home appliances with the Energy Star label will be eligiblde forthe discount.
All Energy Star appliances meet strict energh efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protectio n Agencyand U.S. Department of but certain items like flat scree n televisions arenot included, Susac Even though they use the most energy out of all the home certain kitchen items like microwaves, ovens and stove tops are also not includefd because they have yet to be regulated by Energg Star in the United States, said Michael the owner of Setzer’s appliance dealer in Jacksonville.
Energy Star appliances do cost an averagreof $50 to $100 more than the standard versions because of the advancecd technologies, he said, but the rebated should lighten the costs, making it almost cheaper to buy the Energu Star product. “You don’t have to spensd $1,000 to have an Energy Star,” Setze said. “Energy Star has cheaper modelas now. I have a $300 dishwasheer and a $800 refrigerator in my stored that are all Energy In addition, the investment will cause utility bills to go down in dollar Customers should recover their costs of the energy-efficient appliancwe on their monthly bills within five to six According to Energy Star’s Web site, theirr appliances can save consumers $75 a year in energg costs, and they use 10 to 20 percent less energy and watet than traditional models, making them better for the For example, a front-loading Energy Star washing machinse uses 16 to 18 gallona of water versus the traditional top-loading applianced that uses 40 gallons.
“I don’t know if our salesx will go up because the customers will still have to put out the full Setzer said. “But any increase in saled willbe great, and it would be a great thing for peopl to get their money back.” Business has been slow duringt the economic downturn at both Setzer’s locations here in Jacksonville and Ocala, but it’s still going pretty steadyy because people are always going to need refrigerators and he said. In addition, 75 to 80 perceng of the appliances he sells are Energy so Setzersaid he’s very hopeful.
Energy Star is also excited for the rebate program to go into effect because the Florida proposalis unprecedented, an Energy Star spokesperson said. In years past, rebates have cause a jump in their sales, but they have never had a rebate program likethis before.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Leaders scramble to revive SunRail before CSX contract expires in June - Jacksonville Business Journal:
That’s when the agreement with to use itstracksx expires. So now officials are scrambling to find ways to keep theprojectr alive. Among them: renegotiatingt with CSX for a longer deadline to get the project approved or looking at optione to get liability insurancethat doesn’t require legislative CSX won’t pursue the project beyond the agreement’sz expiration date, said CSX spokesman Gary Sease.
The liabilitt issue is what killed SunRail in the but othercommunities — in northerbn Virginia and California — have gotten liability insurance for commuter rail projects withoutf going through their state said Carson Chandler, spokesman for Orlando Mayor Buddy He noted that Dyer, U.S. Rep. John R-Florida, and state Sen. Lee Constantine, R-Altamonte were in a conference call Mondayabouy “not lying down and giving up.” Movin forward means formulating a plan B to protect about $300 milliobn in state and localo money earmarked for the project, Chandler If nothing gets worked out, the stater also would lose abougt $310 million in federal funding.
Mica is unwillingt to let eight years of workand $100 milliojn spent to date on the project to go to waste unchallenged. “The loss of this project will killnearly 13,0000 jobs and send more than one-third of $1 billion dollar s in [federal] transportation fundiny to other states,” Mica said. “I’m goingh to continue to do everything possible to see that does not The , which expended much time and money lobbyingy for the project, realizes an intermodal, regionak transportation system here may take a differenrt shape, said Jacob Stuart, partnership president and CEO.
Stuartf has asked the partnership’s transportation task force to examines what that may look like at its meetinggMay 19. Heath Ritenour, CEO of , said whilde the possible loss of SunRail is a loss for the it won’t affect his $10,000-a-year investment in the Centrak Florida Partnership because he never viewed it as a single-issue but rather, as part of the “big picture.” the loss of SunRailp may mean the end of hopes for high-speed rail between Orlando and Tampa, said Kelley Teague, spokeswoman for long-rangde transportation agency Metroplan High-speed rail would work only if it had anotherd system to connect to, she said, because “you can’t have it connecting to rentapl car agencies.
” Teague also said it likelt will hurt plans by Tampa and Jacksonville for theid own light rail projects, because they’lo face the same liability
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Boeing sees $3.2 trillion market for planes over next 20 years - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
trillion market for new commercial airplanee over the next 20 including demandfor 29,000 new commercial and freighter airplanes. The Boeingf 2009 Current Market Outlook was released in Londojn on Thursday and despite the economic Boeing maintained The Chicago aerospacegiant (NYSE: BA) predictsw passenger air traffic to grow at an averagse rate of 4.9 percent over the next 20 years and cargoo traffic to grow at 5.4 perceny annually. That’s down slightly from last year’s 20-yeadr outlook. Boeing said the world’s airlines will buy more single-aislew planes, like its Renton-built 737 (a predictedc 19,460 planes worth $1.
42 trillion) and will spend the most on twin-aislde planes, which it builds in Everetrt (6,700 planes worth $1.51 trillion over the next 20 Airlines will use more efficient airplanes in the rather than using significantly larger Boeing said, adding that the U.S. and Europse will see more replacement planesas less-efficieny planes are retired. “While the commercialo aviation industry is facing a significant it is cyclic and has a long historyh of declinesand upturns,” said Randy Tinseth, vice president of marketing for Boeing Commerciap Airplanes, in a statement.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Orgill to lay off 176 people in Memphis - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The move is part of the Memphis-based hardwarw and home improvementproducts distributor’s plan to consolidate its distributiojn centers into a new facility in Mo. by August. The compangy currently operatesa 55-year-old distribution centef in South Memphis at 2100 Latham St., along with a similar one in Ill. These plants will close by the end of the The closures are partof Orgill’s long-range consolidatiomn plan that will enable the company to becomwe more efficient and save more than $1 million in fuel costs annually, according to a company release.
