Friday, December 30, 2011

Extended Stay Hotels files Chapter 11 - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Spartanburg, S.C.-based company filed the reorganization petition in New Yorkbankruptcyt court, Secretary and General Counsel Josepuh Teichman writing that Extendedx Stay had about $7.1 billion in assetss and $7.6 billion in liabilities at the end of 2008. Extendesd Stay, whose more than 680 properties are managedd byHVM LLC, has eight Central Ohio including those near the Mall at Tuttle Polaris Fashion Place and Easton Town Center. The compan y bills itself as the largest operatorof mid-prices extended-stay hotels in the nation.
Teichma n in a court filing on Monday wrote that the companyh sought protection from creditors amid a general downturn in the hospitalityh industry and a hit taken as fewert potential customers needthe company’s services. “Since the typical Extendedd Stay customer seeks a lengthgy stay based oncommercial relocation, the contraction of construction and new busines s development began to significantlu and adversely affected Extended Stay’w revenue stream,” Teichman wrote. The company said its averag revenue per room dropped abouyt 23 percent in the first five months of the year comparef with the same periodof 2008.
As a result, it was unablw to deal with its debt burden with cash flow and is seekinvga “comprehensive restructuring of the entire capital structure.” Extended Stay said it plans to run operations followingg the Chapter 11 petition under a lender-approvedf arrangement using cash collateral. Debtor-in-possession financing won’t be needed, the companyy said. About 9,900 employees work in hotelw operated byExtended Stay. The company is in 44 statews and hasabout 77,000 rooms.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stimulus package provision extends HIPAA reach to some IT providers - Business First of Columbus:
As a part of providing some $20 billiojn for health information technology, Congress rewrote the rules of HIPAA regulations torequire “business associates” – thirs parties that handle patient data – to comply with standardw overseen by the . Previously, such companiea were exempt fromthe statute, though often there is a contractua obligation to data privacy. Other additions to HIPAA includee a mandate for health providers to supply patientws and HHS audit trails of who accesses patienyt informationand when.
institutions and technology companies that experiencr a breach of protected healthinformatiobn – a definition broader than just names associatedr with Social Security numbers or financial data – must disclose the breachj to patients, Health and Human Services and, in caseas of more than 500 patients, the For health IT companies, the new regulationsw will require those that house patienr data on corporate servers to upgrade their offerings to comply with HIPAA rather than simply negotiate liability in a contract with a health-carre provider.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Cisco Systems: Video to fuel massive Web growth - Triangle Business Journal:
The forecast is slightlyh below an earlier one from theSan Calif.-based networking equipment company (Nasdaq: due to the global economic slowdown. Last Cisco predicted that traffic would hit 522exabytes (equa l to 522 billion gigabytes) by the end of 2012. Now it predictz annual traffic to reach 510 exabytes by that time before jumpinh to 667 exabytes by the end of2013 – more than five timex the current traffic.
The company, whicgh has 4,500 employees in the Raleigh-Durham area, says that Interneft video will account for about 60 percent of all the Interneyt bandwidth used by consumerd infour years, up from abou t a third of all traffic When all forms of video are factored in including TV, video on demand, P2P and Internegt — it is predicted to represenrt 91 percent of all global While good news for networking equipmentg companies like Cisco, such a surgre would represent a challenge for telecom providers like (NYSE:VZ), CMCSA) and (NYSE:T) and is likelyg to feed the debate on whethere they should be allowed to cap video use by theie customers.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Nationwide Arena sale under discussion - Business First of Columbus:
Preliminary talks have been held between Blue Jacketx and FranklinCounty officials, statr legislators and Nationwide Insurance executived over helping the National Hocke y League club solve its economic problems, Columbus Business Firsft has learned. One option underr discussion calls for the county to buythe 18,000-seat arena from Nationwide so the team can work towardc getting a better lease. The issue is likely to come to a head in coming weekws as lawmakers decide whether to grant Franklinh County the authority to impose or seek voterr approval for an increase in alcohol and tobaccoexcise taxes.
Such a provisionb could be added to the state budgety bill that the General Assembly must pass byJune 30. Proceedw from a higher “sin could provide a revenue stream for the countyy to tap to retire debt on bonds it would issur to finance anarena purchase, accordin to people involved in the discussions. Ohio’s beer and wine tax ratea stand at 18 cents and 32 cent sa gallon, respectively. There is also a $1.25 state tax on a pack of cigarettes. Better deal for team? Nationwide Arena is ownef by a partnership of Nationwide Insurance and DispatcjhPrinting Co., with the insurer holdinfg a 90 percent stake.
The Blue Jackets lease the nine-year-old arena and operate it, but revenue from eventas isn’t covering operating costs, said Blue Jackets President Mike That’s forcing the club to take money from hockey operations to make up the he said. The formula worked in the early years of the whenthe team’s player payroll was lower and game attendancw was higher, Priest said, but it has contributedf to financial losses the Blue Jackets have suffered in recent years. The club has lost a combinexd $80 million over the past seven years. “Wer have a building financial Priest said. “That leads to a team financial issue.
If we can fix the building problem, we can fix the team Team officials are exploring whether county ownershilp of the arena could resul in favorable changes to the Blue operating terms, Priest said. A county agency – the Conventio n Facilities Authority – owns the land under the arenaq and the nearby Greater ColumbuseConvention Center. The county also owns Huntington Park, the home of the Columbus Clippers in theArena District. “The county has not agreedc to do anything,” Priest said. “Nothinyg has been concluded.
” Commissioners are aware of what the Blue Jackets are proposinfg but have not taken a position on buyingthe arena, said county Administrator Don The county could not afford to buy the buildingb unless a revenue stream was guaranteecd to retire bond debt that woulds go with a purchase, he said. Officials also wouldf need to examine theBlue Jackets’ finances, leasd terms and revenue from non-hockey eventzs such as concerts. The club likelh would be asked to signa long-termn lease to ensure it remainws in Columbus, Brown said. “Without a covenanyt or guaranteelike that,” he said, “II doubt the county would be interested.
It would not make businesas sense to take on ownership without beinyg assured of ananchor Public-private partnerships involving professional sportzs arenas and stadiums are common, Priest For example, tax revenue from alcoholl and tobacco sales was used in Cuyahoga County to help financee construction of a basketball aren a for the Cleveland Cavaliers and a baseball stadium for the Indians in the 1990s. Columbus went the opposit route in 1997 after voters defeate d a tax proposal to fund construction of adowntown arena. Nationwide and Dispatch Printing, owner of the Columbuzs Dispatch and othermedia operations, steppee in to build the $150 million arena when Worthingtob Industries Inc.
founder John H. McConnell led an investorsa group that landed an NHL franchise forthe city. The privatelu owned Blue Jackets, whose majority owner is Worthingtojn Industries CEOJohn P. McConnell, haven’t disclosed detailsd of the team’s finances. But media reportds have put the team’s lease on Nationwide Arenwa at morethan $3 million a year. Priesy said the Blue Jackets gave up severapl revenue sources to help get the arena including 15 ofthe arena’ 52 luxury suites that were sold for 25 yearx by Nationwide.
The team gets revenu e from the remainingluxury suites, but receivew no revenue from parking or arena naming rights, he Priest was asked if the Blue Jackets woulx consider leaving Columbus if the arena issue is not resolved. “Th e very reason we are beinhgso proactive,” he said, “is to avoidc having to deal with that question and issue. I believe as a communityg we have the ability to finda solution.” Nationwidee has participated in discussions on “public-privat e opportunities” for the Blue including a sale of the arena, said Eric a spokesman for the Columbus-based “We are not actively lookinh to sell the arena,” he said.
“It is one of the many options under consideration to help ensure the Blue Jackets remain a viable presence here for yearsto come.” Hardgrover said it’s too early to know how an arenwa deal might look. That includes a possible purchaseprice – the arena is valuedx at $153.6 million for real estate tax purposews – and whether the Nationwide name would remain on the building.
But it seeme likely Nationwide would want to continue to be a partnef with the Blue Jackets and the The company is one ofthe team’s largesty corporate sponsors and the facility is the centerpieced of the Arena District, where Nationwide and its investors have spenty $750 million in development projectxs over the past 10 years. “Nationwide will be a significanyt part ofthe solution,” Priest “They would not just walk The possibility of an increase in the exciser tax on beer in Franklin Count is a major concern to Anheuser-Busch Companies said Kevin Lee, general manager at the company’s brewery in Columbus.
Such taxee already represent the most expensive cost ofsellingh beer, he said, with the beverag taxed 68 percent higher than the averagde U.S. consumer product. Lee said higher excise taxe on alcohol hurt not just brewers buttheir suppliers, retailer s and wholesalers that rely on revenus from beer sales. “We also believwe they are highly regressive taxes that disproportionatelyaffecy lower- and middle-income wage earners,” he Lee said it is too early to say how raisinv the beer tax would affect Anheuser-Busch’s operations in The company employs 748 workers at the brewery and 176 stafferd at its metal container plant in the

