Saturday, May 19, 2012

Arizona comes in 38th among state for per capita Gross State Product - Phoenix Business Journal:
Arizona’s per capita GSP came in at $32,343 for 2008 compared to $33,300p in 2007, according to the BEA. Grossa state product is a measurement of the economi output of a Delaware has the largest per capitza GSP inthe U.S. At $56,401. Mississippi the lowest at $24,403. Arizona ranks 43rd in GSP growthu for 2008 with adisappointing –0.66 percent GSP figure 2008 versus 2007. Alaska and its oil dependent economgy was a 2 percent drop in GSP 2007 versus the worst ofany U.S. State. Northy Dakota saw its economy grow 7 percen during the same time frame the best growth according BEA. Arizona’s economy makes up 1.8 perceng of the overall U.S.
economy compared with California’s 13 percent. Arizonaw State University economist Lee McPheterssaid Arizona’e economy grew by 8.7 percent in 2005 comparec to 2008’s 0.6 percent loss.

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