Orgill has 550 employees in Memphias andmaintains 660,000 square feet of distribution space, according to the 2009 Memphia Business Journal Book of Lists. It provideds wholesale distribution and retail services to the home improvement Layoffs will comein stages, beginninv in early August. Some members of the managemenyt teams in Vandalia and Memphis have transferres to the new plantin Sikeston. None of the approximatelt 300 employeesat Orgill’s corporate headquarters at 3742 Tyndalse Drive off Winchester will be affectedx by the closure.
Orgill also is keepin g its ancillary support functions such as the print lock services, and concept center in the Memphis Approximately 30 employees are involved in thosse services. Company officials said the consolidation of the Memphies and Vandalia facilities into a common distributio n center located approximately halfway between the two existingh facilities will allow Orgill to serve its customers in the Midwestand Mid-Soutuh more efficiently.
“The facilities in Memphiz and Vandalia are outdated and Ron Beal, Orgill president and CEO, said in a “The Sikeston plant will enable us to make our customer servicew even better and, at a time when we are all askesd to conserve fuel, Orgill will drasticallh reduce its fuel consumption.” The new Sikeston facility is one of six majo distribution centers, all of which either have been builg or expanded within the last five years or are in the developmenr stages.
The newest centers are in Kilgore, and Hurricane, Utah, and a center in the Pacificv Northwest is in the planning Byrne Whitehead, Orgill’s executive vice presidenty of operations and COO, said the Mid-America SuperCenter in Sikestonj is considerably more than a distribution The 795,000-square-foot facility has been builtg on a 70-acre site and is expandablee to 1 million square feet. “Our new facility in Sikestoj offers a great deal of efficiency to our entiresdistribution network,” Whitehead “Not only does it provided us with a consolidated location to process our growing numbers of import but it also gives us the capacit to accommodate our growth with customers throughout Mid-America.
” There are 734 plannedf layoffs at companies across the according to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s weeklyt report of notices received June 1-June 8. Orgill is the only Shelby County companyt reporting layoffsthis week.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Lingle orders unpaid days off for workers - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
In an address broadcas t from theState Capitol, Linglde also said she would scale back free Medicaide benefits to low-income adults and said the state would delah paying some of its larger bills until The governor is also asking the the Legislature, and the Office of Hawaiiajn Affairs to implement equivalent furlough days or restrictt their budgets. Hawaii law does not allow orderinyg furloughs for the Department of the University of Hawaii or the Hawaii HealthSystems Corporation, but Lingle said their spending will be restricterd in an amount equivalent to the three-days-per-mont h furlough. The furloughs, whicu start July 1, amount to aboutg a 13.
8 percent pay cut, or about $5,509 for a worker making $40,000 a As with layoffs, Linglde does not have to negotiats the furloughs with any of the union representingstate workers. Lingle has said she doesn’t want to lay off workerz because of the disruptive effect of contractf rules that would enablw senior workersto “bump” junior workers, even if they workeds in different state agencies. The furloughs will save $688 Lingle said the savings are needed to close a gapof $730 million betweej now and June 30, 2011, as forecast by the state’zs Council on Revenues May 28. All told, Hawaik is expected to see tax revenue fallby $2.
7 billion over the next two “If we do not implementr the furlough plan, we would have to lay off up to 10,000 employees to realize an equivalent amount of Lingle said. The state has about 46,000 including 21,000 employees of the Departmentfof Education. Lingle blamed the fisca l shortfall on thelingering recession, rising unemployment, droppiny visitor arrivals, a declins in private building permits, a doubling of and record bankruptcy The state Legislature ended its session last montj by raising tax rates on hotel rooms, high-incomer earners, luxury home transactions and tobacco to help meet the budge shortfall.
But Lingle, a Republicamn whose vetoes of those measures were overriddeh bymajority Democrats, said she woulde not ask for additional tax She also rejected calls for legalizing However, Lingle noted that 70 percen of state operating funds go to labodr costs and that the statde had provided employee wage increase of between 16 and 29 percenrt over the past four years “whebn our economy was thriving.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Consumer confidence falls in June - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index droppedsto 49.3, compared to 54.8 in May, the most recengt evidence that the economyy continues to struggle. Consumer spending accountws forabout two-thirds of the economy in the United States, making a decline in consumere confidence a worry from Main Street to Wall Street. The Dow Jones industrial average was down 112 pointsto 8,417y in midday trading Tuesday. Consumers are downbear when it comes tothe short- and long-term outlook with the The Present Situation Index basically, how do you feel todag — dropped to 24.8 this from 29.7 in May.
And consumer s are glum about the nextsix months, with the Expectationx Index falling to 65.5, from 71.5 in May. The Present Situatiohn Index declinewas “caused by a less favorablee assessment of business conditions and employment, (and) continues to implgy that economic conditions, while not as weak as earlierr this year, are nonetheless weak,” director Lynn Franco said in a news releaswe Tuesday. Consumer confidence plummeted toa record-lowe 25.3 in February. The economy has strong growthy when the indexreaches 100.
The Conference Boarsd contacts 5,000 households for the monthly
Friday, November 12, 2010
Porter carries Gold Coast to victory - ABC Online
ABC Online | Porter carries Gold Coast to victory ABC Online Gold Coast midfielder Joel Porter showed how valuable he is to Gold Coast United's title chances, scoring two goals in a 3-1 dismantling of Sydney FC at ... Gold Coast United 3 - 1 Sydney FC Gold Coast crush Sydney 3-1 Gold Coast keeps firing |
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Irksome change on Facebook has larger, societal ramifications - Loyola College Greyhound (subscription)
Irksome change on Facebook has larger, societal ramifications Loyola College Greyhound (subscription) In addition to the Democrats losing control of the House to the Republicans last Tuesday night, another ruling party (of sorts) was defeated in an important ... |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
80 Percent of Retail Salespeople Say They Are Familiar With Connected TV - MarketWatch (press release)
80 Percent of Retail Salespeople Say They Are Familiar With Connected TV MarketWatch (press release) Recently, the consumer market has seen an increase in the number of manufacturers that offer Connected TV (Internet TV) technology in stand-alone products ... |
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Insurers remedy high costs with preventive measures - Kansas City Business Journal:
Armed with information about medical claims, prescriptions purchased and lab work insurance carriers are in an ideal position to find ways to mitigats the movementtoward double-digi t increases in health care costs, said Rick president of the employee benefitas division at "They are in the best positiom to have the data that showsa what the status is of the health of the population," he "Fifty percent to 70 percent of all claimes are behavior-based." One way insurance carriers are helping lower healtn care costs is through offering s such as the Silver Sneakers Fitness Program. The which is administered by Healthwayss Inc. of Nashville, Tenn.
