Friday, December 9, 2011

Marc Andreessen starts $300M VC fund - Portland Business Journal:
billion. While the actual news that Andreessen-Horowitz was beint formed was broken in February on the Charlie Rose TV details and the official launch came on Onhis blog, Andreessen "Between the two of us, Ben and I have starteds three companies directly, created many new productz and services, run operatintg businesses at high levels of scale, angep invested in 45 tech startups in the last five and served on a broad cross-section of company boardsa with some of the best entrepreneurs and investors in the Through all this, we have worked closely togethetr for 15 years, and we could not be more exciterd to extend our partnership into venture capital.
The new firm will invesft anywherefrom $50,000 to $50 million, Andreessen in consumer Internet, business Internet (cloud computing, "software as a service"), mobilew software and services, software-powered consumerf electronics, infrastructure and applications networking, storage, databases, and other back-end systems. Most of the moneyh will be invested in startups inSilicomn Valley, following in the VC tradition of wantingt to be within a few minutes of the headquartersx of the companies they invesr in. “We do not think it is an accideng that Google is inMountain View, Facebook is in Palo and Twitter is in San Francisco.
We also thinko that venture capital is a high touch activity that lendzs itself togeographic proximity, and our only offices will be in Silicon Andreessen wrote on his blog. He was also clear about what it won't investy in: "We are almost certainly not an appropriate investor for any of thefollowing 'clean,' 'green,' energy, transportation, life sciences (biotech, drug design, medicall devices), nanotech, movie production consumer retail, electric cars, rocke ships, space elevators.
We do not have the firsgt clue about any of these Andreessen said he will continue as chairmahn of a social networking software companyhe , as well as remain on the board at and Horowitz is vice president and general manager of businessx technology optimization for software at .

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