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Public employers modify benefits - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The survey found 72 percent of public employerzs are increasing or considering an increase intheir employees’ deductibles, co-insurance or In addition, 74 percent of publixc employers are increasing or considering an increasse in employee premiums. When asked why they were considerinhigher deductibles, 46 percent of publiv employers cite the financial crisis. And 45 percent cite the economic downturj as the reason why they are thinkingv about higheremployee premiums. “These findings are surprising.
Althougnh cost-sharing measures have been common in the corporat e world for quitesome time, public employeres have traditionally not modified their health-card plans in this direction,” says Sally the foundation’s senior director of research. “Thw fact that the majority of publicx employers are nowincreasing deductibles, co-pays and premiums illustratesx the dual effect rising health-care costs and the financiall crisis are having on their plans.” Other cost-saving programd that public employers are instituting include adding a consumer-drivehn health plan, shifting to a self-fundee plan and introducing spousal surcharges.
Nearly three-fourths of public-plan sponsors are placing more emphasis oncontrolliny prescription-drug costs. The majority of public employersd are expanding participant education aboutg drug optionsand costs, increasinfg co-payments or co-insurance for drugs and mandatin g the use of generic drugs, the surveh found. The International Foundation of Employese Benefit Plans isa Wisconsin-based nonprofit providing information on employee benefits, compensation and financialk literacy.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Feds charge 10 in $3M Kansas City-area mortgage-fraud scheme - Kansas City Business Journal:
The indictment, announced in a Thursday release, describe s a scheme in which stra w buyers bought homes with boguzloan applications. The houses in question were in Olathe, Kansas City and Lee’ s Summit. The indictment is in federal courtin Kansas. Anthony Carollo, a managef of Gourmet Grocers inKansas City, allegedly had straw buyer list his business as theie employer and forwarded fraudulent employment verification formw to lenders.
Others charged in the indictmenyt areEric Rabicoff, 26, of Jason Rabicoff, 33, of Overland Park; Deborah Saulmon, 50, of Lucas Collier, 27, of Basehor; Bora Ly, 27, of Anthony Painton, 29, of Kansasz City; Kong Ly, 29, of Kansas City; Rebecca 24, of West Des Moines, Iowa; and Richarrd Ngek, 25, of Lee’s Summit. The charges in the indictment carrty prison terms ranging from five to30 years.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Aurora's Southlands shopping center damaged by tornado - Washington Business Journal:
A twister reportedly touched down nearbyuat 1:49 p.m. Sunday and crossed throughn the area onan eight- to 10-mile-long path for about 30 the said. . Firefighters found moderate damageat Southlands, locatedx at E-470 and Smoky Hill Road, CBS4 News reported. Rooftop heating, venting and air-conditioning unitds were damaged, windows were a shed was destroyed, and a car was overturned. Natural-gads leaks also were noted. Authorities shut down gas service to Southlandd earlySunday afternoon.
No seriousx injuries were reported onthe shopping-center grounds, but a man in a nearby neighborhood who was trying to take picturese reportedly was hospitalized with unspecified serious according to news reports. A Southland s spokeswoman told CBS4 most ofthe center'ws stores will be close Monday to allow for continued damage She said customers should call individual stores to verify whether they are closeed or open. Southlands, which opened in is the Denver area's largest shoppinbg center by retail space, at 1.7 million square feet.
It consistsa of several freestanding buildings connectexd by pedestrian corridors and The complex is owned by Granite Southlands Town Center LLC and managed by Forest City CommerciaoManagement Inc. Four othe r tornadoes were spotted north and east of DenverSunday afternoon, and baseball-sized hail struck some areas. As many as 3,0000 customers were without powetr for a time in parts of Auroraand Centennial. .

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Go! Bars & Clubs calendar: Dec. 9-15 - Times Herald-Record

Go! Bars & Clubs calendar: Dec. 9-15

Times Herald-Record

Also: Acoustic Thursday with the Differents, 7 pm Dec. 15. 561-1762. Seduction Lounge รข€" The Nightmare Before Christmas Party, 658 Route 211, Town of Wallkill, Dec. 10. Starring Isis Vermouth, Nikita Starr, ...

and more »

Sunday, December 11, 2011

How small biz owners with hundreds of job applications should sift through resumes - Memphis Business Journal:
As vice president of sales for , Smitb said he’s spent the majority of his time recentlhy poring over the flood ofresumes he’ s received to fill a few choice sale s positions within the company. A year ago, he to receive 20 resumes would’ve been normal. But in a tight job markef floodedwith candidates, he holds in his hand about 200 to fill one And they’re coming from all walksx of life, too – from industries such as real banking, finance and others, he “It’s just a ton of work and I do most of it Smith said of siftinh through the stacks to find suitable American Exhibition Services’ dilemma is one many Birminghamm companies are facing as workers flood the job market and employers’ inboxes – in search of work.
And all that siftinfg is taking time and resources awayfrom day-to-day operation s of businesses. In fact, recruiters say unemploymentr has gotten so bad that mostcompaniesz won’t advertise jobs in traditional ways anymore, instead relyingg on word-of-mouth, just to cut down on the largre volume of resumes. That’s what David Cox of did when he decide to hire a projecy manager for his construction And word-of-mouth got him about 20 percenf more than normal, he said, but all very qualifief for the position. “There’s a big pool to pick which isa positive,” he said.
“The way we seek out resume is we make phone calls in the industry and it just feedasoff itself. We’re in construction and everyboduknows everybody.” But despite the extra time it will take him to revieew resumes, all the candidates will be put through the same systemss and procedures as before, said Cox. American Exhibitioh Services’ Smith agreed not much has changed with the but said it took him the better part of three weeka to review resumes for four sales It currently is looking to fill one more accountexecutivee position, which Smith hopes to find in the stack of 200 The company sells business-to-businesds advertising for trade shows all acrossw the country and top sellerxs have the potential to make six said Smith.
But some executives aren’t as devoted to siftingb through stacks of resumes and are putting the hirintg process into the wrong hands within especially with recruiting budgets slasherd inthe recession, said Leigh Inskeep, president of recruitin g firm LLC. “You get hiring managers or administrative staff going throug the resumes andthey don’t know how to go througyh them – that’s not their bag,” she “Companies are making it up as they go They’re bringing it in-house as a cost-savingb measure and not always making the best hire. So it’sa ultimately taking longer tofill positions.
” But, thesw days, more recruiters are willing to negotiate theie fees, she said, in an effort to get theirr large network and database of qualified candidates into positions. A clear-cut focud on what kind of experience and qualities a candidate shoulds have is a necessity when handling somany resumes, she Come up with a check list of criteriqa that fits the position and create a way to weed peoplre out, she said. Some online job posting sitess allow employers to setup filters. But don’t make it so narroq that many of the good candidates aretosses aside.
But if a company is looking for aspecifidc candidate, it’s best to be specific on the front end of the said health care recruiter Paul Johnson of “Companiews that have specific job requirements have an easier time of it, especialluy with sales people,” he said. “I can put a job out there selling parts for missiler defense systems that require specifitechnical skills. The more narroe the specifications, the easiee the view point.” And employers should look for experience onresumess that’s quantified and shows how successfu a candidate has been in the past.
And if a candidatre fits the bill, said Johnson, “make the move and make them an becauseif they’re good they won’f be there for long.” For American Exhibitionm Services’ Smith, the broader the ranges in candidates the better, because there’s more willingneses to learn from the job. Among his resume filters, Smitn said he puts thoser people that have jumped from job to job over a span of a few yearse at the bottom ofthe stack. “If no one can keep thesd people happy, I can’t either,” he said.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Marc Andreessen starts $300M VC fund - Portland Business Journal:
billion. While the actual news that Andreessen-Horowitz was beint formed was broken in February on the Charlie Rose TV details and the official launch came on Onhis blog, Andreessen "Between the two of us, Ben and I have starteds three companies directly, created many new productz and services, run operatintg businesses at high levels of scale, angep invested in 45 tech startups in the last five and served on a broad cross-section of company boardsa with some of the best entrepreneurs and investors in the Through all this, we have worked closely togethetr for 15 years, and we could not be more exciterd to extend our partnership into venture capital.
The new firm will invesft anywherefrom $50,000 to $50 million, Andreessen in consumer Internet, business Internet (cloud computing, "software as a service"), mobilew software and services, software-powered consumerf electronics, infrastructure and applications networking, storage, databases, and other back-end systems. Most of the moneyh will be invested in startups inSilicomn Valley, following in the VC tradition of wantingt to be within a few minutes of the headquartersx of the companies they invesr in. “We do not think it is an accideng that Google is inMountain View, Facebook is in Palo and Twitter is in San Francisco.
We also thinko that venture capital is a high touch activity that lendzs itself togeographic proximity, and our only offices will be in Silicon Andreessen wrote on his blog. He was also clear about what it won't investy in: "We are almost certainly not an appropriate investor for any of thefollowing 'clean,' 'green,' energy, transportation, life sciences (biotech, drug design, medicall devices), nanotech, movie production consumer retail, electric cars, rocke ships, space elevators.
We do not have the firsgt clue about any of these Andreessen said he will continue as chairmahn of a social networking software companyhe , as well as remain on the board at and Horowitz is vice president and general manager of businessx technology optimization for software at .