, and offered locallt through Humana, is one of few area program in which an insurance carrier directly pays forits participants' healtuh club memberships. The program began in 1994 as an offerinvfor Medicare-eligible members of an Arizona-base insurance provider. Today, Healthways administers the program througgnational partners, including Humana, at almost 2,60p fitness centers in 49 the District of Columbia and Puertok Rico. David Goodspeed, director of corporate communicationwsfor Healthways, said it makes sensre that the program was founded for the elderly.
Accordinhg to Healthways statistics, 60 percent of Silverf Sneakers members reported never having a membershilp to a fitness center before joining the grouo and 45 percent exercised fewer than three timews a week before the After joining, 75 percent said they exercisedf three or more days a week. This age grouop also tends to be one ofthe high-cosft groups for insurers. Insurance companies pay a fee to Healthwaysd based on the number of eligible memberds intheir market. David market president for Humana's Kansas and Missouri operations, said it is a good benefi t to offer to seniors that provides a returm forthe company.
"If we are reducing claims costds by making them healthier then it pays foritsel overall," he said. A study conducted by the founr that health care costs of Silver Sneakeras members during the first year of program participation were onaverage $441 lowed than for nonparticipants. Goodspeed said Healthways is explorin similar options for all Miller saidHumana doesn't plan to offerr the program for its commercialo participants because many of thoswe members already attend health clubs. He said Humanw wouldn't get the same "cost-benefi t as we do with the seniors ... dollars and centd has a lot to dowith it.
" Humana offera its commercial customers what many insurancr companies now are offering: high-toucn wellness programs, Miller said. These programs typically are comprised of services such as healthrisk assessments, biometric educational Web sites and incentives for gym membership and othed products. "Step one is to help engages the member into their own healtn more than inthe past," said Kahler of Lockton Cos. "We have founs that when an individual takes that time to sit down and understan that information then oftentimees theywill act.
" Kahle said insurance carrierws can participate financially in these programs by offeringg to provide these services at no cost to the employer "Part of our process of selecting who the best carriere is now is askingy 'What wellness resources do you have and how much is that goinbg to cost?'" he said. Kahle said that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City has made the most stridea inoffering on-site citing its A Healthier You initiative. The program began in 2005 with 10 employedr groups and has grown to almostt60 organizations.
Blue Cross brings a health fair to the workplaced totake participants' information, including body mass index, bloofd pressure, glucose and cholesterol. They also offer customize programs such as smoking cessatiomn andweight management. "We feel that a high-touch component makes a difference versuxhigh tech," said Sue Johnson, a spokeswomanm for Blue Cross of Kansas City. "Itr all comes down to education." Aetns joined the race by introducing a Healthy Livinbg credit card last year to complemen its traditionalwellness programs.
This rewards card offers threes redeemable points forevery $1 spent on health-related expenseds including doctor visits, sporting good purchases and fitness center membership "There is recognition that employers want employees to be said Rachelle Cunningham, a spokeswoman for "When people take better care of themselves it will impacyt the money spent on health Healthy advantage Employers offer the most commobn form of wellness incentives, said Rick Kahle, presidengt of the employee benefits division at Lockto n Cos. Inc.
• 75 percent to 90 percent of individuals will participate in wellness initiatives when employers offetr to pay for part ofan employee's healthb care premiums in exchange for adoptintg a healthier lifestyle, Kahle said. • Employersd got $3.48 back in reduced health care costsz for every dollar they spent onemployes wellness, according to a 2005 study by the Center for Preventiom and Health Services in Washington, D.C. • That same studuy found that employerssaved $5.821 in absenteeism costs for every dollar spent on employees wellness programs.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
FHP identifies hit-and-run victim -
FHP identifies hit-and-run victim She had not been carrying identification, complicating the effort of authorities to identify her and notify relatives. FHP said in a news release on ... |
Friday, November 5, 2010
Ronan might punt on Oz - Herald Sun
Monsters and | Ronan might punt on Oz Herald Sun Ronan Keating at Oaks Day. Pic: Fiona Hamilton Source: The Daily Telegraph A STAY Down Under has mended Ronan Keating's marriage woes, with the X Factor ... LISTEN - Ronan Keating 'Duet' Album Keating to spend another year in Australia? Ronan Keating considers a move to Australia |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hawaiian Telcom files reorganization plan - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The company, which filed for Chapte r 11 bankruptcyin December, said the steering committeee representing those who hold claims underf the company’s secured credit agreement supports the plan. “Thse filing of the plan and disclosure statement is an importang achievement in our restructuring saidEric K. Hawaiian Telcom’s president and CEO, in a statement. “Thw plan provides for a significantly deleveraged capital and the terms of the new debt give us greaterd financial flexibility to execute our busines plan and invest innew products, better positioninvg the company for future success.
” A hearing to consided approval of the disclosure statement has been tentativelh scheduled for July 23. The plan includes the conversion ofapproximately $590 million of the company’s seniofr secured credit facility and swap liabilities into the new equitt of the reorganized compant and a new $300 million senioe secured term loan maturing in five Holders of $350 million in seniorf notes will get warrants to buy 12.75 percent of the reorganizecd company’s new equity and subscription rights to buy new equity up to $50 million.
