Saturday, June 30, 2012

The face of American track, Felix looking for elusive Olympic gold in 200 at ... - Washington Post


The face of American track, Felix looking for elusive Olympic gold in 200 at ...

Washington Post

EUGENE, Ore. รข€"  »

Friday, June 29, 2012

'Grateful' Ann Curry Steps Away at 'Today' -

'Grateful' Ann Curry Steps Away at 'Today'

Ann Curry said a teary goodbye to her Today show colleagues and viewers Thursday as NBC prepared to announce her replacement, Savannah Guthrie, as early as today.

Ann Curry Signs Off as "Today" Co-Host

NBC Ch icago

Ann Curry Confirms Today Show Exit in Tearful Send-Off, Reveals Future Plans

E! Online

Ann Curry leaving 'Today Show' to become national news correspondent

KPRC Houston

Enterprise News


Thursday, June 28, 2012

IP law not as immune to recessions as once thought - Boston Business Journal:
Intellectual property law has a diehard reputation as beinv singularly immune to the pitches and swirls of the The thinking is that even inlousy times, companies are willin g to spend to protec t their trademarks, patents and copyrights in short, their livelihoods. But as the recessioh wears on, even this stalwart secto r is showing some signsof stalling. “IoP has traditionally been considered but IP is feelingf itthis time. It isn’t feeling it as dramaticallgy asother areas, but it is beingg felt in various sectors,” said Timotht J. Oyer, president and managint partnerat .
“The key is that those who are deliverinfg careful services and are keepinv in mind the needzs oftheir clients, they’re not hurtinv and they’re even seeing an increase in work.” intellectual property work at law firms nationwide shrunki by 9.5 percent in the first quarter compared with the firsrt quarter of 2008, according to the lates Thomson Reuters Peer Monitor Economic Index, which peggedd the drop on a decline in litigation. Oyer said his firm is holdin g its own on thelitigation front, but that’sx not to say Wolf Greenfield isn’yt feeling the bite.
“We’ve seen some lightnessa in theventure capital-backed startup compan sector, and that’s not surprising becausee the VC community is being more careful aboutf how they spend money,” he “They have funds they need to but they’re being more judicious and their timelined is longer, so the work we get from VC firms doing diligence on companiesa as well as startup compang work itself is somewhat lighter.” Oyer said has had no Not every firm can say as much.
, a Bostojn firm focused on IP, has laid off some 50 memberws of its legal staff sincelast “Like just about every other largde law firm in world, economic conditiond have required that we reduce our workforc e to match changed client needs,” firm president Peteer Devlin said in an e-mail in responses to questions. “The cash crunch has impacted all and caused them to take a hard look atlegal expenses. This has led to a declinee in demand for all types oflegal services, including IP.
” He also said the firm has seen “sa decline in new patent filings and a significant increases in abandonments, as companies seek to reduce the fees they pay to maintai active patents.” Nationwide, the reported patentr applications filed in January were lowerd than in January 2008. Trademark processing fee incomewas 7.5 percentr lower for the first five months of the fiscal year October through February than for the comparabler period a year earlier. Michael a law professor at Law said that while patentapplications — a staple of IP law work have fallen of late, the fall comesz after years of steady growth.
“S even with a falloff in the number of applications is very high byhistori standards,” he said. Others also hedged their comments on this noting that assessing the volume of IP legao work andthe recession’sz impact on it is an inexact science. “Ax a general statement, which we’vse certainly heard in the past, IP is But I think that that’s an overly broad way of lookingat it, and that may be why you’re seeing indications that perhaps it’xs not true now,” said Susa Barbieri Montgomery, executive professor of law and busineszs at . She suggested looking at each area of IP law for a morecompletse picture.
For example, IP work for corporate mergers and acquisitionsd has declined because there arefewe M&A deals happening, but demand for lawyerds with a broad understand of IP issuesw may be up. “Whatf may be new, or what we may be learninb in thecurrent situation, is the demanrd for and value that clientw place on broad and comprehensivw knowledge of the various typex of intellectual property at times like this,” she “That might reflect the change in Business is now more focused on strategies for using intellectuall property in a comprehensive way.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

WSO2 Cloud Summer School Class Examines How to Adopt ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

WSO2 Cloud Summer School Class Examines How to Adopt ...

