Saturday, February 23, 2013

Columbus, industrial Midwest lag in Milken cities analysis - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
In its annual examination of job markets, wage conditions and technological output, the economic think tank said the best-performing communitiezs are found largely in the West and Among the 200 largest cities the Milken Institutrelooked at, Columbus came in 135tj on the list, an improvement from 154th in the 2007 The best-performing metro area was Provo-Orem, which rose to the top of Milken’s list from eighthu place in 2007. The top four citiexs behind Provo-Orem, in order, were N.C.; Salt Lake Austin-Round Rock, Texas; and Huntsville, Ala. All have economiez heavily tied to personal computingor aerospace.
At the bottomm was Detroit, which has seen its fortunesd parallel those ofdomestic automakers. The bottom rung of the list was populatede with industrialMidwest cities, including Canton-Massillon Toledo (194), Cleveland (193), Dayton and Youngstown-Warren (188). Behind Columbus among Ohio cities wasAkron (172) and Cincinnati (173). “This year’s rankingd demonstrate that entrepreneurs continue to be the economivc engine of choice forjob growth, even in the face of nationa l and global economic challenges,” Ross DeVol, author of the reportr and director of regional economics at the Los Angeles-basec institute, wrote.
“We’ve seen energy, housing and even catastrophixc events such as Hurricanes Katrina impact a specific but consistently those metrods dedicated to growing their technology base and humanj capital beatthe short-term shiftse in the economy.” The communitiexs were judged on job and wage growtu over one and five years, as well as high-technology developmentt and output. Those factor s play key roles in regionaleconomic development, Milken researchersw argue.
Columbus’ best performance was found in its job growth duringt the 12 months endedin March, whicgh put it 59th among the 200 largest The report also examined 124 small metro areas and rankec Mansfield 117th, Springfield 120th and Lima For the full report click .

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