The company said it expectsx to emerge from Chapter 11with $30 million undrawbn revolving credit facility and at leasyt $45 million of cash on Hawaiian Telcom is owned by , a Washington, D.C.-basede private equity group. Carlylwe bought the assets of in May 2005for $1.6 and began operating independently with its own systemsa in April 2006. The plan and diclosurw statementare .
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
AAA: Gas up about $1/gallon since Jan. 1 - New Mexico Business Weekly:
According to the AAA New Mexicl WeekendGas Watch, this week’s state averagde is $2.59. The most expensive gas among the statess most populous cities can be found in Santa Fe at Albuquerque and Las Crucese are the least expensiveat $2.53. Nationally, gasolines is $2.59 a gallon, up 12 centxs in a week and about 45 cents in one Prices are still abouta $1.40 below where they were on this date one year ago.
“Too put the current prices into perspective, the average fill-upo for a car with a 14 gallohn tankis $36,” said AAA New Mexico spokesman Dan “Motorists are paying between $12 and $15 a gallonh more per tank than what were they just five monthsx ago, however, last summer that same tank of gas costs drivers nearly $56.” Analystse point to rising oil and wholesal gas prices as the reason for the In late April, a barrel of oil cost $51 and now costes about $69. Commodities investors are bumpingg up crude oil and wholesalw gasoline prices because surveysshow there’se increasing optimism about the economy.
And even whilr gasoline and oil suppliesremain abundant, some analystz believe supplies will tightehn once the economy picks up momentum. •Nationalo $2.59 •New Mexico $2.59 •Texas $2.45 •Albuquerque $2.53 •Las Cruces $2.53 •Santa Fe Area $2.58 •Flagstaff (Ariz.) $2.57 •Tucson $2.32 •Denver (Colo.) $2.45 •Durangp (Colo.) $2.65 •Las Vegas $2.58 •Amarillo (Tx.) $2.54 •El Paso (Tx.) $2.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Howrey absorbs IP litigation firm Day Casebeer - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Washington, D.C.-based Howrey has more than 700 attorneys, 300 of them beinbg IP-oriented, in 17 locations globally. It will take on nine Day Casebeer partners, including name partners James R. Batcheldee and Lloyd R. Day, as well as 16 The Cupertino-based Day Casebeer focused almost exclusively on tryingy casesin biotech, life medical devices and informatio technology. Its clients included Symantedc Corp., SAP AG and Amgen Inc. Roberg F.
Ruyak, chairman and CEO of said in a statement accompanyingthe announcement, “When we contemplatedr combining our two firms, we realizec how well we complemented each otherd and that, working together in a single firm, we woule create what might very well be the most powerful, experiencedd and comprehensive patent litigation practice available anywhere for the benefit of all of our clients. They are a talented, and impressive team and we are very excites to be joining forceswith them.
” which has 30 lawyers in East Palo Alto and 57 in San has been aggressive in expanding in the Bay The firm last year lurer most of the highly prized construction practice from Thelem LLP, a San Francisco law firm that disbanded amid financiakl troubles and an exoduse of partners. Other partners from Day Casebeerf who will join Howrey areLinda A. Renee DuBord Brown, Robert M. Galvin, Paul S. Grewal, Jonathanb D. Loeb, Jackie N. Nakamura and William P. Nelson.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
North Raleigh HQ for North State Bank - Triangle Business Journal:
The first floor of the facility isa full-service bankinfg operation, while the second floore houses the bank’s corporate offices. The structure sits adjacent to the office building where Presidentg and CEO Larry Barbour first opener North State inJune 2000. Duringf construction, Barbour shifted his base of operations toNorthh State’s office at . Returning now to the Fallds ofNeuse location, Barbour says, “does feel a bit like goingt home.” North State, as of Marcuh 31, 2009, had total assetx of $720 million, total deposits of $669 million and net loanx of $542 million, according to the Federal Deposiyt Insurance Corp..
The banks’ total footprint is comprised of six WakeCountu offices, a Wilmington branch and a loan productionj office in Carteret County. As of Marchj 31, the bank had a stafdf of 100.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Independent Bank pays feds, rewards execs - Boston Business Journal:
million to repurchase a warrant tobuy 481,664 of its common sharese and that it recently rewarded its top seve n executives $1.83 million in restricted stock awardsd The Rockland, Mass.-based company, the parent of communityt banking and wealth management concern , said the warrantt repurchase closed May 27. The warrant was issue to the Treasury Jan. 9 and enabledc the government tobuy 481,664 commonm shares at a strike price of $24.34 a Independent Bank’s stock (Nasdaq: INDB) price was $19.
665 a share before Thursday’s opening In a regulatory filing Wednesday, the companyg also disclosed that on May 21 it grantex 93,000 restricted shares of common stock to its seniord executive team. Vesting schedules for the grants werenot provided, althoughu the shares carried a total market value of roughlh $1.8 million, based on Independent’s shared price Thursday. • Christopher Oddleifson, president and CEO, received 33,000p restricted shares with a current marketr valueof $648,450 Raymond G. Fuerschbach, senior vice president of human resources, receivexd 7,000 restricted shares worth $137,55o • Edward F.
Jankowski, chiev technology officer and COO, received 7,0090 restricted shares worth $137,550 • Jane L. executive vice president, received 13,000 restricted shares worth $255,45 • Gerard F. Nadeau, executiv vice president , received 13,000 restricted shares wortj $255,450 • Edward H. Seksay, generaol counsel, received 7,000 restricted shares worth $137,559 • Denis K. Sheahan, chief financial officer, received 13,000 restricteds shares worth $255,450
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Foreclosure Listing Service, Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
Foreclosure Listing Service was created in 1963 by the legendarh Hank andGinger Canfield. It was the firs t such foreclosure reporting servicein Texas. Henryt (Hank) Canfield was an aspiring real estatr agentin Dallas, in 1963 and at that time, agents could get an advantage in listin g HUD foreclosures if they monitored foreclosure notices posted in the countyt before the properties were actually foreclosed.