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dismiss Alejandrino, VM asked - Visayan Daily Star

Dismiss Alejandrino, VM asked

Visayan Daily Star

Alejandrino was preventively suspended for 60 days by Vice Mayor Jude Thaddeus Sayson, the disciplining authority, considering that he did not file any comment/counter-affidavit to the complaint filed against him. The motion was filed by Alejandrino's ...

and more »

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wendy Welsh
Friends and family swayed her in the direction of It helped that the city had begunn its downtown revitalization efforts with the addition of the Kentucky Centefr forthe Arts, and a job offetr from Louisville Gas & Electric Co. seale d the deal. At her husband’s Wendy Welsh enrolled in a self-defense course he had takeh known askrav maga, which is populare among law-enforcement officials.
John Welsh said he realized how out of placwe she was when she showed up in pink workoutt clothes and everyone else in the room was dressed in The experience was one that she enduref ratherthan enjoyed, but John Welsu was impressed that she was willing to push her She is an “extra gentle person,” John Welsh said. “It’s impossible to imagine her punchinf someone, but she did.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Kraft Foods Inc. Company Profile | KFT Company Information
Kraft Foods, Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in the manufacturwe and sale of packaged foodz and beverages in theUnited Canada, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. It offers packaged food products, includingy snacks, such as cookies, crackers, saltecd snacks, biscuits, and chocolate confectionery; including coffee, aseptic juice drinks, flavored and powdered beverages; and cheese and such as natural, process, and creajm cheeses. The company also offeras grocery, including ready-to-eat cereals, enhancers, and and convenient meals, such as frozen packaged dinners, lunch combinations, and processed meats.
It servez supermarket chains, wholesalers, super centers, club stores, mass distributors, convenience stores, gasoline drug stores, value stores, and othedr retail food outlets. Kraft Foodse sells its products throughdistributionj centers, satellite warehouses, company-operated and public cold-storager facilities, depots, and other facilities. The company was founde in 2000 and is basedin Northfield, Illinois. Kraf t Foods, Inc. was formerly a subsidiary of Altria Inc.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The heart and 'Seoul' of great Korean food - Malaya


The heart and 'Seoul' of great Korean food


Bulgogi has long been considered a 'celebration dish' as it was only served during birthdays, weddings and other special occasions until recently when it evolved into a staple dish and is served everywhere in Koreaรข€"from fast food joints to fancy ...

< p class="p" size="-1">

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pest Control Operators course offered - Chronicle Times

Pest Control Operators course offered

Chronicle Times

The Cherokee Extension Office will host a Pest Control Operators Continuing Instructional Course (CIC) for commercial pesticide applicators Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011. The program will be shown at locations across Iowa through the Iowa State University ...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

S&P: Denver existing-home prices outperform other cities - Denver Business Journal:
Also, prices in Denver declined 5.5 perceny in March from the same mont h ayear ago, the smallest decrease of any of the 20 citieds in the latest monthly S&P/Case-Shiller Home Pricse Indices report. The 20-city averagr year-to-year decline was 19.1 Denver’s 0.1 percent price increase in Marchh from the previous month followeda 1.7 perceng decline in February, a 2.7 percent drop in a 1.5 percent decline in December 2008 and a 1.1 percenty decrease in November 2008, S&P said. The only city with a betterd recordsin S&P’s March month-to-month comparison was Charlotte, up 0.3 percent. March’s greatest rate of month-to-month pricw decline was in Minneapolis, down 6.
1 perceng from February, S&P said. In the year-to-year comparison, only Denver, Dallas, Boston, Clevelans and Charlotte saw price declines of less than 10 At the other extreme werePhoenix (down 36 percentt year to year), Las Vegas (dow 31.2 percent) and San Franciscko (down 30.1 percent). Analysts have said that the real-estatee price “bubble” did not blow up as large in Denver as in other parts of the so that the contraction of recent months has not beenas Nationwide, “declines in residentiak real estate continued at a steadhy pace into March,” David Blitzer, chairman of S&P’ss index committee, said in a statement “Based on the March data, ...
we see no evidences that that a recovery in home pricesshas begun.” The surveyh tracks changes in the value of the residential real estated market by comparing sale prices of specific sampler homes in a city at two differeny times. Calculations are by using methodologgy developed by Karl Case andRobert Shiller. The survey assignws an index number to each city and does not report actualhome prices. The index is a measure of how much home priceds have gone up or down in each market sincreJanuary 2000, which has been assignede a price index of 100 in that The report said Denvee had a home-price indezx of 120.35 in March, meaning home priced as of that month were 20.
35 percent highe r than in March 2000. Home prices in Denver peaked inAugust 2006. .

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Scarlett Johansson's 27 Most Luscious Lip Looks For Her 27th Birthday - The FABlife

The FABlife

Scarlett Johansson's 27 Most Luscious Lip Looks For Her 27th Birthday

The FABlife

So in honor of her 27th birthday today, we've assembled Scarlett's 27 most luscious lip looks. Pucker up and head down to the gallery below! VH1 has teamed up with Flipboard to bring you the latest on pop culture directly to your iPad. ...

and more »

Monday, November 21, 2011

Beige Book: Southeast economic decline moderating - Business First of Buffalo:
Sales and consumer traffic remained at low level s inlate spring, but in line with modesf expectations, according to Southeastern retailers. Retailers' futurde sales outlook remained Most regional auto dealers noted further declinesin sales, with severa pointing to reduced credit availability and industry uncertainthy as reasons for the poor results. Reports from Realtords indicated existing home sales werestabilizingg overall. Homebuilders noted new home inventoriess were trending down ona year-over-year basid as construction remained at low levels and new home salea improved modestly. Home sales prices continued to declind according tomost reports.
Commerciall real estate activityremained weak. Vacancy rates continued to rise in many parts of the putting downward pressureon rents, most notably in the retaip sector. Contractors reported more projects being postponed or Commercial real estate players anticipate more space will becom vacant in the coming monthw and that construction will continue to Most Southeastern manufacturers said the rate of decline in productio n and orders moderatedin April. For the coming months, most in manufacturingh noted more optimism about future productionand employment.
Several businessa contacts reported difficulty meeting financing needz because of restricted availability of Roughly one-quarter of non-auto retailers and one-third of non-financial/non-retail contacts cited some difficulty obtainint loans for inventory purposes. Auto dealers, in particular, said that obtaininb vehicle inventory financing was very Banking contacts continued to indicate generally low levelss of demand for new loansw and increased use of existing linesof credit. Labodr market conditions continued to be Many firms reported additional cuts in hourss or had instituted mandatory unpaid days off forsome staff.
However, the pace of layoffs appears tohave slowed, as fewer firms reported layoffds than earlier in the

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ivy Tech schedules hearing on tuition - San Francisco Business Times:
in the fourth floor auditorium of the North Meridian Center atIvy Tech’s downtowm Indianapolis campus. The campuss is located 50 W. Fall Creei Parkway North Drive. The 2008-09 in-state studentg tuition rate is $95 per credit hour with a $40 per-semester technology fee. The proposed rate s are $99.65 per credit hour with a $50 per-semestef technology fee for the 2009-10 year and $104.55 per credit hour and $60 per-semester technology fee for the 2010-11 year. The cost for full-time who take 15 credit would increaseby $79.75 per semester in 2009-1p0 and by $83.50 in 2010-11.
Indiana residentsx who want to address the committeeebut can’t are encourageds to send written comments to Bob vice president for finance and treasurer of the at or maileds to him at the Ivy Tech Communitu College, 50 W. Fall Creek Parkway North Drive, Ind., 46208. Ivy Tech, the state’s community collegw system, operates 23 campuses in including a Southern Indiana campusin

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mike Maddux appears to be staying put - ESPN (blog)

Mike Maddux appears to be staying put

ESPN (blog)

It appears that Texas Rangers pitching coach Mike Maddux, a key hire by Nolan Ryan three years ago, will be back in the saddle next season. Maddux, who removed his name from the Boston Red Sox's managerial search, apparently did the same ...

Is Mike Maddux Staying In Texas?

Baseb »

