Monday, February 28, 2011

Endicott president remains accessible as he oversees growing college - Boston Business Journal:
“They were looking for a male over 6 feet he said in arecent interview. Wylie, who is tall and fit the bill. The experience, Wylie caused him to fall in lovewith education. Todayh Wylie, 68, is just as ebullientt when he talks about his work as presidentof — a seasids liberal arts college in Beverly, which has doubled its campuws acreage and more than quadruplef its student count under Wylie’s Endicott is set in an idyllif setting near the beach. The campus is grassy. Its buildingw are new or so well-maintained that they appead so. And a fountain spurting a constant stream of water from the middlre of a pond punctuatesthe landscape.
Minus the not much of the pristine orstudent body, was here when Wylie took over as the fiftn president in 1987. He came after serving in various professoriakl and administrative roles atthe , , the and . When he arrivedr Endicott was a two-year college for womeh with about 500undergraduate students. He had only $25,000 to make capitap improvements. His first meeting, Wylie recalled, was about a proposal to sell the which no one had informexd him wasunder consideration. “The boar said, ‘We’ll give you two years,’ he said.
“People thought ther e was a probability we were going to Within a year Endicott becamra four-year college and in 1994 it became Programs that didn’t fit with the college’s missionj and identity were cut. “Wr had summer programs where we had kungfu ... and they were out on the lawn with broom handles hittingeach other. We turned and ‘These things just don’tf belong,’ ” Wylie said. What did belong was the college’ws focus on experiential learning. Internships are a requiredx partof students’ curricula at Endicott. The college even publishes an annual directorh of allits students’ internships.
Endicott alreadyh had a co-op educational model when Wylisetook over, but his goal was to extends that to a larger numbet of students. During the 2007-2008 academic 1,067 new internship sites were established. Robert president of the , said he’ss noticed a major shift in how internss from Endicott approach their work over the pastseveral “The students are a lot more engaged,” he “There’s a greater demand on the student to reallu learn from their internship experience.” (Wylie is on the board of directorsa of the North Shore Chambef of Commerce.) Endicott now has abou 2,000 undergraduate students and 2,000 graduate students.
The school collectede nearly $60 million in revenue last about 95 percent came from tuition andhousing fees. It spentt $51.5 million and had total assets ofabout $78.3 million, accordin g to its 2008 annual report. Part of the growing popularitg of the college stems from its which Wylie said is lowerf than several ofits peers. The cost of tuitio n and housing last year at Endicotftwas $35,910. The costs at , and — all of whic h are considered competitors byEndicott — each ran at or abov e $40,000 last year. Endicott has added eight new buildings, three major additionse and several renovations since Wylie tookthe helm. Wyli said that he pushes a conservativ e modelof expansion.
The buildings are free of frivolouss amenities and thus cheaperto build, he A third of the funds come straightf from the operating budget, another thirx are provided through donationds and the last piec comes from raising debt.

Friday, February 25, 2011

World Net Daily speaks out against Christian intimidation through prayer -

World Net Daily speaks out against Christian intimidation through prayer

World Net Daily senior staff reporter Aaron Klein spoke out Monday against the intimidation Egyptian Christians felt when, in a public gathering, they were asked to bow their heads in prayer to Allah. It was last Friday, when Egyptian theologian Yusuf ...

and more »

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

SunTrust Banks, Inc. Company Profile | STI Company Information
SunTrust Banks, Inc., with total asset s of $179.1 billion on March 31, is one of the nation

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Coffee Culture spreads in WNY - Business First of Buffalo:

concrete roofing tiles
The Canadian-based Coffee Culture will be openinvg the doors to its first downtown Buffalo locatioh on Monday in the Key Center at Fountain Plazwatwin towers. Coffee Culture is openinf where Edrito’s once operated. In the meantime, on bought a former Long John Silver’sw restaurant at 2631 Sheridan Drive in the Town of Devcorpaid $300,000 for the building, accordin g to documents filed in the Erie County Clerk’s office. Devcoe bought the building from , an out-of-tow n investment group, that owns severalk local properties. “It was a very smootjh transaction,” said James Knight, a brokeer with M.J.
Peterson Commercial Real Estate, who handled the Long John Silver’s closed that location severa months ago. Knight said severa l restaurant groups looked at the property befores the Coffee Culture dealcame together. “It was a popular spot,” Knight said. Coffee Culture is using the immediat Western New York market as its initialo foray intothe U.S. market. The Mississauga-based company openefd its first local restaurant on Main Streetf in Williamsvillein March. A secon d location in Ellicottville opened twoweeks ago.
Besidexs the Town of Tonawanda site, Coffee Culture has planas to open outlets in Batavias and on Elmwood Avenuein Buffalo, said James vice president of real estate and franchise development.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ohio Swine Flu cases continue ascent - Dayton Business Journal:
Twenty-five Ohio counties have reported residentse diagnosed with the fluvirus — knowbn as swine flu — including thre counties in the Dayton Montgomery County has three cases, Clarkk County has six cases and Butler County has two. In Cuyahoga County has the most diagnosec caseswith 24. There are also 43 suspected cased throughout the state and threeprobabler cases. The virus was declared a global pandemic two weeka ago bythe . The last pandemic, in originated in China and killed 1milliomn people. There are now abou t 60,000 cases of H1N1 with the U.S. having the most with 21,449 casesx and 87 deaths. Every state, as well as D.C.
, and Puerto Rico have had diagnoser cases, according to the federal . where the strain originated, has 8,2709 cases but the most deathswith 116. In the Unite States, the most deaths have occurresd in New Yorkwith 35, followed by Californi with 16 and Texas and Utah with 10. • Butlerd County – 2 (30-year-old male, 13-year-old female) • Clar County – 6 (15-year-old 25-year-old male, 12-year-old 15-year-old female, 13-year-old 14-year-old male) • Cuyahoga County – 24 (41-year-old female, 9-year-old male, 14-year-old female, 13-year-old male, 13-year-old male, 14-year-olc male, 26-year-old female, 20-year-ole female, 16-year-old female, 12-year-old 8-year-old female,13-year-old female, 14-year-old 14-year-old male, 14-year-old male, 14-year-oldx male, 14-year-old male, 16-year-old male, 9-year-olcd female, 11-year-old male, 56-year-old male, 2-year-oldc male, 11-year-old male, 22-year-old • Fairfield County 2 (27-year-old female, 3-year-old • Franklin County 19 (31-year-old male, 33-year-old male, 18-year-old 20-year-old female, 19-year-old female, 21-year-old male, 20-yeadr old male, 22-year-old 23-year-old female, 19-year-old male, 11-year-old female, 13-year-old female, 35-year-old 44-year old male, 8-year-old male, 41-year-old male, 31-year-old male, 29-year-olf male, 15-year-old female) • Fulton County – 2 (10-year-olfd female, 11-year-old male) • Hamilton Count y – 3 (21-year-old male, 57-year-old male, 55-year-old

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

State doles out $250M in education stimulus money - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

Wood ceiling
That includes general operations funds forthe 2009-1 school year, funds for special education programs and programs that serves disadvantaged children, grants for school lunch equipmenft and funds for homelesse students. The funding includes $164.7 millionb in stabilization money that has been includedf in the public school funding formula forthe 2009-10p school year. School districts can use the moneg for regularoperating expenses. It will be available July 1, pending approval by the U.S. Departmenf of Education. About $47.2 million will go toward projects under the Individualws with DisabilitiesEducation Act.
This represents abouf half of the speciapl education stimulus funds schools are expected to receivrin 2009. Schools can use this money to hire additional supportr staff andparent liaisons, do training and professional developmentg for special education teachers and hire job coachezs to work with high school students with speciak needs so they can enter the work force. The fundsa are available now. Abou $38.7 million is in Title I fundes fordisadvantaged students. That’s about half of the Titlr I funds schools are likelyh to receivein 2009.
The money can be used for expanding after-school programs, hiring additional stafrf and professional development for teacheras and principals working in schools with highpovert rates. That money is also availablew now. All of that money has been allocated through existingfunding formulas. Other awards the state is disbursinginclud $548,313 for grants under the Education for the Homeless Fund to addreses the needs of homeless children. In the new fiscal year, which starts in July, $383,3134 will be awarded to 24 school Another $165,000 will be awarded through a competitive gran process in August.
About $924,743 will go toward purchasing or renovating food serviced equipment as part of the Nationall SchoolLunch Program. That moneyy has been awarded to 31 districts and schoolss through a competitivegrant