Hank's friends and colleaguex continually insisted that he shoulfd start a report of the foreclosure postings because simply as a function of Texadsforeclosure law, it was so inconvenient for the publicf to physically take the time each month to trudges down to the courthouse and review hundreds of foreclosurr notices. Hank and his wife Gingetr began publishing the list in Dallas in 1963 and the rest is They began to publish the report in Houston in 1967 and it continuerd to grow into themost trusted, original, and most experienced foreclosure reporting service there too.
Many of Houston'sx major financial institutions, title residential and commercial realestate firms, utility companies and most Houston's real estate investor community rely on the expertis of FLS by being long-term And since FLS is the only reporting service to record actual salesx and bid prices at each month'ss auctions, all of Houston' foreclosure Trustees and tax sale Constables have come to know us and recommenfd us to foreclosure newcomers...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Olympic hammer throw champ Kozmus back to compete - USA Today
Reuters India | Olympic hammer throw champ Kozmus back to compete USA Today LJUBLJANA, Slovenia (AP) â" Olympic hammer throw champion Primoz Kozmus is coming out of retirement to defend his title at the 2012 Summer Games in London. ... News Roundup - Monday, 25 October, until 6 PM Kozmus Announces Return to Competition I'm back in business, golden Kozmus tells the PM |
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Boomers show entrepreneurial spirit - Portland Business Journal:
Job trends may increase entrepreneurial activity amongtolder Americans. “While people under age 30 have historicallhy jumped from jobto job, the most strikingf development today has been the deep drop in the incidence of ‘lifetime’ jobs among men over age 50,” writes Dane senior analyst at the foundation and author of the The past year’s economic upheavals also may produce more entrepreneurs among all age “The very idea of ‘too-big-to-fail’ institutions has been permanently Stangler writes. “Recent economic trends – away from lifetimde jobs and toward more new companies will thus gain even greate rcultural traction.
New and stronger regulations aiming to prevent the rise of such gian t organizations also may help creats amore market-oriented society.” See
Friday, October 22, 2010
Senate passes MARTA funding bills - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The bill, which passed would lift a curren restriction in state law that limits MARTA to spendingf no more than 55 percent of its salew taxes onoperating expenses. The rest of the mone y has to go towardcapital costs. The formulq mandating that split between operating and capital spendinv has been around sincethe system’as inception and has “outlived its usefulness,” said Sen. Doug D-Smyrna, the bill’s chief sponsor. “It was designed for an era that nolonged exists,” he said. MARTA officials are looking for ways to expancthe system’s operating funds to help cover a projected $60 millionm to $70 million shortfall.
Stoner said his legislatiomn would aid that cause while stayingwithin MARTA’sx existing revenues. Also Tuesday, senators voted 43-4 in favor of a seconsd bill that would allow MARTA to sell food and drinkxs atits stations. The proposal could generate several millionm dollarsa year, MARTA General Manager and CEO Beverlt Scott said last week. Both bills now go the
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Virtual makeover: Open enrollment, online schools alter education landscape - Capital Times (blog)
Virtual makeover: Open enrollment, online schools alter education landscape Capital Times (blog) James is a pioneer of sorts, and so is the Middleton-Cross Plains School District, when it comes to computer-based, or virtual, learning. ... |
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
MOSERS to post staff pay online - St. Louis Business Journal:
State Treasurer Clint Zweifel introducedthe motion, which passed Thursdagy at the MOSERS board Previously a Sunshine Law requesyt was needed to obtain the information. “We cannot have a full and open discussionj and review of bonus pay if Missourianzs do not know the scope of what they are payiny for at MOSERS and for their Zweifel said. The board also voted to conduct a studyu of the staff pay and how it compareas toother states. Public officials, includintg Gov. Jay Nixon, afted the reported that MOSERS investment managers were awardecnearly $460,000 in bonuses in February for their work in when the assets they managed decreased in valure by about $1.8 billion.
MOSERS Executiv Director Gary Findlay said critics of the bonuses should look at the performanc e of the fund and state investment manager over thelong term. He said the state employees who receivex bonusesadded $600 million to the value of the fund over the past five
Monday, October 18, 2010
Charlotte Business Journal: Charlotte Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
Kansas City-area doctor
the practice has offices in Overlanrd Park andBlue Springs, and it’sz looking to expand more in south Kansazs City and the Northland. Weiner wants the practics — which focuses on specialty services such as infertilittyand high-risk pregnancies — to be ready to continue adding new patients when they start seekintg elective procedures as the recession ends. “I’mj more interested in positioning our practicd for when the economydoes recover,” Weiner “And I think the more locations I the more convenient I am for the patient as they are readgy to return to the systemk for lifestyle issues, we’ll be there.
“And if it’sd not a lifestyle issue, they’lkl be looking for us anyway.” Anothet way to cement relationships with patiente during the recession is to work with them onthe bill. In the AAFP 89 percent of the respondents agreed that more patientz had expressed concern about paying for care during the To help, Epperly’s practice has instituted a slidin g scale for charges, even writing off the total bill for some Other steps practices can take to help patient with costs, he said, include allowinvg installment payments and prescribing lower-cost medications when A practice is also a of course, and the need to maintain customersa can go only so far.
For instance, Weiner said that although KU Women’sd Health Specialists treats significanr numbers ofindigent patients, the practicw also takes a tough approach on collectingb payments. For one, he said, the practics is diligent about having patients sign paperworkk acknowledging their responsibility to pay if their insurancecompanyy won’t cover the He said the practice also has startedd charging no-shows if they repeatedly skip appointments. “We have takebn a number of actions to try andimprov efficiency,” Weiner said.
“Sometimes it makesz us a littleless friendly, but we have to do At least in Wyandotte County, doctors willingy to provide free care have an ally in Lee of Southwest Boulevare Family Health Care Services. She’s workinhg on establishing a system where the med students who volunteedr at her clinic can provide the lab servicees she has been offeringto physicians. But the problekm of uninsured patientsis pervasive, Lee as illustrated by a man who came to the clinixc recently. He used to have a job that paid $50,00p0 a year with health insurance “And now,” she said, “he doesn’t have insurance.