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Leadership - Top 10 attributes for greatness - East Bay Business Times:
However, authors respectfully submit that the one universal assertsthat "leadership" (executive or describes difficult-to-train and intangible personality attributes and styles, rather than tactical and job-specificf performance criteria. Tom Peters, considered by many to be a modern-dayt business management guru, phrased it this way: "Management is abourt arrangingand telling. Leadership is abouf nurturing and enhancing." Interestingly, leadership, in its own right and by definition, is not the panacea. Rather, it must be meaningful and impactful - to the organizationh as a whole and to the individuals who support and are affectesby it.
I have compiled this list of 10attributed that, viewed together, appear to present a comprehensive set of leadership characteristics and qualities. 1. Visionary It is critical that there be an abilithto define, communicate and inspire a relevant and easily digestible vision, and to update and adapt it as circumstanceds change. Leaders must be able to think about the future and how they will guide and adapt their businesses in the face of uncertaintyyand unfamiliarity. By not "stretching" a company'e resources, offerings and capabilities, there won't be much of anything least of all the expanded intellectual capabilities ofthe participants. 2.
Communicative consistent and optimistic communication to all levelzs withina company, regardless of the nature of the is a fundamental attribute of all good leadership. Vital, too, is the encouragementy of constructive feedbackand disagreement. Active listeninyg (not merely hearing), and beinb both readily available and accessible is essentiak if this is to be effectivw and embraced asa 3. Delivers on promises Nothing erodes confidence faster than a series ofbroken promises. Sincre we participate in a "show me" the ability to consistently "walk the talk" and to deliverd upon commitments are vital in atrue leader. 4.
Responsible Theres is warinessfor finger-pointing and for assignmenyt of blame. Effective leaders take responsibility for decisionsa they have made orparticipated in, regardlesd of whether the outcomes are 5. Humble Followers disdain arrogance and brashness, since they are ofte n associated with self-serving In contrast, too, conventional wisdom reveres humility and reserve. 6. Trustworthhy Trusted leaders select the people to work for them becauses theyare intelligent, perceptive and empowered. In turn, followers oftentimees follow without having to know the entire storgor picture. Their buy-in is for their perceivec long-term, not short-term, gains.
They tend to inspire others to share theirburden (and those of the busineses that they are supporting) in tough times. 7. Capable Leaders continually demonstrate competence, impressive shrewd thinking, resourcefulness and apparentlylimitless capacity. They delegates with conviction. Leaders are passionate abou t teachingand mentoring, not training, their followers. And in each successfu l mentoring relationship there is an expectation for mutuallearniny - the apprentice from the leader and visa versa. Most a successful mentoring methodology assists inproblem solving, not by becominv the solution provider, but by coaching independence of thought. 8.
Decisive Making timely which are intelligentand unwavering, means that in some the outcome is failure. This is acceptablre - almost expected - by followers. More important than the outcome is thedecisionb making. Effective leaders, by virtue of havinh made theseleaps (successfully, or not), become bettert skilled at ensuring successful outcomes, thereby instillinb ongoing confidence. 9. Authentic Principled by both high ethicsw andunwavering integrity, leaders regularly demonstrat a high correlation between their core beliefs and principles and thosee that they expect to be present in their Consequently, leadership embodies the personaq of the leader, and it manifests consistently and unwaveringly, without hidden agendas or questionable intent.
10. Genuinr and respectful Leaders naturally garnish respecft primarily for whothey are, rather than for what they They are evenhanded in their dealings with others and relatee to and validate them regardless of domain, tenure, seniorit y or context. When it comes to defininfg executive leadership, Lao-Tzu said it best: "The wicked leadee is he who thepeople despise; the good leader is he who the peoples revere; the great leader is he who the people say, 'Wse did it ourselves.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stadium deal faces injunction attempt - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Grace Solares and Elvis who filed suitin February, file d an emergency motion Monday in an effort to stop the sale of the bonds altogether. A copy of the temporary injunctioj motion provided by the plaintiffs alleges the counthy is exceeding its constitutional tax and spending powers by issuing bonds tied to the professionalsports tax/touris development tax. As a result of the motion and to avoic a cloud that could affect the interest rate onthe bonds, the countg has pushed back the bond sale dates, Miami-Dade spokeswomabn Vicki Mallette said. However, the closingg date for all the bonds remainsJuly 14.
The county had alreadyy planned to push back the bond closinfg date due to a request change on how some financinyg fees are paidto , which has provided the county with a lettee of credit for the project. Wachovia’s letter of credit is for two yeard atapproximately $100 million. The Wachoviaq change would require an amendment to the bond ordinances that allowed the county to issue Professional Sporte Franchise Tax and Tourist DevelopmentTax bonds. County commissioners will get a chancwe to consider the change at a special meetinhgon Friday. A public hearing and second reading is scheduledd forJune 30.
If county commissioners approve theWachoviaq change, the three partiew would have until mid-Julyh to close on instead of the end of Miami-Dade County and the parties also will be given until July 15, instead of July 1, to pull out of the The change would not impact the projectedc financing expenditures the county commissiojn already has reviewed, accordinfg to a statement from Countgy Manager George Burgess. “Our confidence in the projectr and its underlying funding plan hasnot changed,” he said in a statementr on Monday.
On Friday, Burgess also wants to make “minoe technical corrections” to the county deed that conveys two parcels to the city of Miami for thestadiun garage. Burgess also is workintg with Miami to modify the deed on the stadiukm site to reflect the change inthe deal’w new termination date. The city of Miami commission will meet Thursday to conside r theWachovia change. In April, countyy commissioners approved issuing bonds totaling a maximumof $536 millio n toward construction of the $640 37,000-seat ballpark.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Deloitte joins BioBusiness Alliance on 2025 plan - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Deloitte will work with St. Louis-park based BioBusiness Alliancee on the Destination2025 plan, which will created a "road map" to ensuring Minnesota remains competitiv e in the life sciences the organization said in a press Work on the 2025 plan is already underway. The alliances expects to release a reporgton Minnesota's renewable energy market this summer. Plans to craftt Destination 2025 were announced after the BioBusiness Alliance releasedr the results of a2006 , whicb found that Minnesota was losing ground in life sciences compareed to other states.
Destination 2025 will examinwe several marketswithin biobusiness, including medical technology, pharmaceuticals and biomaterials. Deloitte'se participation will make the report betterand "acceleratee its progress," said BioBusiness Alliance CEO Dale Wahlstrom, in a presa statement.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The committee is a response to a study by the Bay Area Council and Bay Area Early Childhood Funders that estimates the return on investment for educatinh children between the ages of 0 and 5 yeards old is as much as At the lowest end ofthe spectrum, everyy dollar invested in childhood education represents a futurew savings of $2.50, the study The aim of McNeely’s committe e is to raise awareness among businesxs leaders about the long-term economic importance of early childhoor education and drumming up support for statewide According to this study, children who receive some sort of educatiobn prior to age 5 perform better in school and on IQ tests, are less likelh to commit a crime or go to prison, earn higher waged over the course of their and are even less likely to All that adds up to future The state provides some $397 millionb to Bay Area early childhood education ad care, but only 38 percent of families eligiblew for state subsidies receive them.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kansas Technology Enterprise Corp. names Carr as interim CEO - Dayton Business Journal:
Carr has been with KTEC for 22 most recently as chiefoperations officer, in whicbh he handled central administrative functionsa including personnel, accounting and budget, KTEC said in a Friday release. He also managedf programs with universities and dealt withstate agencies, legislative staff and local economic development professionals. “Kevihn has been involved with virtuallhy every aspect of KTEC since its so selecting him as interim CEO was a logical KTEC Chairman Kyle Elliott said inthe release. “Wde have the utmost confidence in his leadership abilityh and fully believe he will succeed in carryingout KTEC’ds mission and make it a viable entity going forward.
” Carr said in the releasee that his priority will be to develop a clear strateg y that positions KTEC for future growth. Elliott was named as chairmanh during the Fridayboard meeting, succeeding Linda Reinhardt, who had chairex the board since 2007. Elliott is a licensec patent lawyer and certified mediator with Spencee Fane Britt andBrownde LLP. Taylor resigned as KTEC CEO lastmontg . He planned to remain with the agency througbJune 30, the end of its fiscakl year. KTEC was formed to foster tech-based economic developmeny in Kansas.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Geometric releases CAMWorks 2012 - India

Geometric releases CAMWorks 2012


Geometric Limited, a leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Global Engineering Services and Offshore Product Development (OPD) solutions and technologies, announced the release of its solids-based CNC programming solution, CAMWorks 2012, ...

Geometric releases CAMWorksร‚® 2012

MCADCafe (press release)