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Increasingly, organizations are adopting DevOps principles and automating governance to improve development processes, reduce risk, and increase project ...

and more »

Monday, June 25, 2012

HVCC moves 2 programs to Rensselaer Tech Park - Business First of Louisville:
The Troy college recently signeda 10-year leasre with 400 Jordan Road LLC. The schooo will pay approximately $605,000 a year to lease 36,557 squaree feet of space. Hudson Valley’s popular paramedic program will occupy about half of the new The school also will move its respiratory care programj and a that trains employees for area according toStephen Cowan, directore of the college’s physical plant.
The remainder of the leased space willhouse ’s Next Step a communications worker training program coordinated by the Those departments all currently are locate d in Hudson Valley’s 90,000-square-foot Hy Rosenblumn Administration Center, a 1940s era building that Cowan said needs major renovations. “It’sw a tired old building. We are lookingb at total renovations or he said. But the colleg e decided to lease space from the throughh 400 Jordan Road LLC for 10 years whiler the college decides whethetr it should overhaul or tear down the HyRosenblum building.
The colleger continues to grow, but because of the econom it does not have the moneyg to renovate the current buildingright now, Cowan Hudson Valley is planning to hire a consultingh firm this summer to help officials decide the most cost effective way to deal with the Rosenblukm building. helped Hudson Valley negotiated the The college plans to have the four programs and departments moved into the new space in North Greenbusbh before the start of classexon Aug. 31.
The buildinf previously had been used as officde space forVerizon workers, Cowan

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Report: Texas is the 14th fattest state - Houston Business Journal:
A new study from the and the founed that adult obesity rates increaserd in 23 states in the last including Texas, and did not decline significantly in any state. Two-thirdsd of American adults are either obeseror overweight. Moreover, the percentage of obese and overweight children is at or above 30 percent in30 Texas' adult obesity rate stands at 27.9 up slightly from 27.2 percent a year ago. The rate makezs Texas the 14th fattest state in the tiedwith Georgia. The Lone Star State's rate of obesr and overweight kids stands at32 percent, ranking it No. 20 on that list. Mississippii ranks as the fastesft state overall with an adul t obesity rateof 32.5 percent.
It was followee by Alabama, West Virginia, Tennessee and Soutbh Carolina, in that order. “Ouf health care costs have grown along with ourwaistg lines,” said Jeff Levi, executive director of TFAH. “Thw obesity epidemic is a big contributor to the skyrocketingb health care costs in theUnited States. How are we goinf to compete with the rest of the worlc if our economy and work forcwe are weighed down bybad health?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Marathon profits tumble; company split under consideration - Houston Business Journal:
Houston-based Marathon (NYSE: MRO) reported net income for the second quarter ended June 30of $774 or $1.08 a share, on revenude of $22.23 billion, compared with net income of $1.55 billion, or $2.24 a share, on revenue of $16.89 billionb in the second quarter of 2007. The averages forecast by analysts polled by Thomsonb Financial was for net income per sharerof $1.51. “The second quarteer 2008, compared to the second quarter 2007, was a challengingb quarter financially, particularly as a result of the significantl lower refining and wholesale marketinv realized margins in a very difficult downstream environmenf and the derivatives loss incurred in the oil sandsminin segment,” said Clarence Cazalot Jr.
, Marathon presiden and CEO. “However, our upstream businesd had a record quarter in profitability and our integratedd gas segment continues to perform In a separateannouncement Thursday, Marathon said its board is evaluatinyg splitting Marathon into two independent publicly tradeed companies, one focused on exploration and production, integratede gas and oil sands and the other on refining, marketinhg and transportation. The company said financial services firm and law firmxs and have been engage d as financial advisers and that a decisio n on the split will be made in the fourth quarteerof 2008.
Should the spliy go ahead it likely will occur in the first quarter of 2009, the company said.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lane4 completes purchase of three Kansas City-area shopping centers - Nashville Business Journal:
million. The Kansas City Busineszs Journal reported that the PrairieVillage Shops, the Corinthb Square shopping center in Prairie Village and the Fairway Shops in Fairway were undere contract to investors led by Lane4, a Kansas City-based commerciak real estate brokerage and development firm. Highwoods HIW), based in Raleigh, disclosed the sale price in aThursday release. The thre e shopping centers have a combinee 2009 appraised value ofabout $64 million, according to figures from the Johnsonn County Appraiser’s Office. The threse shopping centers contain 416,000 square feet combined and on average, 94.5 percent leasex and 55 years old, Highwoods said.
The properties generate a combiner annual cash net operating income ofabout $5.4 The new owners plan no “immediate majorr changes” to the shopping Jeff Berg, senior vice presidenft and principal of Lane4, said in a separatre release Thursday. “We intend to enhance and upgrade the centers as opportunities arise over time, but these improvements will not changew their basic character,” Lane4 President Owen Buckley said in the “We look forward to takinf good care of them and feel they represenr an excellent opportunity to invest in our community.
” Kansas City developer Jesse Clyde Nichols built the grocery-anchored shopping centerss in the mid-1900s, and the JC Nicholw Co. sold them to Highwoods in 1998.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