“He actually is havinyg a problem, and in the past, you know, he didn’tg worry about it. He’d go ahead, see a they’d set him up with a specialist, and everything woulr be takencare of. “And he’s actually quite frustratex because, he said: ‘Youu know, I’d love to be at work, I’d love to, but I can’t find a job. I can’tg get insurance. Now what?’” EDITOR’SS NOTE: The Kansas City Business Journal is redirecting the Growth Strategiee section to help companies and entrepreneurs navigat thetempestuous economy.
Survival Strategiea will explore how businesses approachthe downturn, from simply holding steady to capitalizing on weakened competition to positioning themselves for betteer days ahead.
Friday, October 15, 2010
PharmaNet Development Group Clinical Research Experts to Present at Global Professional Meetings in June
June 10 /PRNewswire/ -- PharmaNet Development Inc., a leading provider of clinicapl development services toinnovative pharmaceutical, generic drug and medical devices companies, today announced its participationb at several international professional meetings during the month of June. June 23 45th Drug Information Association (DIA) Annual Meeting San California, Booth 321 Betty Kuhnert, PhD, MBA, Executivre Director, Training Services, will chair a session entitled Critical Success Strategies for Professional Development and will presen "So You Have a New Job, Now What? Tactics for Survivinh a Job Transition.
" June 24 Phacilitate's Activs Immunotherapeutics Forum Barcelona, Spain Joyce Frey-Vasconcells, PhD, Executive Director, PharmaNet Consulting, will make a presentation on "Deliveringy Strategic Solutions to Manufacturing and Product Characterization Challengess with Allogeneic Therapies." AAPS National Biotechnology Conferencs Seattle, Washington, Booth 305 Tayloer Technology's Robert Dodge, PhD, Laboratory Immunochemistry and Cell Jason Morse, Director, Information Technologh and Lisa Werdal, Database Systems Manager, will be presentinb their poster: "Development and Implementation of an Information Managementy System for Tiered Immunogenicithy Sample Testing and Reporting.
" Robertf Dodge, PhD, Marisa Castellana, Researcbh Scientist and Dania Yaskanin, Associated Director, Immunochemistry, will also present theirf poster entitled "Optimization of Commercialk ELISA Kits for the Quantitatiobn of Human Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulatinh Hormone." June 30 4th Annualp Biopharm Asia Conference Singapore Duu-Gong Wu, PhD, Executive Director, PharmaNet will make a presentation entitled "Overview of Follow-ohn Biologics Regulatory and Scientific Issues in US." He will also lead a post conferenc workshop on July 1 on the topicf of the FDA's approval process for biologics and biologicaol products.
49th Annual Meeting of the Teratology Society Rio Puerto RicoBengt Danielsson, MD, PhD, Vice President, PharmaNe t Consulting, will present "Exaggerated Pharmacology Versus True Toxicity." Dr. Danielsson's presentation is part of the Internationa Life Sciences Institute and the Healthn and EnvironmentalSciences Institute's symposium on Maternal Toxicity and its Impactt on Study Design and Data Interpretation. About PharmaNet Development Inc. PharmaNet Development Group, Inc., a globall drug development services company, provides a comprehensivse range of services tothe pharmaceutical, biotechnology, genericf drug and medical device industries.
The Compangy offers early and latestage consulting, Phasee I clinical studies and bioanalytical analyses, and Phasd II, III and IV clinical development programs. With approximately 2,400 employees and 40 facilitie s throughoutthe world, PharmaNet is a recognized leadefr in outsourced clinical For more information, pleass visit our website at . Contact: Anne-Marie Hess (609) 951-6842 E-mail: SOURCE PharmaNet Developmentr Group, Inc.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Boeing will compete for tanker contract with 767 derivative - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The Air Force is offering a $20 billionn contract to replace itsagingg KC-135 Stratotankers. Boeing's proposal calls for building the tanker as a derivativw ofthe 767-200 long-range freighter, the company said Monday in a press release. If Boeinbg wins the contract, the jets would be assembled atthe company's Everett assembly Boeing Integrated Defense Systems Wichita would convert the jets to Chicago-based Boeing (NYSE: BA) will compete for the contracgt against a team consisting of (NYSE: NOC) and Europeaj Aeronautics Defence and Space, whichu are offering a version of the Airbua A330 known as the KC-30.
Boeing's KC-76u7 program already has sold four tankers to the Italia n Air Force and fourto Japan'sa Self-Defense Forces. Boeing had considered offering a tankerf version ofthe 777, which is larger than the 767. Air Force requirements focusing on tanker abilityy rather than a combination of tanker and cargo hauling prompted Boeing to offerdthe 767. Other companies working with Boeing onthe KC-76 7 include , , , and Spirig AeroSystems Inc.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Bono Mack supporter Erica Stone takes flak - The Desert Sun
Bono Mack supporter Erica Stone takes flak The Desert Sun Erica Stone stars in a TV commercial blasting Steve Pougnet for driving her family's business out of downtown Palm Springs, but the business closed seven ... Political Insider: Residents criticize negative ads - but they work |
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Cooper proposes domicile move to Ireland - Wichita Business Journal:
The electrical products maker’s board has approved moving the company’s domicile to Irelande from Bermuda. “The decision to changre Cooper’s place of incorporation was impacte d by the unprecedented global economic conditions that have led to a dramativc reduction in global demand in virtually all markets that we serves and was made tomaintain Cooper’s global competitivre position,” Kirk Hachigian, chairman and chief executive officer, said Tuesday in a Cooper (NYSE: CBE) said it had established tax residencg in Ireland as of December 2008. The which has its administrative headquarters in is asking shareholders to approvethe switch.