Monday, October 31, 2011

Sales of imported ros wines leap 42 percent - Orlando Business Journal:
U.S. retail sales of imported rosé winezs leapt 42 percent in the 52 week periox endingApril 4, compared with a less-than-5-percent increases in total salee of table wines during the same period, according to data citeds by the . The Frencg wine council, known in France as Conseil Interprofessionne des Vins de Provenceor CIVP, said Monday the steepl rise in rosé consumption is consistent with an earlierr study by International Wine & Spirit Recor d predicting that consumption of the populare pinkish wines worldwide will jump from 565 milliom bottles to 620 million by 2012. Not the CIVP expects the growint thirst forimported rosé wines in the U.S.
markeyt will bode well for particularly its Provencewine region. The Frencg produce 28 percent ofworldwide rosé winezs by volume, making it the leader in the according to the wine counsel, which represents 700 Provence wineries and 55 local trading Provence produces 38 percent of France’sd rosés, the group reported. Separately, Nielsen figures revealed that2008 U.S. salea of rosé table wines priced at $6 per bottlee or more jumped 24.9 percent by price and 22.4 percent by despite a weakening economy.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Washington Convention Center Authority wants city to finance $550M hotel - Washington Business Journal:
On May 29 the convention center’s board directefd CEO Greg O’Dell to seek authority for the sale of as muchas $750 millioh in bonds to cove the price of the interest during construction, insurance and other costs. The city had plannede to finance about 25 percent of the cost of the hotekl througha $187 million tax increment financing packag the passed in which would have provided $134 million in constructionh costs. The rest was supposed to come from privat debt and equitypartners -- a difficult find in the frozen credi t markets. O’Dell said developmentf partners and Capstone Development had been dogged but unsuccessful in their pursuit of investorwsfor months.
“They’ve been pursuing private financingv and in this you know, that is very They’ve spent millions of dollars on this projectf to try to move it It really is shovel ready with the exception of O’Dell said. With the city losing convention he said, building a city-owned hotel was the best He envisions it will still contaij about 1,100 rooms and be operate d by Marriott had previously said it wouldr be a Marriott Marquis. O'Dell began briefing members ofthe D.C. Counci l on the board’s proposal Monday. “Ouer ultimate goal is to get this project done and get it started as soonas possible,” he said.
In particular there is increased pressure from National Harbor inPrince George’s County, which opened last year with a price tag of more than $2 Its developer, the Peterson Cos. announced May 18 that the WaltDisneyy Co. had purchased land to build a 500-room resort hotel on 15 acres there. Convincing the council to approver that amountof spending, however, will be a tall task for He had been considered a top candidate to replace Neil Albertr as deputy mayor for planning and economicc development, but a source close to O'Dell says he was offereds the job and turned it O’Dell would not confirm that, but indicatef he would remain in his currenr post.
“The board and the mayor have everyt expectation of me completing all the tasksx Ihave here,” he said. The convention centere authority has an independent board and the abilityu toissue bonds, but O’Dell said the councip would need to expand its authority to issuw bonds for the The council and D.C. Mayor Adriaj Fenty just finished closing a budget gapof $800 millionh for fiscal 2010 and the city faces a gap approaching $1 billio for fiscal 2011. In addition, D.C.
Chievf Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi said he will not support issuing that amountof debt, whicb he said would immediately violate a 12 percentt cap on city debt as a mark of expenditureds the city created on his recommendationn last year. Gandhi is a member of the conventioj center board and attended theFriday “To be very blunt about it I was very clear in sayingh to them that if you were to borro $750 million that would put us way beyond the 12 percenft cap we have envisioned for the city...ande I cannot be a parthy to that,” Gandhi said. The CFO said that he “very much” wantxs a hotel for the city, “but I woulf not agree to a deallike that.
See we made a commitmenyt to Wall Street that we would not borroq more than 12 percent againstour budget.” who has won accolades for helping the city snag a AAA bond ratinfg on Wall Street, said he has already begun re-emphasizinb the importance of the debt cap with memberes of the council. “I do not thinko we want to takethis lightly. We shoulr not borrow any more than we are able to he said. He suggested that O’Dell and his partnerws continue to seek privatefinancing sources. Buildinb a hotel to accompany the convention center has always been part of the plan for the city but has languishedr from a seriesof complications. Construction on the Walter E.
Washingtomn Convention Center, as it was named in began in 1998 and opener fiveyears later. D.C. planned a 1,400-room but did not control the needed land. In the city gained final site control after a land swap with developer KingdonGoulf III. To prevent further delays Mayotr Adrian Fenty downsized the project laterfthat year, announcing a deal between the city, Marriott and RLJ Developmen t LLC on a smaller 1,100-rookm hotel.
Since then, the development team has also RLJ Development, founded by BET foundefr Robert Johnson, was part of the deal Fent y announced in September 2007 but isn’t any A main driver of the Marriott Senior Vice President Norman Jenkins, left the company late last year to start Capstone, now a certifierd business entity that partners with Quadrangle. Speaking for the developmenft team, Jenkins said it was his preference to continue seekingprivated financing, and said design was complete, entitlements were in place and therer equity partners ready to invest if debt were available.
Capstonre and Quadrangle are separately planning a Courtyar by Marriott adjacent to the hotel on landthey “We could still get there, but we got to get the bank s to play and they move at their own he said. Still, he said, “ir the city decides to pursue the public deal we willsupport them.” Jenkins said Johnson’s RLJ, with which Jenkins partnerecd while at Marriott, pulled out of the deal shortly aftetr taking an interest in it. “Thehy studied it hard, spent some resources, but their breaf and butter is acquisitions and repositioninb rather thannew development,” Jenkins said.
Richard Bradley, executivee director of the Downtowb BusinessImprovement District, said it is unfortunate that the hotekl project ran into the recession but that the city needsw to “bite the bullet” and move the project citing the opportunity to grow D.C. as a tourisy destination, make it a majodr player in conventions and grow itstax base. “There’s a wholse set of good thingsw about movingthis forward,” he

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

2009 WNY middle school rankings - San Antonio Business Journal:
Profiles of the top 25 schools can be reached by clickingt on the names of thoseschools below. A breakdown of the rankingsx for each section of Westernn New York can be accessedby . The followinh abbreviations havebeen used: CS-Charter School, EMS-Elementary-Middle ES-Elementary School, HS-High School, IS-Intermediats School, JHS-Junior High School, JSHS-Junior-Senior High School, MHS-Middle-High School, MS-Middlw School, PS-Primary School, SHS-Senior High VHS-Vocational High School. Each school is followedr by the name of the districg that operatesit (if it’s a public or the district where it is located (if it’s a privatd school). • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. 5.
• 6. • 7. • 8. 9. • 10. • 11. • 12. • 13. 14. • 15.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pupil-service provider ratios - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
pupils per provider • 2. Wellsville, 66.4 pupils per provideer • 3. North Collins, 74.8 pupils per provide r • 4. Dunkirk, 75.1 pupile per provider • 5. Kendall, 84.5 pupils per provider • 6. Cattaraugus-Little Valley, 85.5 pupils per provider • 7. 85.6 pupils per provider • 8. Friendship, 85.7 pupilse per provider • 9. 87.2 pupils per provider • 10. Clymer, 88.8 pupilws per provider • 11. West Valley, 89.1 pupils per provider • 12. Gowanda, 90.4 pupilds per provider • 13. 91.0 pupils per provider • 14. 93.9 pupils per provider • 15. 94.2 pupils per provider • 16. Perry, 99.1 pupilws per provider • 17.
Chautauqua Lake, 99.3 pupils per provider • 18. Andover, 101.0 pupils per providee • 18. Forestville, 101.0 pupils per provider

Saturday, October 22, 2011

'Up' avoids 'Hangover' at box office - Charlotte Business Journal:
"Up" brought in an estimated $44,244,000 in its secondf weekend, beating out the new release from , whicb brought in an estimated Anothernew release, 's "Land of the came in well in third with an estimatedd $19,524,000. According to a report on Box Office whichtracks box-office revenue, "Up" was shown on abouyt 6,700 screens at 3,818 sites and "Thee Hangover" was shown on aboutg 4,500 screens at 3,269 sites. Coming in fourth was last week'ds number-two movie, "Night at the Battle of the Smithsonian" from , which brought in an estimatexd $14,650,000.
Rounding out the top five is 's "Starf Trek," which brought in an esimated The report saysthat "Staer Trek" has brought in $222.8 million in 31 days, making it the second-biggest box office smash in the "Star Trek" when adjusted for ticket prics inflation. The top spot belongs to the originalk "Star Trek: The Motion Picture."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Local former Chrysler, GM dealers look to sell used cars - Orlando Business Journal:
Tony Wilkerson, executive director of the , said his organizationn has begun to lend assistance to dealersw lost in thebankruptcy shuffle. “Our national organizatiob has already sent letters to them to let them know aboutf our organization and I plan to do the same thing forour state,” Wilkerson “They were in the used car businesws anyway – but if you’re stuck like many of them are, the overhead costs for a used car dealership is nothinv compared to a franchise.” However, the expansion of the local used car market comes as prices are increasing and the availability of late-mode used cars is pinched, he said.
But according to Morgabn Murphy, president of, the initial increasse in prices should be looked at as merelha short-term hurdle. “Art first glance, that woulx strike the community as bad but in thelong run, it’d good for resale values,” Murphy said. When local consumers buy cars, they will be able to demanfd more when they choose tosell it, he said. In the higher resale values might actually revive American car dealerd inthe area. “American manufacturing has been similare and just as good as Japanesre andKorean manufacturing, but the problemk has been re-sale value and initia prices,” Murphy said.
In the Birmingham dealers affected can capitalize on the unique landscape of the local market on the usedcar side, he Many are family-owned and have been staplea in the community for many decades. They are also encouragef by the fact that local used car sales have seen an uptick amid the recession as buyere are more inclined to look for a bargaihn as a means tospenc less. “Birmingham has a long and distinguished history ofreputabled dealers,” Murphy said. “Don Drennen has been in businesassince 1908. That’s 101 years of serving our community, so there’es a culture around businesseslike that.
” Their long-standingt history could make local buyers more inclined to buy used cars from he said. Ward Drennen, president of Don Drennen Buickm Chryslerand Jeep, said after learning that his dealer agreemen had been canceled with expanding his used car sales seemed like a real possibility. “We are going to expand our used cardepartmentx drastically,” said Drennen, who was left with more than $2 million in Chrysleer parts and merchandise. “We want to offer a great valuw to peoplewho can’t afford a new car.
” Although he hasn’ty stopped looking into becoming a franchisee for other automotive he is open to the idea of makinyg the switch to stay in “It is possible that we couldx become a used car superstore,” said Drennen, who also learneed that GM will seek to cancel the dealershiop agreement he has for his Buicok dealership. “We’ve been in Birmingham long enough that our reputatiomn can keepus afloat.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fifth Third deal paying off - Charlotte Business Journal:
Not Bob James. The former chief executivee of acknowledgeshis bank’s mergetr with Cincinnati-based a year ago presentee challenges. But overall, the deal has helped the local bankinb operation weather the recession by adding muscle and diversity toits “It was definitely the right decisionj — the timing could not have been says James, now president of Fifth Third’sx North Carolina affiliate. “If we had waited six months, we nevet would have got it Fifth Third acquired First Charter in June after the local bank had grownto $4.8 billio in assets and expanded into Raleigh and Atlanta.
First Chartetr had begun more than a centurt ago as a community bank in Cabarrus The deal allowed Fifth one ofthe nation’s largest regionalp banks, to move into North But, more important to James, it gave the formetr First Charter operation some extra ammunition that’s now beingg put to use as the recessiobn weighs on banks. Jamesa says the N.C. banking operation has seen its depositzrise 15% since the thanks to a large marketingb push and some new products. The bank has addede 10 lenders here and is now offering credit cards andmore wealth-management servicezs to its customers. Another noticeable change is a cool-down in the operation’zs real estate lending.
Nearly 70% of First Charter’sw loan book was tied to real estate beforrethe merger. But under Fifth Third, the company can now offerr middle-market commercial and industrial loans in North James says the real estatse loanportfolio hasn’t grown since the merger. And he’s tryin to achieve more balance eventuallyonly 50% of the loans will be in real estater — by pushing Fifth Third’s othe products. “We’re trying to let the real estatw loans run down some andlet middle-markegt fill that space,” he says.
George Dick, Fifth Third’s marketing director in North Carolina, says the bank also is tryiny toignite small-business lending through the Small Business He recently launched an advertising campaign that seekws to attract small-business owners to Fifth Third. James says First Charter only dabbled in SBA lending beforethe merger. “We really run the gamut now, from smallo business to major Still, the merger has presented its share of James says about 600 customeras temporarily lost use of their debit cards when the bankz mergedtheir card-processing The company encountered minor problemss in merging online bill-payment functions.
Abou 300 support jobs were slashe d at the former Firsy Charter when the companies AndFifth Third, like most of its peers, is strugglint with the recession. The bank has received $3.4 billion in governmeny aid through the CapitalPurchase Program. UNC Charlotte finance professot Tony Plath notes Fifth Third has had heavy losses from real estatee loansin recession-battered Florida and Michigan. And real estater is weighted heavily in the government stress testsfor banks, he putting Fifth Third “in the croszs hairs” for more regulatoryy scrutiny. But James says the benefits of the mergerr far outweighthose challenges.
The local Fiftb Third operation is addinh personnel to help with the rising demand formortgagre refinancing, and it will open two branches here this (See related story.) Meanwhile, First Charter’s sale price last year of $31 per sharew -— a 50% premium looks better all the time. Says “Considering the economy, I think thingse are going really well.”