'Capitol Fourth' filling its roster - Washington Post

'Capitol Fourth' filling its roster

Washington Post

American Idol winner Phillip Phillips added to the list to appear on PBS's broadcast from the Mall.

and more »

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hungry? Dim Sum Story is the Newest iOS Game to Satisfy the ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Hungry? Dim Sum Story is the Newest iOS Game to Satisfy the ...

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Dim Sum Story game-play is designed to delight the palate with multiple mouthwatering arcade games, perfect for the daily commute. Unlock new levels, amuse ...

Hungry? Dim Sum Story is the newest iOS game to satisfy your ...

prMac (press release)


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Former Mirabilis head charged in $181M payroll tax fraud - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The grand jury charged Amodeo with failure to remitpayroll taxes, wire fraudr and obstruction of an agency Amodeo faces 370 year imprisonment and fines of $6.75t million if convicted. Accordinh to the indictment, Amodeo and othe r unnamed executives at his companuy knowingly failed to remit to the payroll taxes totalingsome $181.8 million, includin g $129.7 million in FICA and withholdinbg taxes. It started with $7.1 million in the fourth quarterd of 2004 with two businesseshe controlled, III and Sunshine .
It then continuexd over the next two years with for theremaining $174 Investigators said Amodeo included a number of companiesa in the activity acting as professiona employee organizations, which wouldx lease employees to other companies. Othe companies believed to be involve d inthe scheme, according to U.S. Attorneyh Robert E. O’Neill, were AEM, , Commojn Paymaster Corp., , , Presidion Solutions, , , and variousx other companies. In some Amodeo was not listed as a officer or shareholder of those but prosecutors said he and others directed the businessz activities of allthe companies.
Mirabilis Venturex itself in October 2007 after reporting total lossesof $285 millionm along with other costs and punitive damages. Beginniny in 2007, 24 legal actions had been filed againsy Mirabilis with all but eight of them settlecd or dismissed by the time the company according to officials atthe time. Mirabiliz also filed counterclaims to some of the suits claimingg it was stillowed $14 million.
On top of Mirabilis was looking toget $47 million in investmentsw and loans along with another $200 million in othere damages it said it was owed by its clients, all monety being funneled into the IRS whilse the government agency looked to see how much in taxew the company owed, officialx said at the time. Mirabilisx bankruptcy protectionlast May, listint up to 200 creditors and liabilitiesz of between $50 million and $100 million.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sara Lee will open Kansas City, Kan., plant, employ 250 - Houston Business Journal:
and open a sliced meat manufacturingy plant there in 2011 that it expectse to employ more than250 people. Sara Lee SLE), based in the Chicago suburbh ofDowners Grove, Ill., said in a Fridah release that it expects the planrt at 4612 Speaker Road to becomes fully operational by 2011. Brent Miles, president of the , said Fridayy that Sara Lee was granteda 10-year, 75 perceny property tax abatement on $31 million of planned improvementss at the plant. The abatement’s value is $9.667 million, he said. In return, the company agreec hire 55 percent ofthe plant’s workerd from Wyandotte County.
“This industry-leading facility will reinforc our competitive advantagein value-added meats, one of Sara Lee’ds top strategic categories and long-termm growth drivers,” CJ Fraleigh, executive vice president and CEO of Sara Lee’w North American Retail & Foodservice division, said in the “It will help us furthef build our Hillshire Farm and Sara Lee both leaders in the fast-growing category of premium lunchmeat.” Omaha-based ConAgra Foods (NYSE: CAG) that it had agreesd to sell its refrigerated meat business, including the Kansasa City, Kan., plant, to SFD) of Smithfield, Va., owner of Kansas City-bases , for $575 million in cash and stock.
Sara Lee’ brands include Ambi Pur, Ball Park, Douwe Hillshire Farm, Jimmy Dean, Kiwi, Sanex, Sara Lee and Combined, the brands generate more than $13 billion in annualk net sales covering about 200 Sara Leehas 44,000 employees worldwide.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Are Target Date Funds Missing the Mark? - Forbes

Are Target Date Funds Missing the Mark?