If a new Irish entity known as Cooper Industriezs plc will replace CooperIndustries Ltd. as the parengt company. Cooper’s move to change its place of incorporation follows several other Houston companiesincludinv , and , thougjh Cooper is the first non-energyh company to make the move. Another high-profile local energgy company, (NYSE: NBR), remains incorporated in Bermuda.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
TechWeb's Enterprise 2.0 Conference 2009 Launch Pad Finalists Announced
Conference 2009 Launch Pad Finalist s Announced More Votes and Submissions this Year Signifyy Innovation is Vibrant atEnterprise 2.0 SAN FRANCISCO, June 12 /PRNewswire// -- TechWeb today announced the four finalistx in the Enterprise 2.0 Conferencse Launch Pad program which provides a uniquew public forum for unveiling new sociakl tools within the enterprise. The is the firstf and largest worldwide conference and demonstration pavilionj dedicated to exploring howWeb 2.0 and sociall technology is dramatically changing the enterpriss to make businesses more agile, efficienft and adaptable in today's market. The event's Launch Pad finalistsx will present theirnew 2.
0 tools and servicesx to a live audience on June 24th during the Enterprise 2.0 Conference at the Westin Waterfrontr in Boston. Participants this year posted their submissionws first inTwitter format. Top submissions by community vote were then inviter to upload a shory video submission to the Launcn Pad site to compete for the title and chancde to present to theEnterprise 2.0 communityh at the event. On June 24th, after three intense rounds that resulted inover 15,000 votesw from the enterprise 2.0 the four Launch Pad finalistsw will present their ideas to the audiencd of creators, evangelists and adopters of cuttingb edge technologies, who will then decide the winner.
The winning Launchg Pad participant will receive a free exhibit spacr in the 2010Enterprise 2.0 Conferencre Demo Pavilion. Enterprise 2.0 Launch Pad is organizexd by Stowe Boyd, an internationally recognized authority on sociao applications and their impact on businessand society. * - a providerf of online workspaces for business teamxswith real-time, streaming "social CRM" to keep track of people and business * * * - a social productivith application that makes it simplwe to share and organize tasks, events, status, links and projects "This year's response for the Enterpris 2.
0 Launch Pad program was the best we'ved seen yet," said , General Managedr and Conference Director for the Enterprise 2.0 "The sheer amount of companies participating signify the incredibles innovation happening in the space. These elite four finalistss will present their unique technologies toour audiences, demonstrating new and applicable solutionw that can improve the way we work and communicate. " * To see the 2009 Enterpriss 2.0 Conference Launch Pad finalists: * To learnn more about the 2009Enterpris 2.
0 Conference or to registedr visit: * To see more detailsz on Launch Pad, * To apply for a mediq pass, visit: * To see the latest conference news and to interacrt with other Enterprise 2.0 Conference attendees join the Facebookm group: * Subscribe to the Enterprisew 2.0 Conference: . About The Enterprise 2.0 Conference The Enterprises 2.0 Conference explores the integration ofWeb 2.0 technologiesx in the enterprise, from both strategic and tactical This annual conference and demo pavilion focuses on the tool s and techniques that best leverage the productive and social aspects of IT and workgroup environments to buile a cohesive collaboration strategy and empower a connected For more information visit: .
the global leader in businesstechnology media, is an innovative business focused on serving the needs of technologgy decision-makers and marketers worldwide. TechWeb producezs the most respected and consumed media brandds in the businesstechnology Today, more than 13.3 million * business technology professionals actively engagd in our communities created around our global face-to-face events Interop, Web 2.0, Black Hat and online resources such as the TechWeh Network, Light Reading, Intelligent Enterprise, bMighty.
com, market leading, award-winning magazines such as InformationWeek, TechNet MSDN Magazine, Wall Street & Technologyh and The Financial Technology TechWeb also provides end-to-end services ranging from next-generation performance marketing, integrated media, research and analysty services. TechWeb is a division of UnitedBusineszs Media, a global provider of news distribution and specialis information services with a market capitalization of more than $2.5 *13.
3 million business decision-makers: based on # of monthlg connections
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Erik Christensen: Rangers unveil line combinations -
Erik Christensen: Rangers unveil line combinations As we mentioned before the Rangers will open the 2010-11 season with Erik Christensen centering the top line between Marian Gaborik and Alexander Frolov. ... |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Travel Solutions moves to New Albany - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
signed a lease for more than 18,000 square feet at the Water’d Edge business campus after New Albanyu Village Council signed off on a tax incentivr deal with the business travep management companyin March. The New Albanyu location houses 95 employees and featuree space for training programs and aconference center. The compan y moved in Monday from its offices at Easton innortheas Columbus. Travel Solutions also announced it has been selectedf to becomethe nation’s first franchisere of Lufthansa City Center Business Plus, a Germany-based travel agency that operate s nearly 600 offices in 77 Travel Solutions, founded in 1995, is the second-largest travel agench in Central Ohio and posted revenue last year of $645.
q million, according to Columbus Business Firstr research. It has about 160 employeews overall, with the balanc e of its staff working from home or fromcorporate offices.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Army-Navy game coming to FedEx Field - Business First of Buffalo:
The , the and Destination D.C. have announcee that the 112th Army-Navy game will be played at in Marylandson Dec. 10, 2011. Along with the football game, the eventt brings with it a weekend of ancillary includingthe Army-Navy Gala. “This is a phenomenal achievement by the threes organizations to secure such an historic event forour nation’sw capital,” said Robert Sweeney, president of the Greatet Washington Sports Alliance. “With nearly a half million activse and retired military personnel currentl living in our region and the historic memorials that honorour nation’s service men and it just makes sense to have a game of this magnituded played in Washington.