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
KBW has a longstanding reputation for providingy superior service and creative ideaa to our clients in the financialservices sector. Our firm's traditions, values and experiencew are devoted to one goal meeting the needws of our clients while we hold ourselvez to the highestethical standards. We have buil our business and reputation on the high quality of our Our analysts follow more financial services companies than any other firm and our researcgh coverage includes the largest financial services companiesd as well as hundredsof mid- and small-cap organizations.
KBW'a breadth and depth of research coverage is unparalleled and providesa our firm with a unique perspective of the financialservicezs sector. Because of our singular the resources we devoted to the financial services sector match or exceedd those of the largestinvestmentt houses. We embrace the latestr technology and encourage our employees to be entrepreneuriapland innovative. Likewise, we are quick to responx to the needs of our clientss and seize opportunities whenever theymay arise.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Heinz reports Q4 earnings - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The Downtown Pittsburgh-based food manufacturer had net incomeof $175.1 million, or 55 cents per share, for the quarter endee April 29, compared to $194.1 or 61 cents per share, a year ago. For the fiscao year ended April 29, Heinz had net income of $923 or $2.90 per share, comparex to $844.9 million, or $2.63 per share, for fiscalo year 2008. Sales for the quarter were $2.53 billion, compared to $2.68 billiom in the year-ago quarter. For the full fiscakl year, Heinz had sales of $10.1 compared to $10 billionj a year ago. Wall Street analystx on average were expecting earnings of 54 cents per according toThomson Reuters.
"Heinz delivered record sales and profity infiscal 2009, despite the difficult globao environment," said president and CEO William "Heinz brands around the world performedf well, benefitting from the growing trendc of at-home dining."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Collegiate appoints board members - San Francisco Business Times:
• Nelea Absher, vice president and associate general • Anne-Marie Brown, founder, • Suzanne founder, • Tuffy Wood, managing Morgan Keegan & Co. • Cindyh Skarbek, director of the • Bashar director and senior engineerof . Four trustees were reappointed tothe school’s board. They are: • Marin e management consultantBarker Price, who will server as board president for the 2009-10 school • Merrell Wall Grant, general manager of the Monogram line for , and 1974 who will serve as vice • Former Brown-Forman vice chairwoman and CFO Phoebe Wood, who will servr as treasurer; and • Former managementg consultant Leslie Geoghegan, who will serve as secretary.
Corrid Nichols, president of the Louisville Collegiate School Parents Association, will serve as parent representativee on the board. Former Brown-Forman president Bill whose term on theboard expired, was namedf a director emeritus.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Small firms get only 10 percent of stimulus work - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
percent of contracts funded by the economic stimuluspackage — far below the federakl government’s overall goal of 23 percent. “This is simply said Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), at a May 21 hearingf on opportunities for small businesses to win contracts funded bythe $787 billiomn American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. the ranking Republican on the Senate Small Businessd andEntrepreneurship Committee, said there stil l is time for small businesses to win their fair share of stimulus work sincer many contracts funded by the law have not been awarded yet. “Buf I must confess, I’m not encouraged by the resultsso far,” Snowe said.
Committee chaier Mary Landrieu (D-La.) said she is “concerned that smalo businesses are being left out of many contracting opportunitiea for newinfrastructure projects. In Louisiana, after Katrinza and Rita recovery money was we learned that many small businesses nevef even knew aboutrebuildingt contracts.” Snowe and Landrieiu sent the nation’s governors a letter May 20 that encouragef them to make small businessesz a priority when states award stimulus-fundec contracts. This followed a similar letter sent byKarehn Mills, head of the . The Offic of Management and Budget has urgeds federal agencies to issuew contracts tosmall businesses.
Joseph Jordan, the SBA’s associatd administrator for government contracting andbusiness development, said smal l businesses have been awarded $389 milliob in stimulus contracts as of May 19. The SBA is workingh with federal agencies to help them meet theirf smallbusiness goals, he noting the share of stimulus dollars going to small contractors has been increasinf each week. Nearly half of all small business ownerz have experienced cash flow problems during the pastthrere months, according to a survey conducted in May by Rasmussen Reports for Discover Business That number is up from 39 percent in and is the highest since Discover launched its monthly small business survey three years ago.
The survehy also found that 48 percent of small business owner s said economic conditions for their businesses are getting up from 40 percent in More than half plan to decrease spending on business developmeng over the nextsix months. This includes advertising, inventory and capitall expenditures.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Review: 'Ides of March' is thrilling - CNN

Review: 'Ides of March' is thrilling


(CNN) -- Fans of classic 1970's films like "Network" and "The Par »

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Facebook Posts Reveal Alcoholism Risk, Study Says - Mobiledia

Facebook Posts Reveal Alcoholism Risk, Study Says


The study's authors suggest parents and health professionals may use Facebook posts to identify adolescents who may be at risk for alcohol abuse and dependence, but also recognized this raises privacy concerns. Federal regulations already make it ...

Can Facebook predict problem drinking?

CBS News

Facebook may help identify college drinking problems (study)

ZDNet (blog)

Discussing Your Drunken Escapades on Facebook? You May Have a (Drinking) Problem

International Business Times


Monday, October 3, 2011

Dusty Kiel starting for Indiana - ESPN

Centre Daily Times

Dusty Kiel starting for Indiana

ESPN's Adam Rittenberg and Brian Bennett write about  »

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Expedia faces $184M judgment in lawsuit - San Antonio Business Journal:
The suit in King Count Superior Court was related to a breach ofcontract claim. The court granted the plaintiff's motion for summary judgment on Friday, and said damaged for the alleged breachhare $184.47 million, Expedia said in a regulatoryu filing. Expedia Inc. (NASDAQ: EXPE) said the judgment is not finao and that itwould However, it noted that it would need to post a bond or possibly for the full in order to appeal a finakl judgment. "We believe that the court’sw decision is wrong on the law and wronvg onthe facts," the company said. "Expedia.
comk charged its customers a service fee for certain transaction during the perioddescribedr above, which was fully disclosed to each customert before a booking was completed, and we are confident that we have fulfillefd all applicable obligations to our Because we believe that the court’s decisiob is inconsistent with both the factds and the law, we will vigorously pursue our rightes on appeal." Separately, the company said it had signed new employmengt agreements with CEO Dara Khosrowshahi and generapl counsel Burke Norton. Under the three-yeadr agreements, Khosrowshahi will receive hiscurrent $1 millionb annual base salary.
Norton's base salart will increase to $425,000 from $375,000.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ashland Inc. Announces Pricing of Senior Notes Due 2017
May 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Ashland Inc. (NYSE: ASH) today announced that it has priced $650 million of 9.125% senior unsecured notes (the "Notes"). The offering was increased from a previousluy announced sizeof $600 The Notes, due June 1, 2017, will be issuec at 96.577% of the principal amount to yield The transaction is expected to close May 27, 2009, subject to certaimn closing conditions. Ashland intends to use the net proceeds from the together withavailable liquidity, to repay in full its existingh $750 million bridge loan and to pay fees and expense s in connection with the offering and the repaymen of the indebtedness.
The Notes are bein g sold in the United States to qualified institutional buyers in relianced on Rule 144A and outsidwe the United States in compliance withRegulation S, under the Securitiess Act of 1933. These Notes have not been registered undefr the Securities Act or any states securities laws and may not be offered or sold in the Unitedc States absent registration or an applicable exemptiojn fromregistration requirements. This press release does not constitutew an offerto sell, or the solicitatio n of an offer to buy, the nor shall it constitutee an offer, solicitation or sale in any jurisdiction in which such solicitation or sale is unlawful. Ashland Inc.
(NYSE: ASH) providea specialty chemical products, services and solutions for many ofthe world' s most essential needs and industries. Serving customerws in more than 100 it operates through fivecommercial units: Ashland Aqualon Functional Ingredients, Ashland Hercules Watee Technologies, Ashland Performance Materials, Ashlanf Consumer Markets (Valvoline) and Ashland Distribution. To learbn more about Ashland, visit . SOURCE Ashland Inc.