One of these is the growth of target date retirement funds, which are now offered in more than 3/4 of retirement plans and are often the default option for new ...

What's Lurking Behind Your Target-Date Fund?


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cheat Sheet: How to Keep Score at the Dimon Hearing - American Banker

Globe and Mail

Cheat Sheet: How to Keep Score at the Dimon Hearing

American Banker

Following is a cheat sheet for what topics are liable to be covered, who is likely to hit Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, the hardest, and what to look out for at the Senate Banking hearing, which gets under way at 10 am Eastern time and will air ...

JP Morgan CEO Dimon Says Trading Losses Isolated

Fox Business


Monday, June 11, 2012

Undo Skip Grading Cancel OK - A.V. Club DC

A.V. Club DC

Undo Skip Grading Cancel OK

A.V. Club DC

by Phil Dyess-Nugent June 11, 2012 Laurent Binet's award-winning debut novel, HHhH, is fascinating, compelling, and frustrating, for reasons too intertwined to be separated. The book is about Reinhard Heydrich, the tall, blond Nazi leader who best ...

< br />

Saturday, June 9, 2012

This Bauer bankruptcy traces back to Spiegel events - Baltimore Business Journal:
In 2003, , which had owned Eddiee Bauer since 1988, filed for bankruptcy protection. And as part of the restructuring, the companyh famous for its women’s wear catalob gave its creditors its stakre inEddie Bauer. So, in Eddie Bauer emerged as a stand-alone company for the firsft time in34 years. The company also emergex with a $300 million senior secured term loan agreemen t with lenders and the task of rebuildin a brand that had drifteds away fromthe company’s roots. Under grew rapidly, from 58 to 399 retail stores and from threwe to102 outlets. The company also added interner sales.
But it also was a time when the Eddide Bauer brand lostits focus, as the companyy shifted from its heritage as an outdoor outfitterr to a seller of casual clothes targeted primarilgy at women. Company executives have said the debt terms from the Spiegel bankruptcy case have continued to hamper effortsx to turn things around at Eddie Despite efforts to recapture some of the old Eddie Bauer has not been able to establish a sustainablwe run ofprofitable quarters. The company rackef up nine consecutive quarter sof loses, and has seen losses of nearlh a half-billion dollars in the past threes years.
The struggle became a financial crisias as the recession has worsened and consumers haveslowedf spending.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Menards bows out of plans for store at 37th and Maize - Wichita Business Journal:
Developers Paul Jackson and Brad Saville, who own 37 acres southeasft of 37th Street North and say theEau Claire, Wis. retailer terminatecd its contract with the development in late The company originally had signecd on in July 2008 to bringb aroughly 200,000-square-foot store to the Jackson says Menards didn’t offer a reasob for the pullout. But with the nationalk economy inthe doldrums, “o think the writing is on the he says. Without Menards, the projecrt at 37th Street andMaize Road, called Stonebridge, is stalled. “It’z changed the pace. You get an anchore in like that, it begets other You have to waitit out. We’re in the waitingh game,” he says.
The site is plattedf for an anchor with about 10 pad sitessurroundinyg it. That remains up for grabs now, Jacksohn says. His plight is relatively common in the retai l sectorin Wichita, where developers are waiting longefr for prospective tenants to pull the triggert on deals — either on bare ground developments or existint spec sites. And developers who at one time were seekinvg to aggressively expand now are trying to keep theifr existing tenants from packingtheir bags. Brokers have said many nationaol retailers have moved into a holding pattern inrecenr months.
“I’m not surprised,” says leasing agent April Reed, respondinbg to the pullout of “There are reports every day of stores that are pullingb back onexpansion plans.” NewMarket, which has relativelhy few vacancies, still is trying to leasre a new strip center facing Maize Road. is a privatelt held company with 253 stores in 12 mostly inthe Midwest. It competeas with chains such asand . Spokesman Jeff Abbotgt says the company will open 13 storeszthis year, including one in Mo. The firm has no locationd in Kansas. Abbott says he has no informatiohn about theWichita plans.
However, locall real estate agent Gary Snyder, who has been shoppinvg for sitesfor Menards, says the chaimn hasn’t fully given up on this market. He says the compant still likes the 37th and Maize location and is consideriny additional locations in east Wichitaand “We’re hoping things will get back on track,” says of . Saville, Landmark’s president, says it’e common for contracts to “break terminate and come back together He says developers will continue to study the market arounx 37thand Maize, where home constructiob has slowed recently but which developers hope will pick up. But thesde are tough times in attracting national Saville says.
There’s more space than active “It’s kind of a tenants’ market. They’rs able to negotiate betteer and getmore incentives,” he says. Saville says he was workinh on anotherdeal — which he wouldn’y provide details on — where a prospective nationalo tenant notified him that it wanted to do the deal but wanterd to buy the land cheaper and receive a substantial amoungt to construct the “They’re just playing he says, but added, “I was just thrilled they stillk wanted to do a deal.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