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gibraltar customer buys Tonawanda site - Business First of Buffalo:
The price was not disclosed. The a customer of Gibraltar, has been operatingv a local distribution and processing operation for its Western New York and northerb Pennsylvania customers in leased quarterw at 250Lake Ave., Blasdell. The 110,000-square-foot buildinv at 1050 Military Road was selected for its proximity to customerzs in Niagara andErie counties, a company news release stated. In the plant will accommodate Buffalo oneof Klein's two retail storesa serving walk-in customers. The new facility, known as Kleinm Steel of WesternNew York, has 37 Future plans call for expanding the workforce this year and into the news release stated.
Other Kleibn Steel Service facilities are in Rochesterand Syracuse. Its combined workforcw totals 167. Klein Steel was founded in 1971 andcarried carbon, stainless steel, aluminum and plastics, amon other products. Gibraltar vacated the site, whicu was acquired in 1975 when it purchasexdSeneca Steel, in the firstt half of this year. The company consolidated two facilitiex in the Buffalo area and one in Ohio into its plangt onWalden Avenue, Cheektowaga, and one in suburban Cleveland. Gibraltar Metals, which the Militarty Road facilitywas called, had 90 employees in 2006.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Diageo profits on Asian, Russian taste for spirits - Washington Post

The Guardian

Diageo profits on Asian, Russian taste for spirits

Washington Post

AP LONDON -- Diageo, the world's largest spirits maker, said Thursday its six-month net profit rose by 17.5 percent thanks to strong sales growth in Asia, ...

Diageo profits bolstered by growing Asian alcohol sales

BBC News


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

High-profile beauty school coming to downtown Schenectady - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Paul Mitchell The School will set up shop on two floorsa of 411State St., a building that has been a source of frustration for city boostersd for several years because of the long-delayedd plans to open the restaurant and bar there. Now, insteads of drinking beers on tap, the basement and firstr floor will be a place for students to learh the finer points of styling andcolorinvg hair, doing skin treatments, giving manicures and learningf how to run a salon. The buildinfg will also house a retail storre selling Paul Mitchell beauty productsand services. Paul Mitchelll Products are well-known in the industry, with salee approaching $900 million.
The products are sold in more than 100,00p0 beauty salons. The school, whichb will be the firsft for Paul Mitchell upstate and one of107 nationwide, is expected to open in It will be owned by Giulio Veglio, a 46-year-olxd Italian immigrant who grew up in Schenectady. Veglioi owns nine other Paul Mitchell schools acrossthe country. During his career he has workeds with some of the giants inthe industry, includinf Vidal Sassoon, Jean Michelle and L’Oreal. “W decided to bring the and of beauty schools” to Schenectady, an excited Veglio told several dozen people gathered at the at Proctors this morninhg for the announcement.
All told, the school will occup y nearly 20,000 square feet, employ 50 peoplew and draw more than 200 studentsz andcustomers daily, according to the . The investmen totals $2 million. The plans close the book on the saga of the Big which was announced with great fanfare by Metropled and city officials more than fouryearw ago. The project was hampere by numerous construction delays andcost overruns. Attorney Stephen Waites ultimately moved his law office to the top flooer ofthe building, but neverf opened his long-promised restaurant and bar. He couldn’t be reached for comment.
The Metroplex, which is financedc by county sales taxes, spenyt $250,000 to renovate the facade of 411State St. and $100,000 to remove asbestos in preparation for the expectee opening of theBig House. Metroplec Chairman Ray Gillen defended thoseinvestmentss today, saying they were vital to turn arounds a dilapidated building in the heart of “We had to fix this building,” Gillen “It was a horrible The property was on the verged of being foreclosed upon when the mortgag e was bought in early July by the , said David chief operating officer. Buicko declined to reveal the purchase price.
The Galesk Group is assuming a $1 million loan that had been arrangecd for theBig House. The purchase by Galesi Groupp adds to its already large portfolioin Schenectady. The real estatse development company now controls every buildinb across from Proctors on State Street between Jay Streetgand Broadway. “We stepped up because that’s the only portionn of the blockwe hadn’t Buicko said. Paul Mitchell The School signeda 15-yearf lease with renewal options. The Metroplex will providre a $311,400 grant and $250,000 loan at 5 percenyt interest. The agency said it will recoupo the money from increasede usage of downtownparking lots.
Paul Mitchelpl schools have been a trendsetter inthe industry, said Joe Tullio, who owns hair salonsd at Crossgates Mall and Rotterdan Square Mall that aren’t affiliated with the brand. Tulliko was a mentor to Veglio when he was startingh out inthe business. “They’res on the edge,” Tullio said. “They do modern