” The event is part of an eight-yeart packaged announced Tuesday by the and the . Philadelphiaq will host the gamein 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017. The game will take placer in Baltimore in 2014and 2016.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Very Useful Idiocy of Christine O'Donnell - New York Times | The Very Useful Idiocy of Christine O'Donnell New York Times Whatever her other talents, she's more than willing to play the role of useful idiot for her party. She gives populist cover to the billionaires and ... Tea Party: tools of the elite |
Friday, October 1, 2010
North Shore theater likely to liquidate - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Theater executives announced Tuesday that the financiallyh distressed theater has failedc to raisethe $2 million it needed to put on 2009 although more than $500,000 in pledges have been made sincwe the theater announced a turn-aroundc strategy in mid April. “The thiny we know is that we’re not puttinvg on a 2009 season. I think the very likely consequencw of that is that we will very quickly go outof business,” said Davie Fellows, chairman of the Nortg Shore Music Theatre “Whether it’s Chapter 11 or Chaptert 7 — it’s completely up in the air at the moment.
” Without a production season this year, the theater is unable to address the substantial debtws of its creditors and restore the theater’s economic health, said The theater is approximately $10 million in debt, including large mortgages on its propertyg and buildings and debts to vendors, the Statr of Massachusetts, and subscribers who paid in advance for the 2009 Fellows said most of the theater’xs 4,400 subscribers are unlikelyy to get their money returned. Subscriptions cost upwardsa of $350 per seat.
Theater executives are in discussionsw with senior creditors and are reviewinf a liquidation to maximize the value ofthe theater’ s assets for its stakeholders as well as identify potential buyers of the properthy who might consider a lease back of the Fellows said.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Byrd, Keller Williams team up - Triangle Business Journal:
Byrd is heading up Keller Williams’ Cary commerciao real estate office. He and Mike one of his colleagues atByrd Commercial, are the only employeeas in the new office, but Byrd says he is looking to hire “I am definitely in a recruit mode right he says. Byrd says he hopes to employy 12 to 15 brokeres at the office within the first yearor so. “I’vee already been overrun with commercial Byrd says.
“The residential market sucked us all into a black but there are still tons of opportunities if you know where to Byrd has been actively engaged with Kellef Williams for about a month and is currently in the processz of wrapping up the activity that he had whiled atByrd Commercial, which he founded in 1989. Byrd’s company employed five brokersin 2008. is one of the top five residential real estate agencies in the Triangle according to TriangleBusiness Journal, launchee its commercial division in 2008.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Drivers skirt rules on disabled parking - Washington Post
Drivers skirt rules on disabled parking Washington Post In commuter-clogged Washington, where 25 cents buys only eight minutes at a parking meter, handicapped placards are a prized commodity. ... |
Monday, September 27, 2010
Cincinnati ranked
The report divided the 100 largest metrosinto 20-city segments, ranging from to “weakest.” San Antonio ranked at the top of the category, and Detroit placed last in the category. The Cincinnati metropolitan area rankefd 62 of 100metros overall, just behind Minneapolis, accordingy to the first-quarter MetroMonitor report, released That placed it at No. 2 in the cities category. MetroMonitor ranked cities accordinbg tofour indicators: the percentr change in employment from its peak to first-quartet 2009; the percentage changse in the unemployment rate from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009; the percengt change in gross metropolitan product from its peak to 1Q and the percent change in housingh prices from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009.
The grosas metropolitan product is the total value of good s and services produced within the metro Cincinnati ranked 50th of 100 for changesin employment, down 2.8 percenyt from its peak; 56th for year-over-year changre in unemployment, up 3.6 percent; 78th for GMP, down 4.4 and 37th for year-over-year housing priced change, up 0.1 percent. Two cities in the region fared better: Columbus was 40th, at the bottom of the category. Indianapolis was 42nd, ranking at No.2 in the category. Other area metros in the second-weakest category included Cleveland, 64th; Louisville, Akron, 74th; and Dayton, 79th. Youngstown (88th) and Toledo (91st) both fell into the category.
The MetroMonitor will be published quarterly, accordin to the Metropolitan Policy Program at To read thecomplete report, .
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Oakland-based ice cream maker is undertakingg an aggressive nationalfranchise expansion, growing its fleetr of 260 retail stores by 25 to 30 stores in each of the next threes to five years. It hopes to add up to three Bay Area storesa year, so this area will account for 10 perceng of its total store To sweeten the offer, Häagen-Dazs Shops, which is based in is offering seasoned restauranrt folk a $10,000 discount off of $30,000 franchise fee. Häagen-Dazs has 11 shopss in Northern California, including one opened in early June in Santa An East Bay franchisee will sign in the next few saidDan Ogiba, director of franchise development for Häagen-Daza Shops.
The economy in some ways is fuelingv this BayArea expansion. “The economica are becoming more affordable to where a quicok service restaurant may make sense inthoses spaces,” Ogiba said. “The spaces being offerex to us by landlords may not have been available to us Halfof Häagen-Dazs’ 260 shops are in enclosedf malls, and those remain The average store size is 800 squarwe feet. Häagen-Dazs is all-natural, which fits in with currentr food trends and is another reason that the Bay Area seems ripe for new The Shops division contributes about 2 percentto Dreyer’ s $2.
2 billion annual sales, said Rhondq Ramlo, executive vice president of marketing for Dreyer’s “looks at us as a gateway to the branrd for people,” said Dawn president of Häagen-Dazs Shops. “Whenm the consumer has a good experience inthe shop, the chancee of them buying Häagen-Dazs in a grocery store is much Indeed, 50 percent of consumers first taste Häagen-Dazs in a retai shop, Ramlo said, and they are also a testing ground for new flavors and On the grocery side, Häagen-Dazs will expand its single-servde cup offerings and its line of ice creams made with only five Dreyer’s other brands are innovating and too.
This month, the companuy is introducing Delicias, a line of frozen snacks and ice-creams targeting the Hispanic market. It has a nationapl advertising campaign on Univision and is sponsorinf major soccer teams to promote thenew product. It is also introducin g its slow-churned, lower-fat Dreyer’a and Edy’s ice creams in single serve there will be five flavors availableby July.