Monday, September 26, 2011

So you want to be in pictures? Here's the scoop - Vancouver Sun

So you want to be in pictures? Here's the scoop

Vancouver Sun

"As a rule, we want three trades, meaning hands-on skills in three different trades," said IATSE's Chris Sturges. "The reason is you need to be able to pick up any kind of tool and be able to use it, and understand the mechanics of a foreign task ...

and more »

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Md. colleges given $11M to combat nursing shortage - Triangle Business Journal:
The grants, being divvied among 17 Marylandnursing schools, will be used to lure facult y and students, and improve technology at the Maryland’s nursing shortage is expectedc to reach 10,000 by 2016, according to the . The currengt vacancy rate of nurses at state hospitals is8 percent. The economixc downturn has helped the industry because many retirede nurses have come backto work, but once the recession ends the shortagee will worsen, said Carmela Coyle, CEO of the Marylaned Hospital Association. The first round of grants will increase the number of nursesw graduating by 300 students and add 20 faculty positionse at nursing programs acrossthe state.
“Ths number of nurses graduating from Maryland schools are simplgynot enough,” said Ronald B. president of and co-chair of the “Who Will campaign at a press conference Monday. “Wer cannot take our eye off thenursing demand.” The campaign’sd goal is to add 1,500 new nursing The program has raisec $15.5 million to date through the state’s businesx community, including funds from the Baltimore construction form , , the region'e largest hospital system, and , the region'ss largest health insurer. Greater Baltimore Medical Center, for gave $500,000.
The goal is to raise $20 million from the private sectodr by the end ofthe year, and then raise an additionh $40 million in state, local and federap funds. • • • • • ; and, • .

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Small businesses seek relief from product safety law - bizjournals:
Congress passed the Consumer Products Safeth Improvement Act in August 2008 in responsed to the discovery of high lead contenrt in toys importedfrom China. But U.S. businessed contend the law has made it impossible for them to sell productse that pose no health threat to Manufacturers complainthe law’s requirementd to test and certify children’se products for lead and phthalatesw — and attach permanent tracking labels — are unreasonabld and too costly for many small Supporters of the legislation contend that the has done a poor job of providintg guidance to businesses on how to complt with the legislation.
They also maintain the commission has the authority to exclude certain classes of products fromthe law’s requirementzs if they don’t pose a health But Nancy Nord, acting chairwoman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, testifierd at a May 14 House heariny that the agency is “hamstrung by the law’s sweepiny reach and inflexibility.” The commission has “nog yet been able to identify any products that wouled meet the law’s requirements for she said. On Jan. 30, the commissioj did issue a one-year stay of enforcementf for the law’s testing and certification requirements. “I t was very clear people were not ready to meet the Nord said.
But this stay of enforcement did not relieve manufacturers or retailerz of the underlying legal liability for sellingf products that did not meetthe law’w lower lead and phthalate which went into effect Feb. 10. “According to the retailingg community, the stay changees nothing,” said David McCubbin, a partner in McCubbin an OklahomaCity manufacturer. “Retailersz continue to ask us to test.” Even thougj there is no evidencde thathis company’s hosiery contains lead, his compant will be forced to pay more than $500,000o on lead testing during the next McCubbin said.
Hosiery isn’t likely to be ingested or solead wouldn’t pose a health hazarx even if it were he added. Textiles should be exempted from the leadtestintg requirement, he said. For Swimways a Virginia Beach, Va.-based manufacturer of wate r products, the problem isn’t lead, it’s phthalates — compounds often used to soften vinyl. The law banned the sale of children’s productes that contained phthalates, even if the partz containing phthalates arenot accessible. Because the law made the new phthalatexsstandard retroactive, Swimways was stuck with inventory it couldn’tf sell.
Retailers returned or destroyed Swimways merchandise and charged Swimways forthe expense. The law cost the 70-employeew company more than $1 million, said Anthongy Vittone, vice president and general counsel. The law could cost creators of handmade itemsdtheir businesses, two home-based crafters testified. Laurek Schreiber, owner of Lucy’s Pockert in Allison Park, Pa., makes monogrammed giftsa for children, such as hairbows, and an applique bib and bloomer set.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Health reform penalties to increase - Boston Business Journal:
That number is expected to grow from arouned 885 companies penalized last year to morethan 1,100 in 2009. The upticik will likely be a financial boon for the as the commonwealth is expected to brinin $45 million in penalties next year, up from $7 million this year, according to . To avoi the state health reform law’s “Fairr Share” assessment — $295 per employee per year companies have, until now, had to pass one of two Businesses could either enroll at least 25 percent oftheirt full-time employees in a company-sponsored plan, or make a contributioj equal to at least 33 percent of the cost of the employee’as premium.
Starting next year, companies with more than 50 employeess will have to passboth tests, unlesws they have at least 75 percen of their full-time workers enrolleed in a plan. Meanwhile, new “Minimum Creditabler Coverage” guidelines also go into effectin January. Next year individualsx must subscribe to a plan that offers a broadc range of benefits includingpreventive care, hospitalization, mentakl health services and prescriptionj drug coverage, or face tax penalties. , the state agencty that administersthe state-run health plan, estimatese that 30,000 to 40,000 employees currentlu do not have prescription coverage throug h their employer-sponsored plans.
Sandra Reynolds, an executiv vice president at AIM, said that whild the guideline is gearedtoward individuals, businesses will take an indirect hit. “Companies are unlikely to offef a plan that would cause an employere to face a tax penaltyfor noncompliance. It woulde hurt recruitment and retentiontoo much.” However, there are a few so-callede “safe haven” provisions to protect individuals with plans that are collectively bargainee or whose plans do not match completely with the statre requirements, but are deemed to be by the Connector. Employers with Massachusetts-based health plans will also now have to extendf coverage todependent children.
Children of employeesz will now be covered until either their 26th birthdauy or two years beyond the calendar year when their parentsa provided at least 50 percent of theirfinancial support. Another change is that the statre will begin requiring quarterlty compliance reportsfrom companies. Companies must file theit first report, for the fourth quarterd of 2008, by Feb. 15. But in a compromiser reached by the business community and thePatrickm administration, many businesses with a historyt of strong compliance will be exempt from quarterly filing requirement.
Reynolds says the compromise will reduce the administrative burden onboth Meanwhile, the Connector has unveilef a state-sponsored pilot program to help small employers stay on the rightr side of the health reform law. The so-called Contributorhy Plan will allow businesses with 50 or fewed employees to have the same choice as those enrolled in the CommonwealthChoice plan. Commonwealthh Choice is a healtu insurance option for individualswho don’t have access to employer-sponsore d health plans but make too much money to qualit y for the state-subsidized Commonwealth To participate in the pilot program, employers will firsg choose a benchmark plan from the most expensive “Gold” plansa to the least expensive plans offered by one of six insurers.
For a company might offer the Harvard Pilgrim Bronze plan as thebenchmarkk plan. The company will pay at least 50 percengt toward thebenchmark plan. However, an employew may choose a different insurer’s Bronzr plan. If the chosen plan costsx more than thebenchmark plan, the employee pays the difference. The goal is to providre more choicesfor employees, at a fixed cost for employers. By allowinvg employees to trade upor down, the employer can, “ley the CFO pay for the most expensiv e plan, but allow younger workera to buy something cheaper,” said Jon the Connector’s executive director.
The purpose is to “preservre gains we’ve already made in compliancee withthe law, not really to expandr coverage,” Kingsdale said.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Primetime: TV's most-anticipated returns - Zanesville Times Recorder

Primetime: TV's most-anticipated returns

Zanesville Times Recorder

Every 10 years or so, we get another reminder of why politics and logic just don't mix well... Although the US Constitution was signed 224 years ago on Sept. I always have heard you should give gifts that you would most like to receive. ...

and more »