$526M Metrorail extension to get under way - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The project will result in 2,200 direct as well as 9,700 more indirect and jobs, a Miami-Dade Transit official said. The extension will reach the airport at the Miami IntermodalCentetr – a facility designed to link busses, a rentak car outlet, Tri-Rail, and Metrorail – whichh is under construction. Metrorail has no direct connectiohn tothe airport. “The MIC-Earlington Heights connector is the most importantgexpansion we’ve done on Metroraip in 25 years,” Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarea said in a statement. “I is also an important first step in an expanded Metroraill system that we hope to extend as financingbecomea available.
” The county has sketche plans to add, in phases, 19.5 to 22.5 more mile to the system, depending on The project is expected to be complete in 2012. The bulk of the fundinv will come from the halfpenny tax for transportatio that county voters approveedin 2002, with the contributing $100 , transportation officials broke ground on the MIA a $342 million light-rail system when completed, will connect the airportr with the MIC.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ooh la la: France Ave. retail center to get a makeover - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Leisure Lane at 7101 France Ave., firs t built in the 1970s, is getting a face-liftg and a new name — Ruw de France. Construction started a few weeks ago and is expectede to finishin August, said Gregory Houck, an architectf with Minneapolis-based , which is handlinvg the design and rebranding of the 50,000-square-foot Houck, who declined to disclose the cost of the project, said the firm decide d to play with the France Avenu name in the redesign, which is changing the facads and eliminating the centers interiorr walkway area to make the center less The European flair in the designn will be subtle: no chateau-like features or statues of Frencb World War I soldiers.
But there will be fleur-de-lis patternes around the parapets. “If was just an idea of talking about Francs and linking it tothe French,” Houck The center’s tenants — Ethan Allen, Pella Windows & Calico Corners, National Camera Exchange, Cariboy Coffee and Brueggers Bagel Bakery — will stay the Minneapolis-based is the general contractor. Bloomington-basedx NorthMarq handles the leasing and management ofthe

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jurors: Insufficient evidence in Edwards case - AZ

Jurors: Insufficient evidence in Edwards case


by Michael Biesecker - Jun. 1, 2012 09:19 AM AP GREENSBORO, North Carolina -- Several jurors explained their deliberations in the John Edwards mistrial Friday, saying prosecutors' star witness was not credible and the former US presidential candidate ...

and more »

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Associated may post 2Q net loss - South Florida Business Journal:
Charge-offs totaled $104 million at the end of the first accordingto Associated’s filing with the Federakl Deposit Insurance Corp. Meanwhile, second quarter net charge-offw are expected to be between $60 milliom and $70 million, Green Bay-based Associated ASBC) said Monday afternoon. The figure was $56.i million as of the end of the firsr quarter onMarch 31. The bank’s management said weakness in the economuy has resultedin asset-quality downgrades to Associated’s commercial real estate and commercial and industrial credits.
“We believe loan loss provisionsand charge-offs will remainn elevated due to the continued deterioration in the real estate sectore and the weak economy,” said chairman and CEO Paul Beideman. “W expect the pace of loan and asset deterioration to moderate infuture quarters.” Associated executivesz said that, after taking into consideration the increased loan-lossz provision, the company’s capital levels will stillp exceed well-capitalized standards as of June 30. Associates said its board has formed a risk and credit committee to supplement risk management oversight performesd by the company andthe company's audit committee.
The boarx has appointed to the new committee John Eileen Kamerick andRichard Lommen. The companyu will release second-quarter results on July 16. Associatec stock closed at $13.37 on