Monday, February 18, 2013

Got questions about the stimulus? - bizjournals:
At this point, is the stimulus package that you supporterd helpingthe economy? “We are startinbg to see positive signs in the econom in terms of the markert stabilizing, home sales are starting to level off and increas in some areas and consumer confidencwe is improving,” said U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter, “I think the $8,00o0 first-time homebuyer tax credit is priming the pump inhome sales. This over 91,000 of my constituente who are onSocial Security, Railroadx and VA benefits will get their benefit These payments will help seniors across the country, many of whom are reallg hurting in this economy.
“We have also seen NREL recentlty awardedover $126 million for infrastructure improvements and importanft wind, solar and biofuel research,” Perlmutter said. “This investmen t in the finest renewable energg lab will help create hundreds of How long will it take for Colorado to receivde all of the money that is comingto it, and what are you doinyg to oversee that? “Many of the fundinbg streams will take up to two years to hit Colorado, particularlhy in many of the competitive renewable energy research grants,” Perlmutter “Some of the funding is already reachinh our community. This week, CDOT broke ground on a projecton I-70 in my district.
I am prouf to say the company who gotthis project’s bid is in the 7th Congressionao District. “My office has also established an economi c recovery team to make sure my district maximizesx the opportunities available in thestimulus package. We have alreadu identified over $400 million in HR 1 funding forthe district.” What do state leaders and Colorado’s congressional delegation have to do to scoo p up money that goes unused by other states? Do you expecyt there to be much of that available ?
“At this point, I have not heard the details for how much money certain states will give back to the Treasuryy Department or how Colorado will be able to apply for the Perlmutter said. “My office is watching the developmentx carefully, and is in close communicationwith Gov. Ritterr and the Colorado delegation to ensure Colorado makes the most of thestimulu package.” At this point, has the stimulue plan that you opposefd helped the economy? “Stimulus spending has made a big difference in helpinyg save and create government jobs, but it has yet to have much of an impacrt to the private sector,” said U.S. Rep. Mike R-Colorado.
“Very little of the $787 billioh has been spent.” Do you believe that we will see a push for a seconrstimulus package, and is this a discussiom that should even be considered ? “The discussion about a second rounrd of deficit spending to stimulate the economy has vanished along with any evidence that the first rounx has done anything besides drivs our nation dangerously into debt,” Coffmann said. In talking to businesses in your district, have thosre that wanted access to the stimulus moneg been able toget it? If not, what can you as a congressma do to ensure everyone has a shot at it?
“The so-callex stimulus package has been centered on spendiny to sustain and grow governmeny programs,” Coffman said. “Local governments have complained to me abouty the fairness in the distributiom ofthe funding, particularly in the area of My office stands by to help both contractors and subcontractors doingf work based on stimulus dollars for agencies of state and local governments.” Will the ARRA be more likelu to help small business or large ones? “I thinjk everyone benefits.
The big companies subcontract to the small companie and thatbenefits We’re a medium-sized company, and we benefit, and our subs that are quotint on certain portions of the work that the general contractors don’tt do, they benefit too,” said Rick chief estimator and vice president, in Denver. New Design has a $1.4 milliojn contract, paid for with stimulus to repair concrete slabs on about threew miles of Interstate 70 betweenn Wadsworth Boulevard and Kipling a project that will employ 15 to20 “It’s set to help all Colorado’s construction market is so We have large international playerxs and small, well-known private companiess that have been in the busineszs for years.
But it’s not gearex toward any one businessor sector,” said Wes vice president and general asphalt and construction division of -Westr Central Region Inc. in Golden. The company broke ground May 19 ona $407,407 repaving job of Belleview Avenue between Federal Boulevard and Santa Fe Drive. The job, paid for with stimulusw money, will employ 15-20 people — includinb seven who were recalled to work atthe company, havinhg been laid off during the winter slowdown in road It’s the first road project involvingb stimulus money to break

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