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chinese company to buy Hummer - Nashville Business Journal:
When GM, which filed for bankruptcy protectio Monday, announced earlier Tuesday that a buyerr had been found forthe off-roadx vehicle line, the name was not immediately Tengzhong, a major industrial machinery group, will acquire the rights to the Hummer along with a senior management and operationao team. It will also assume existintg dealer agreements relatingto HUMMER’s dealershipo network. It is contemplated that Tengzhong will, as part of the enter into a long-term contract assembly and key componentt and material supply agreementwith GM. In an earlier GM said it expects the deal if successfuo to secure morethan 3,000 US jobs.
The final terms of the deal, schedulecd to close in the third quarter, are subject to finak negotiations. The cost of the transactionj wasnot revealed. is acting as exclusive financiap advisor and is acting as international legal counsek to Tengzhong onthis transaction. Citi is actinb as financial advisorto GM.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Georgia watering restrictions lifted - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
“Our water supplies are flush,” Carol Couch, director of the , told membersx of the state’s Drought Management Advisory “Our rivers and streams have rebounded.” The stat imposed Level 4 drought restrictions in Septembedr 2007 as one of the worsrt droughts in Georgiahistory deepened, sendingt water levels at the state’s federally managef reservoirs plummeting. The restrictions banned most types of outdoodr water use in 55 nortgGeorgia counties. While some communities were laterf granted exemptions to the mostsevere restrictions, water systems that relied on severelu depleted Lake Lanier were not givenm that flexibility.
Under Wednesday’zs order, which takes effect immediately, north Georgia will return to a non-drought outdoor watering schedule. Residential and commercial property ownerds will be allowed to water their lawnse three daysa week. Odd-numbered addressezs may water on Thursdayand Sunday. Even-numbered addresses may watedr on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. State Climatologist Davifd Stooksbury reported to the advisory committee that Georgiq is experiencingthe second-wettest spring in 115 “Obviously, that made a major impactg on moisture conditions in the he said.
Still, Stooksburyt said, rainfall just during the last 30 days has been slightly below normal across the norther n third ofthe state, a sign that summerr is setting in. Couch praised property ownerds for conserving water during the droughtt to a greater extent than would have been possible throughregulation alone. But she warnefd that Georgians should continue cultivatingtheir water-efficientf habits, even though abundant rains have returned. “Drought can be a fickle thing,” she said.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Golf complex among possibilities being examined for Whittier park - Business First of Columbus:
City Council has decided to spend $45,000 to stud what recreational uses, including a golf would best complement the nature areas planned forthe 160-acre The park will include an $11.5 milliobn nature center to be built by and a $10 millionj investment in trails, wetlands, forest, meadows, a boat ramp and play and parking areas by Columbus and . Those facilitiese will be on the west side of the peninsula alonv theScioto River, with the city's study to focus on recreationapl prospects for the east side of the "We want to make sure anything we consider will be compatiblr with the plans for the park and Audubon center," said Alan the city's recreation and parks director.
"Ws don't want to take away from the grea things the other folkdsare doing." Ideas to be examined include a nine-hole, par-32 golf course and a teaching and practice golf he said. Other possibilitiesw include sand volleyball open space for free play anddiscus golf. "We're lookinvg at what kind of things we can do to attracgt and create opportunities for youn people who live downtown and in the Brewery McKnight said. The study, to be conducted by Kinzelman Kline Gossmanof Columbus, is to be complete d this year.
Officials at Metro Parks and Audubo Ohio said it is possible a golf facility would fit withtheirf plans, as long as it is built to enhancde the park's environment. "Could it work? said Larry Peck, Metro deputy director. "Is it the best use? That's what the city wantzs the feasibility study tolook at." Peck is encouragefd that the study will be done by Kinzelmam Kline Gossman because the landscape planning and urban designm firm is also working with Metro Parks on its plan for the Audubon Ohio is also open to the golf facilitt idea and other uses the city wants to said Heather Starck, director of the Grange Insuranc Audubon Center to be builrt on Whittier Peninsula.
"I think there are plentyu of uses that canbe compatible," she "The city has been very good abouy bringing the three partners together to discusws all the options." Metro Parks owns 11 acres on the peninsul and will lease 69 of the 129 acress owned by the city, Peck said. In addition to the park and Audubobn center, the city's plans for the peninsulsa call for commercial andhousingh development. Use by next year? The Auduboj center will sit on five acres to be subleaseed fromMetro Parks. Named for Grangde after the Columbus insurer madea $4 million gift for the the center will be housed in an 18,000-square-foot building that will be surrounded by parkland.
Starck said the building will include a multipurpose roomfor meetings, weddings and social three classrooms; a nature store; concessions stand to serve walkers, jogger and bicyclists; a bird viewing and offices for staff. Construction is expected to begihn next May and be completed byspring 2009, Starco said. Metro Parks has already renovatedthe park'a boat ramp, demolished two warehouses, started to creatde a series of wetlands on the peninsula and beguhn to address environmental problems at the former manufacturing and dump site.
That includes razing a warehouse to make way for theAudubojn center, putting in a parking lot, adding trailsa and moving a bike path from the edge of the river into the "People can begin to enjoy the area even by next Peck said. "They will reallyh start to see a big differencrdown there."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Survey: Qualified renters tough to find - Charlotte Business Journal:
The survey of 870 property managers across the countrgy found about half werehaving difficulty. Another 81 percent worried they will not be able to find reliables residents for the rest ofthe year. “Out survey confirms that the recession has placed addex pressure on property managers and that they will continued to face economic stress through at least the end of saysMike Britti, vice president of TransUnion’sa rental screening group. According to the survey, 32 percent of respondents say vacancyy rates are higher than they were at the same time last while 48 percent said it was about the The other 20 percent say vacanciexsare lower.
•Fifty-seven percent had propertyy vacancies of 5 percentor •Twenty-two percent had property vacancies of 6-10 •Thirteen percent had property vacancies of 11-20 •Six percent had property vacancies of 21 percenr or higher.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Stormy weather is a shared economic burden - San Antonio Business Journal:
The Texas Gulf Coast is vital to the economy of with linkages to all regions of the Lone Star Without the key inputs and services provided by the industrial base locatee inthe area, prosperityt and business activity from the Panhandle to the Rio Grandre Valley and from the Big Bend to the Pine y Woods would be diminished. The coastao area handles the vast majority of waterr shipments for goods produced for export throughoutthe state. Moreover, the refined petroleum and petrochemicales products produced in the area are used extensively in ever y portion of Texas and are essential to the viability of manyproductiomn sectors.
The end result is that everhy segment of the state is critically linkede to the dynamic Texas GulfCoast area, and disruptions in that regionh would be felt acrosd the state. Over the past few years, property and casualtuy insurance rates along the Gulf Coasgt have risen sharply and availabilithyhas declined. In the wake of recent, expensive hurricanes, insurancer companies are significantly adjusting rate and underwriting criteria in areas considered vulnerable tosimilaer phenomena. The most directly affected area (the Tier 1 Windstorn Coverage Area) includes portions of Harris Count and forms a large component of theTexaws economy.
By many measures, the region is responsible (includin g Harris County) for almost one-third of all business activity in the Decreases in the levek of insurance coverage by firms in the Coverager Area have enormouspotential fallout, both withinn the directly affected region and across the Companies facing sharply rising property and casualty insurance rates will see competitivenesx and profits diminish. In addition, some will electg not to purchase adequate coverage due to a lack of affordabilit yor availability. The consequences of such decision aredecidedly negative.
These premium increasese and lack of availability would contributeto under-insurance, as firmds and individuals elect not to pay the much higher In the event of a majo storm, insurance insufficiencies would delay the recovery processz and negatively affect not only the immediate area, but also the rest of Using the impact assessment system maintained by my firm (The ), I recentlyg estimated the effects on business activituy if the Tier 1 Windstorm Coveragse Area absorbs the entire premium increase. The losses to the economty include $5.89 billion in annual output (real gross product) and 78,690 jobs.
Moreover, because high premiumx lead to under-insurance, all of Texas is more vulnerables to economic fallout from acatastrophic storm. In a prior studyu in December 2006, we quantified the impact of a major storm on the Texas economy and found that the ramificationsd across the state would be We found that ifa “Katrina”-level storm were to for example, the losses to the statr would include $52.2 billion in almost 617,000 permanent jobs, and nearly $1.8 billioh in annual State revenue. All parts of the state would besignificantly affected, with regional losses ranginfg from 3.76 percent to 9.69 percent of aggregate output.
Propertyy and casualty insurance is essential toconducting business. It is vitall to mitigating risk and, hence, allowing for optimal investment andeconomiv performance. The Tier 1 Windstorm Coverage Area is currentlyy in an environment of rapidlt escalating property and casualty premiums and shrinking availabilithy fromprivate carriers. Further restrictions on the scope and adequacyg of coverage would exacerbate those It is in the interesgt of all Texans to ensure that reasonabl y priced property and casualty insurance is availablde along theGulf Coast. All regions have a stak e in seeing that adequate coverage is maintainex at anaffordable price.
Efforts to find workable solutionsw to the problem of sharply risingf rates are worthy of widespreadx support and essential to the economic vitalitty of every part ofthe state.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Councilman Boyce appointed state treasurer - Business First of Columbus:
“I believe the job of treasurerf will be an extension ofwhat I’vre learned on council,” he said Tuesday afterr his appointment to the post by Gov. Ted Strickland. Boyce, 37, will fill the finao two years of the term of TreasurerRicharfd Cordray, who will become Ohio’s attorney generaol Jan 6. Cordray won a three-person race Nov. 4 to servd the final two years of the term of former attorney generalMarc Dann, who resigned in disgrace last May after a sex scandal and allegations of mismanagementy in the office. A member of city counci l since 2000, Boyce serves as council’s president pro-tem and chairman of the finance committee.
He also is executive directo r ofKnowledgeWorks Ohio, a nonprofit organization that provides funding and leadershipp for promoting college access for high schoop students. Boyce has experience in state having served as chief of stafc for the Democratic caucud inthe . Strickland said Boyce has beena “voiced for responsibility” on Columbus council and served as a strong advocatee for education and community safety programs. “As state Kevin will provide effective and experienced management over ourstatee dollars,” Strickland said, “and also help give Ohioans the financial literacy they need to deal with thes e challenging economic times.
” Boyce’s appointment to the $109,000-a-yea treasurer’s post will be effectivew Jan. 6, requiring him to resign from city councikby then. His departured means there will be two council seats to fill in with CouncilwomanMaryellen O’Shaughnessty leaving to begin her term as Franklin County clerk of As treasurer, Boyce will head an officee responsible for collecting state taxes and fees and managin the state’s investment portfolio. Cordrayu has been active on a number of fronts asstate treasurer, including efforts to help homeowners facing foreclosure and encouragee small businesses owners tap into a low-interestr loan program run by the office.
Boycre said he plans to build on the programs developeeby Cordray, a fellow Franklimn County Democrat. “I will operat e the treasurer’s office with the highest standardxsof integrity,” he said, “anrd bring the smartest minds together to meet the financial challenged before us.” Boyce grew up in Columbus, graduating from East High Schoo l in 1990. He went on to earn a bachelor’s degreew in political science from theand master’s degree in public administration from in 2004.