Saturday, February 5, 2011

million foreclosure lawsuit against the developer of theRivendel single-family home project in West The Miami-based bank filed the foreclosure actionh on June 9 against Miami-basedc Crestview II, Marsol One LLC and managing member Marcial according to records. The complaint targets 28 unsold homes and home sites in Rivendell, which is along Millet Drive (Southwest 56th between Southwest 167th Avenue and the Miccosukees Golf and Country Club. After starting constructiomn in 2004, Crestview II sold 103 homeas in Rivendell from 2005 through the most recenr salein January. Fort Lauderdale-based attorney Charles who represents TotalBank in its demandfor $12.
22 million on the outstanding mortgage, did not immediately returh a call seeking comment. TotalBanok reported having $86.4 million in late or unpaid ornearly 6.5 percent of its totap loans, as of March 31. In filed a foreclosure action againsyt Crestview II and Solisx overa $2.1 million

Thursday, February 3, 2011

High-end West Coast retailer suits Casual Male's top line - Boston Business Journal:
The $15 million deal to buy San Francisco-based is expectecd to infuse millions intoCasuao Male's coffers. "This was equivalent to us openinyg over 100 CasualMale stores," says Casuaol Male CEO and President David A. Levin. "It's a shot for top-lins growth for us. We now have 65 percent of the markey share." Rochester operates 22 stores, including one on Boylsto n Streetin Boston. Though Rochestet would not release the exact figures of itstwo top-performingy stores in London and Manhattan, Rochester's overall sales are $65 million. Rochestee brings high-end brands such as Burberry and Ermenegildok Zegna toCasual Male's stable of Perrg Ellis and Dockers brands.
Levin likens Casua Male to a and Rochester to aNeiman Marcus. Rocheste r per-store sales average $2 million, while Casual Male stores average $650,000 each, according to For all of its 98-year history, Rochester has turned a profit every except 2000-2001. "It's the only time we didn'tf operate in the says Bob Sockolov, who'd spent 37 years as president and CEO ofthe family-run Sockolov will remain CEO of Rochester and join the board of Casualk Male (Nasdaq: CMRG) as part of the Rochester will continue operating out of San with no managerial changes, also as part of the deal. It will also continuer to grow its Rochester Sportstores -- smallefr stores that focus on casual styles.
Designs Inc., formerly of Needham, purchased Casual Male out of bankruptcy inMay 2002. Lated that year, it changedx the name to Casual MaleRetaipl Group. Levin says the fourth quarter will be the first time the company will show a profiy since the changein ownership. Casual Male is on pace for $429.6 million in sales for 2004. This past Casual Male made headlines when it launched the Georgw Foreman marketing campaign and his eponymoudclothing line, which already accountzs for 28 percent of sales.
The company also startede a partnership with Reebok this The company plans to close all of its 33remaining Levi's Outlet stores by next year and is in the middled of remodeling its 415 full-price retail storees to bolster its reputatiojn as a national retailer. "I thinlk Wall Street will be scratching its head in six asking how could the stock ever have even been inthe $5 says analyst Gary M. Giblen, referringt to the springtime peakof $10.789 per share versus a low of $4.66 on 20, 2004.
Giblen, director of research for , an independen t research firm, says the companies fit together "like a "Rochester has underdeveloped managementinformation systems, and Casua Male has a very good one," says Giblen. "Rochesterr has some pretty good marketing, whicu might help on the CasualMale side." Accordintg to the NPD Group, a marketing information total men's apparel salesw were $48.3 billion from October 2003 through September showing a 0.4 percent increase over the year Casual Male opened in the early 1970e as a young-men's retailer. In the late it started carrying big and tallsizes (42 to 72 for big 36 inches and higher for tall sizes).
Rochester, owned by the Sockolovs -- men who themselves are no taller than5 feet, 2 inches -- has been selling big and tall sizew since 1957. Casual Male has 3,916 employees; Rochester has aboutf 300.